中國 — 為中國禱告,當他們從2008年5月12日的地震中逐漸恢復時,這場地震已造成上萬人死亡,更有數千人陷入困境。禱告被活埋在瓦礫堆中及山崩之下的倖存者被發現並獲救。禱告數千名受傷的倖存者,能得到屬靈及肉體上的醫治。當中國在此危機時,禱告教會能以空前的方式提供幫助給這個國家。同時,中國最近反對家教會基督徒的活動更加劇烈。為在中國受迫害的基督肢體禱告。為他們身體健康及那些在獄中的肢體可以立刻被宣判無罪、獲得釋放禱告。

北韓 — 北韓前任警察及安全局官員,最近告訴美國政府團體,他們的主管機關已經指示他們要偽裝成基督徒,滲透「地下」禱告會以便控告、逮捕,將北韓的基督徒下在監裡,甚至將他們處死。禱告基督徒能看穿這些計謀,有超自然的保護臨到,並且那些偽裝成基督徒的人能經歷真實的改變,接受基督為主。禱告豐盛的糧食遍佈整個國家,信徒也能自由地分享這份豐盛。

哈薩克 — 目前有一條新法律正等待總統弩索坦的簽字,而該法律將嚴重阻止哈薩克的宗教自由。禱告這條法律不會通過且總統能信主得救。

— 請繼續為塔吉克非常困難的經濟情況禱告。最近當地人才從一場嚴峻的寒冬中倖存下來。據報告指出,現已有超過200名孩童因為暴露在寒冬之下而死亡。禱告神的大豐收造訪他們,並為祂榮耀的緣故,供應每個人在屬靈及肉體方面的需要。

土庫曼 — 來自當地宗教事務處的十名官員、警察、秘密警察、司法部及國稅局突襲一個聖經課。這些官員說他們想要知道有多少人參與這個課程,那些人是誰,以及是否教會的資料文件都井然有序。為該國的宗教自由禱告,求神使教會不再被威嚇、受迫害。

伊拉克 — 為蓋達組織領袖艾爾•馬斯里(Al-Masni)被捕禱告,他同時也使用另一個名字叫做阿布•哈姆札.阿爾-穆哈迦(Abu Hamza al-Muhajir)。美國國家安全局年度恐怖主義報告提到,即使2006年至2007年之間,蓋達組織在伊拉克發動的攻擊有下滑的趨勢,但該組織仍應對全球60%恐怖主義所造成的災禍負起責任。禱告蓋達組織被混亂攪擾,無法再重新組織、招募或有能力來實行他們的計畫。禱告他們的領袖有改信基督的經歷。(提前2:1-4)
伊朗 — 禱告伊朗會終止他們的富鈾方案,因為此案將導致核子炸彈的生產。禱告伊朗會成為一個根據聖經原則來治理的基督教國家。

烏茲別克斯坦 — 為信徒有智慧來傳福音禱告,儘管當地有政府加諸在教會身上嚴格的限制。為那些在神所賜異象中前進的人,要建立教會及興起新同工和門徒讚美神。
日本 -

吉爾吉斯 - 禱告有智慧的領導來幫助改善經濟與失業問題,因為目前該國有超過270,000失業人口。禱告信徒們在促進國家經濟發展上居領導角色,基督徒能從每個經濟改善方面受惠。

阿富汗 - 當蓋達組織的恐怖份子去年在阿富汗的攻擊增加到16%時,求神阻撓該組織的計畫。求神大能地推翻像木偶般地利用蓋達組織的黑暗權勢,使百姓得自由來敬拜神。(林後3:17)

巴格達 - 在Mymensingh區的穆斯林村民,積極地清除該區域由一位當地牧師所做的基督徒服事,而該名牧師13歲的女兒不幸在2008年5月2日遭到幫派份子性侵害。禱告這些攻擊者會面臨公義的處置。禱告神聖的保護臨到這位牧師並其它遭到死亡威脅的信徒身上。
蒙古 — 禱告在蒙古較稚嫩的教會中能教導神的話,門徒訓練能轉化他們的生命,以致他們能轉化國家,傳講神的國。

西藏 — 為西藏禱告,為中國領袖是否決定回應西藏因俱增的鎮壓所造成的苦境,或與達賴喇嘛對話禱告。

北韓 — 為真實的宗教自由禱告,人們能敬拜獨一真神不被嚴格限制。禱告神保守北韓的基督徒免遭逼迫,在信仰中仍剛強壯膽,迫害者將面對公義的處置。

哈薩克 — 禱告政府當局能停止對未註冊教會團體的騷擾。禱告教會在屬靈權柄上能興起,阻止撒但計畫對他們國家進行的邪惡伎倆。(林後 10:4-5) 
中國 – 為中國北京奧運的預備禱告。有些國家為著西藏獨立抵制北京奧運。禱告中國政府的領導者有從神來的智慧與平安。

西藏 – 西藏正為獨立奮戰,禱告這個國家將經歷轉化進入和平及穩定。

蒙古 – 蒙古正試著和其他國家發展關係。禱告蒙古不只是追求經濟利益,同時也追求屬靈成長。

日本 – 為日本年輕的基督徒禱告,越來越多的年輕信徒被興起並關心神的國度。

南北韓 – 為南北韓的和平進程禱告。禱告雙方的領導人有智慧。

土庫曼 - 為當地持續因目前政權逼迫而受苦的信徒禱告。即便在嚴重的迫害中,禱告神的國度會擴展,教會能增長。 

吉爾吉斯 – 為復興和信徒加增禱告。也為其他中亞國家禱告,福音工作在合一中有效地擴展。

阿富汗 – 為阿富汗的基督徒禱告。迫切地為阿富汗成為政權穩定及和平的國家禱告。為孩童能得到最基本的日用飲食供應、有乾淨的飲用水和健全的醫療照顧禱告。

伊朗 – 為伊朗基督徒的安全和保護禱告。為伊朗、敘利亞、黎巴嫩和西岸之間的關係禱告-為伊朗不會在幕後主使或繼續供應這些國家武器禱告。為伊朗打破仇敵的圍困並進入與神與以色列的和平關係禱告。

