

作者:約翰-貝爾特 John Belt
來源:以利亞名單 https://www.elijahlist.com/words/display_word.html?ID=28981 
轉載、轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網






在尋求神的地方,祂以祂的仁慈給予我們更多:更多的理解、更多的啟示、更多的方向和更多的祂的同在。我們如何尋求神呢?保羅明白這一點,保羅告訴我們要把心思放在上面的事,而不是地上的事上。上帝希望我們有屬天的思想,這樣我們就能成為 "地上的良善"。所有的良善都來自於天上。









1. 認識到你的屬靈狀況。對自己誠實。你在向什麼妥協?你是把罪說成是罪,還是為它辯解?你是否意識到神的話語是生活的絕對標準,還是你只是按照自己的觀點生活?

2. 悔改犯罪和妥協的生活方式。我們要叫出罪的本質。耶穌為我們的罪而死,使我們可以從罪中獲得自由。你沒有得到生活在罪中的恩典,而是得到從罪中解脫的恩典。

3. 選擇跟隨耶穌,聽從祂的聲音。毫不妥協地對耶穌說 "是"。遵循祂對你生活的指示。按祂的真理生活,因為聖經是你生活的標準。不接受其他東西。當你用神的話語--聖經--充滿你的心時,你就會學習將你的心調到祂的聲音。當祂親自對你說話時,要聽從祂的聲音。

4. 歡迎聖靈進入你的生活。耶穌告訴我們,祂將派遣保惠師--聖靈。祂不是一種選擇,而是我們被命令靠聖靈生活。神的兒子被神的靈,即聖靈所引領(羅馬書8:14)。

5. 努力改變你目前的生活方式。在你的選擇上要實際。你要做的事情將使你與神的關係變得活潑和有經驗!

6. 關係的關鍵:
a. 通過禁食、禱告和學習神的話語尋求神。
b. 選擇每天默想神的話語。
c. 用新的聖潔的習慣取代舊的罪的習慣。你必須改變罪惡模式的循環。如果你目前擁有的朋友將你引向錯誤的方向,你可能必須找到新的朋友。當你跟隨耶穌時,你必須成為領導者。你在跟隨祂的過程中領導別人。

7. 明白你代表耶穌和祂的王國,而不是一個宗教機構。找到一個以推進祂的國度為宗旨的教會家庭。與追求神的信徒們在一起。

8. 學習享受上帝。上帝是樂趣、冒險和發現的創造者。祂是永恆的,所以祂永遠不會耗盡冒險!上帝希望你能在祂那裡找到你的喜樂。當你學會享受主時,祂的恩惠就會像河流一樣流進你的生命。



Breaking Through Into New Places
John Belt, Oklahoma City, OK
Mar 5, 2023

Simple Obedience

God wants us to be breaking through into new places as He is always calling us to come up higher. All that is required is for us to say yes. It is His grace and Spirit that will help us to do all that pleases Him.

God does not require us to know all the details of how to do things, but looks for simple obedience. When we say yes to Him, then He will speak more details to us. He shows us what to do as we give Him the "OK."

Tuning in to His Channel

At this point, all He requires from us, as always, is to follow the directions. But what does it take for us to get on His frequency? There has to be a hunger and desire for more of Him, His will and His desire for our lives. This is the starting point. If this is not there, then we can't even begin to follow God. Are we finding our contentment in HIM or are we just content with nothing? If we find our contentment in Him, we will seek Him MORE because that is where our satisfaction is found.

In the place of seeking God, He, in His goodness, gives us more: more understanding, more revelation, more direction and more of His presence. How do we seek God? Paul understood this as he told us to set our minds on things above, not on the things of the earth. God wants us to be heavenly minded so we can be "earthly good." All goodness is sourced from Heaven.

Make It Personal

As we press in for more of His glory, it begins with our own lives. If we want revival in the world, our nation, our region, our city or our church, it first begins with more of His glory in us personally. It is superficial to say we want more of God when it is not accompanied with sacrifice. There is a price to pay for breakthrough, and we must be willing to take the first steps. 

We need to get on God's frequency. Jesus told us that His sheep hear His voice, but we, as His sheep, must be in tune to His voice. We cannot live in compromise with the spirit of the world and expect to hear the voice of God. Why? Because that is being in tune with a different kingdom, a different sound and a different voice.

Sensitize Your Heart

As Believers in Jesus, we need to learn how to sensitize our hearts to His Spirit. There is a seduction that comes from the spirit of the world to stuff our spiritual ears with junk so that we no longer discern the voice of God. There is compromise that comes when we submit to a religious spirit rather than the Holy Spirit. It causes us to no longer function in the Kingdom of God, but rather to become a puppet in a form of godliness that has no power (2 Timothy 3:5).

This is why we need to practice not just what some call the presence of God, but the presence of the Holy Spirit. We need to practice the glory of God – the reality of God's presence discovered and experienced in the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

Eight Practical Steps

What are some practical steps we can take to move into this reality of the Holy Spirit that has been bought and paid for through the most costly sacrifice of Jesus Christ?

1. REALIZE your spiritual condition. Be honest with yourself. What are you compromising? Do you call sin what it is, or just justify it? Do you realize God's Word is the absolute standard to live by, or are you just living by your own opinions?

2. REPENT of a lifestyle of sin and compromise. We are to call sin what it is. Jesus died for our SINS that we might be free from sin. You don't get grace to live in sin, but grace to be free from it.

3. CHOOSE to follow Jesus and obey His voice. Say YES to Jesus without compromise. Follow His directions for your life. Live by His truth, as the Bible is your standard for living. Accept nothing else. As you fill your heart with the Word of God – Scripture – then you will be learning to tune your heart to His voice. When He speaks personally to you, obey His voice.

4. WELCOME the Holy Spirit into your life. Jesus told us that He would send the HELPER – the Holy Spirit. He is not an option, but we are commanded to live by the Spirit. The sons of God are led by the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:14).

5. MAKE AN EFFORT to change your current lifestyle. Be practical in your choices. You want to do things that will make your relationship with God living and experiential!


a. Seek God through fasting, prayer and studying God's Word.
b. Make the words of God your choice meditation every day.
c. Replace old sin habits with new holy habits. You must change the cycle of sin patterns. You may have to find new friends if the ones you currently have lead you in the wrong direction. You have to be the leader as you follow Jesus. You lead others as you follow Him. (Photo via Unsplash)

7. UNDERSTAND that you represent Jesus and His Kingdom, not a religious institution. Find a church family that is about advancing His Kingdom. Surround yourself with Believers who are in pursuit of God.

8. LEARN TO ENJOY GOD. God is the creator of fun, adventure and discovery. He is eternal, so He never runs out of adventures! God desires you to find your JOY in Him. When you learn to enjoy the Lord, His goodness flows like a river into your life.

A Higher Place

God wants you to break into a new place – a higher place. The good news is that there is no limit to how high you can go! If you sense you need breakthrough, set your heart in His direction in a fresh, new way. Set your course for adventure in the Lord, as He want to use you in ways that you cannot even imagine!