
每日先知性話語:2018年7月07 / 08日
中譯:David 職場恩膏
轉載、轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網

艾道格(Doug Addison) 每日先知性話語 (作者6月預先領受、於7月按日發佈):

Be open to God using you in strange and unusual ways.

布蘭德·庫尼曼(Brenda Kunneman) 每日先知性話語:潔淨與釋放

”要知道 藉著我對你所說過的話語,現在你是乾淨的了。我已經潔淨了你、且釋放你脫離一切讓你感到羞辱或降級的東西。是的,我已經釋放了你、而且把純潔的旗幟放在你頭上。“ 詩51:7 求你用牛膝草潔淨我,我就乾淨;求你洗滌我,我就比雪更白。
Clean and Free:”Know that you are clean now through the word that I have spoken to you. I have cleansed you and set you free from all that would make you feel dishonored or degraded. Yes, I have freed you and placed the banner of purity over your head.” Psalms 51:7 Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.

比爾·伯恩斯(Bill Burns) 每日先知性話語:

我聽到主說 這是一個信任的問題。如果你全心地信靠我;如果你從今天起 願意與我同行、那麼我將帶你進入你所住日子之榮耀的光中。而且,我將會揭露你所居住之時刻與季節的本質。難道我不會帶領你在公義的路徑上、安全的路徑上、以及會帶你到比你以往任何時候還要更高的路徑上嗎?主說,難道我不會在這末後的日子與你同在嗎?我不僅會與你同在,而且、因為我的教會的榮耀將會更加地明亮、而你會是其中的一部份,(所以)我已經揀選了你在這些時刻活出你的生命。我已揀選了你、因為你有決心。你已經通過了某些(困難的)事物、而你並沒有放棄。在那些煩惱/苦惱的時期中,你已經與我同行了。你不得不離開那些不像你那樣想或像你一樣相信的人,從而你一遍又一遍地為我做出了選擇。我將要尊榮(你的)這些選擇、並帶領你進入這日子的榮耀之中,主神說。
I hear the Lord saying that this is an issue of trust. If you trust in Me with all of your heart; if you’ll walk with Me from this day forward I will bring you in to the glorious light of the day that you live in. And, I will reveal the essence of the times and seasons that you dwell in. Will I not lead you on the paths of righteousness; the paths of safety; the paths that take you higher than ever you have been before? Will I not be with you in these last days, says the Lord? Not only will I be with you, but I have chosen you to live your life in these times because the glory of My church shall shine ever brighter, and you will be a part of that. I have chosen you because you have determination. You’ve been through some things and you have not given up. You’ve walked with Me in times that were troubling. You had to walk away from people who did not think like you did or believe like you did, and you made your choices for Me over and over again. I will honor those choices and bring you in to the glory of this day, says the Lord God.

貝弗·羅賓森(Bev Robinson) 每日先知性話語:

你會聽到的將會是純潔的智慧。為什麼?它將是直接來自於我的心腸與心思。它將是均衡地帶著理性的情感。它將會印證某些你一直在做的事物,並鼓勵你(繼續)保持在正軌之上、繼續進行目前的行動進程。你正運作在看不到/隱密的、自然層面上的信任/信託之中,然而、你的心眼卻是大大張開的。藉著跟隨我,你將會看到你應該去實行/完成的事物。 詩37:30-31 義人的口談論智慧;他的舌頭講說公平。神的律法在他心裡;他的腳總不滑跌。
What you will hear will be pure wisdom. Why? It will be straight from My heart and mind. It will be emotion mixed equally with reason. It will confirm some things that you have been doing and encourage you to stay on the right track, continuing the present course of action. You are operating in blind trust, blind physically, but with the eyes of your heart wide open. You will see what you should be doing by following Me. Psalm 37:30-31 (NIV) "The mouth of the righteous man utters wisdom, and his tongue speaks what is just. The law of his God is in his heart; his feet do not slip."