伊拉克 – 繼續為著伊拉克政權的穩定禱告。為新政府和政府領導團隊能盡快成形禱告。
烏茲別克斯坦—求神使烏茲別克斯坦的信徒在面對逼迫時有力量並且能堅忍。求神差遣天使長米迦勒摧毀致使教會受迫害的黑暗權勢。(但10:20-21) 為那些失蹤的教會領袖禱告,使他們平安返回,並且迫害者能面對公義的處置。






Turkmenistan – There are only three or four registered churches in the country. Most Christian Believers still meet secretly. However, there are reports of people coming to faith and the Gospel of Jesus Christ moving forward. Pray those who boldly share their faith will continue to do so regardless of the harsh consequences they may face. 

Kazakhstan - Please pray especially at this time for religious freedom to continue in Kazakhstan. Up until recently, Kazakhstan has been the country with the most religious freedom in Central Asia. However, in the past few months, the situation has worsened considerably. The Kazakhstan National Security Committee has been raiding churches, confiscating computers and questioning church workers and church members. Pray that God will empower the Christian Church to reach all of Kazakhstan
Tajikistan - Pray that the proposed new law which would greatly restrict religious freedom will not be passed. There is an attempt to curtail the activities of mission organizations and churches. Pray for the Gospel of Jesus Christ to go forth despite all of these challenges.

China – As the upcoming Beijing Olympics may present a great opportunity for China, pray that God will use this time as one to demonstrate His glory and greatness in the eyes of the world. Pray Mark 4:22 over the horrific human rights violations and persecution of Chinese Christians and that God will expose China’s treatment of God’s people to the world. Pray that the government will represent all of the people in China fairly.

Iraq – Pray for the immediate and ongoing protection of Iraqi Christians. Pray that these Christians would remain strong and united. Pray for God’s supernatural provision for His people.


Uzbekistan – Pray that Christian Believers will be directed by the Lord as they spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ despite the harsh restrictions that the government has placed upon the Church. Praise God for those who are moving forward in the vision that God has given them to plant churches and raise up new workers.

Kyrgyzstan - Praise God that the Presidential Administration has rejected a harsh new decree which would have brought sweeping controls on religious activity. Pray that the Holy Spirit will direct the State Agency for Religious Affairs to write the final draft of the Religion Law so that it protects the Kyrgyz Church and all its people. Pray that the Church will freely follow Christ without persecution.

Iran - Since the country believes apostasy is a crime, pray specifically for Muslims who convert to Christianity as they potentially face the death penalty. Pray that God will use Muslim background Believers to powerfully impact their nations for Christ. 2008-03-25
North Korea - Pray for North Korean refugees in China to not be repatriated and to embrace the Gospel.

Kazakhstan - Pray for the Christian Church in Kazakhstan to stand strong against opposing forces. Praise God for 24-hour prayer houses that are rising up and for intercessors that are praying. Pray for freedom for the Gospel to continue in this strategic country.

China - Thank and praise God for the growth of the Christian Church in China, and pray that many more people in that country will recognize Jesus as their Lord and Savior

Tajikistan - The government has drafted a new law to limit religious freedom. If passed, a church in Dushanbe (the capital) would need 2,000 members in order to be registered, churches in villages would need 400 members. This is virtually impossible as there are no churches this large, even in Dushanbe. This is the government s strategy to close down the churches. Please pray that this law will not be passed. 

Turkmenistan – Praise God that there is a report of one new church receiving registration. The social systems have improved slightly. Let us pray that these positive changes continue.
Iraq – There is a small but growing number of Kurdish Christians in the north of Iraq. Some have been martyred for following Jesus. Pray that God would watch over His beloved and rescue them from death.
Iran - Pray for those being used as puppets to do the will of demonic forces in Iran.

Afghanistan – Last month the only five-star hotel in Kabul was bombed by terrorists. The Taliban have said they are changing strategies and targeting foreigners and have mentioned restaurants specifically. Please pray for the safety of foreign workers in the country.

Kyrgyzstan - Pray for wise leadership for this nation that will seek the best interests of its citizens

Bangladesh - Pray that new Christian Believers from non-Christian backgrounds would be strengthened in their faith and courageous in sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with others.

Japan - Pray that the Japanese will see that the most important treasures are not on earth but stored in heaven.

北韓—感謝主保護那些逃到中國,以及那些在中國冒險幫助他們的信徒的人身安全。求神使這些脫逃能繼續。 North Korea - Thank God for the safety of those who escape to China and for the Chinese Christians who risk everything to help them. Pray that these escapes will continue.

Kazakhstan - Thank God that only several years ago there were hardly any Christians in Kazakhstan, but now there are more than 6,000 in over 40 congregations. Pray that the Christian Church will continue to grow among young people.


China - Praise God for the Christians in China who have suffered harsh persecution, but have remained faithful and committed.

Turkmenistan – Pray that Christians would stand firm in what they believe and speak out against injustice.