
He Will Open The Right Door!
作者:翟辛蒂 Cindy Jacobs
轉載/轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網

大家好。我剛才在問上帝該和你們分享什麼,我有一個小小的異象。我看到你們中的一些人,甚至是我自己,在拍打一扇關閉的門。你們只是在祈禱和說:"開門!" 而你對那扇門沒有打開感到非常不安。但主會對你說:"相信我,我會打開正確的門。" 事實上,我看到一個異象,你們中的一些人正在敲打錯誤的門,你們對主很不滿。但祂在說:"我要給你更好的東西。我要給你一些比你認為你想要的好得多的東西。"

主說:"那些被魔鬼抵制的人,你們將在一個突然的時刻看到突破。" 事實上,它將使你吃驚。我覺得你們中的一些人一直在祈禱,祈禱,祈禱,而現在,突然間......砰!它將會被完成。你的醫治將在那裡,財產將在那裡,你需要的任何東西都將在那裡,你將會感到震驚。你就會說:"哇,這真的發生了嗎?"

對我來說,有好幾次我相信一些事情的醫治。這不是在醫治事工中,但當它發生時,我只是覺得一般。突然間,我想到了:等一下......我被醫治了!" 所以我想對你說以賽亞書22:22中所說的:"我將打開一扇無人能關的門。"

主正在向我表明,祂正在為你的財務,為你的資本投資所需,為你的家庭所需,為你的供應所需準備正確的門,最好的門,正確的方式。主在說:"答案就在路上"。我看到你在敲打那扇門,但主說:"相信我,我會打開正確的門。" 上帝祝福你!

He Will Open The Right Door!
Cindy Jacobs

Hi everyone. I was just asking God what to share with you and I had a little vision. I saw some of you, and even myself, beating on a closed door. You were just praying and saying, "Open up!” And you were so upset that that door was not opening. But the Lord would say to you, "Trust me that I will open the right door." In fact, I see a vision that some of you are beating on the wrong door and you're upset with the Lord. But He is saying, "I'm going to give you something better. I'm going to give you something much better than what you thought you wanted.”

The Lord says, "And the ones that are being resisted by the devil, you're going to see a breakthrough in a moment that will be sudden." In fact, it's going to surprise you. I feel like some of you have been praying and praying and praying and now, all of a sudden… BOOM! It’s going to be done. Your healing will be there, the property will be there, whatever you need will be there, and you're going to be astounded. You're just going to go, "Wow, did that really just happen?”

For me, there have been times where I believed for healings for some things. It wasn't in a healing service or anything, but when it happened, I just felt normal. And all of a sudden, it would occur to me: "Wait a minute… I got healed!” So I want to say to you what it says in Isaiah 22:22. "I'm going to open a door that no man can shut."

The Lord is showing me that He is preparing the right door, the best door, the right way, for your finances, for what you need for capital investment, for what you need for your family, for what you need for provision. The Lord is saying, "The answer is on the way." I see you beating on that door, but the Lord says, "Trust me, I will open the right door." God bless you!