預備好 在三月四日(March 4th)起行軍前進(March Forth)


一個全球性的改變正在發生。 在2月份有暴風席捲美國,把全美很多的樹木吹倒。同時有許多的獨裁者被逼下台,這些事件象徵著每一個領域的領導層都正在發生重大的轉移。


三月四日(March 4th)

這是策略性的一週和翻轉的一個月。 我聽見神說:“預備好在三月四日(March 4th)起行軍前進(March Forth)。”


七年的歸回Seven-Year Return

在二月最後一週,每天早上五點在家中,我都被主的同在喚醒。 神開始對我說關於從現在開始到今年年底,我們正在進入的一些特定的時刻。我的聖經掉下來時剛好停在列王記下第四章,講到先知以利沙叫書念婦人的兒子從死裏復活。就在她經歷一連串奇妙事情發生後,飢荒便臨到那地,而她必須放下所有,離開那地七年。


先知性的話語:神預備好要恢復那些祂曾經給我們的應許,而一切其實從2004年就開始鋪排發生。  祂正在安排一些屬神的相遇,以至於你能夠在對的地方,對的時間去領受令人吃驚的恩寵。


三月會像獅子一樣的進來,像羔羊一般的出去。 有一些看似負面的事情可能將會發生,但神會急速使一切翻轉,把負面的變爲好。現在事情看起來是困難的,但未來幾個月,我們要帶著更大的勇敢和信心,向前邁進。

艾˙道格 Doug Addison
光中連結 InLight Connection

Get Ready to 'March Forth' Starting on March 4th"

Winds of Change

There is a global change that is happening right now. The windstorms that we had in February blew down trees all across the U.S. Along with the number of dictators being forced out, these events are symbolic of a major shift happening in leadership right now in every arena.

We are entering into a truly revolutionary time in which justice is being served. All that was lost or stolen is being returned and those who have been mistreated or held back will start seeing new freedom.

March 4th

This is a strategic week and a month of turnaround. I heard God say, "Get ready to 'March Forth' starting on March 4th."

I had released a prophetic word at the beginning of the year that March would be a pivotal time (click here to view). Over the next few weeks you can expect to see new opportunities open up. The resistance and warfare that has stopped us will begin to lighten up, as new assignments from Heaven will begin to bring a new alignment on earth. It is an exciting time.

Seven-Year Return

During the last week of February I was awakened with the presence of God in my house nearly every morning at 5 a.m. God spoke to me about the specific time we are entering now through the end of the year. My Bible fell open to 2 Kings where the Shunammite woman had her son raised from the dead by the prophet Elisha (2 Kings 4). Just after she had experienced several amazing miracles there was a famine in the land and she had to leave everything for a seven-year period.

The woman returned to her home and went to the King to request that she get the land back which she had lost. At the very moment she approached the King, Elisha's servant who had witnessed the miracle seven years before, was telling the amazing story to the King. God arranged this timing for the woman to get back all that she had lost seven years prior.

Prophetic word: God is ready to restore things that were promised to us and were just starting to happen in 2004. He is arranging divine encounters where you will be at the right place and the right time to receive an amazing amount of favor.

To respond to this we must review what was happening in 2004 and ask the King for all that was lost or cut short.

March will come in like a lion and go out like a lamb. There will be some things that may happen that seem negative but God will quickly turn them around for good. Things may seem difficult now but moving into the next few months is a time to move forward with moreboldness and confidence.