
每週一妥拉 2018/3/25-/3/31


Israel Clouds




第一天(三月31日星期六):出埃及記12:21-51; 民數記28:16-25; 約書亞記3:5-7; 5:2-6:1: 6:27 


第二天(四月1日星期日):利未記22:26-23:44; 民數記 28:16-25列王記下 23: 1-9; 21-25 




這一天也是『數算禾捆』的第一天,一直到七七節/五旬節Shavuot/ Pentecost (利未記23:15)

第三天(四月2日星期一):出埃及記13:1-16; 民數記28:16-25 


第四天(四月3日星期二):出埃及記22:25-23:19; 民數記 28:16-25 


第五天(四月4日星期三):出埃及記34:1-26; 民數記 28:16-25


第六天(四月5日星期四):出埃及記9:1-14; 民數記 28:16-25 

出埃及記這一段經文敘述主對法老的命令:『容我百姓去,好事奉我。』若法老拒絕,主會『分別以色列的牲畜和埃及的牲畜』,祂審判的手會臨到埃及。在此發生後,法老的心剛硬,神讓埃及人身上長了瘡,法老的心仍舊剛硬。最後,摩西清早起來,站在法老面前,對他說:『耶和華─希伯來人的神這樣說:容我的百姓去,好事奉我。因為這一次我要叫一切的災殃臨到你和你臣僕並你百姓的身上,叫你知道在普天下沒有像我的 (出埃及記9:13b-14)。 

第七天(四月6日星期五。『安息日』):出埃及記13:17-15:26; 民數記28:16-25; 撒母耳記下 22:1-51 

出埃及記這一段經文敘述以色列兒女按著順序出紅海,日間,耶和華在雲柱中領他們的路;夜間,在火柱中光照他們。法老追趕他們,紅海打開讓以色列人通過,埃及的軍兵卻被摧毀。以色列人唱著紅海之歌:『我要向耶和華歌唱,因祂大大戰勝,將馬和騎馬的投在海中!』到了瑪拉,因為水苦而不能喝那裡的水,摩西把樹丟在水裡,水就變甜了。主勸誡他們說:『你若留意聽耶和華─你神的話,又行我眼中看為正的事,留心聽我的誡命,守我一切的律例,我就不將所加與埃及人的疾病加在你身上,因為我─耶和華是醫治你的』(出埃及記15:26)。撒母耳記下則是美妙的詩篇,當耶和華救大衛脫離一切仇敵和掃羅之手的日子,他向耶和華念這詩(這首詩也記載在詩篇18篇):耶和華是我的巖石,我的山寨,我的救主,我的神,我的磐石,我所投靠的。祂是我的盾牌,是拯救我的角,是我的高臺,是我的避難所。我的救主啊,祢是救我脫離強暴的。我要求告當讚美的耶和華,這樣,我必從仇敵手中被救出來。耶和華啊,因此我要在外邦中稱謝祢,歌頌祢的名。 (撒母耳記下22:1-4, 50) 

第八天(四月7日星期六:只有在以色列之外的人守第八日):申命記15:19-16:17;民數記 28:16-25; 以賽亞書10:32-12:6 

雅歌(Shir haShirim 


祝您有一個喜樂的逾越節PESACH S'ME'AH!

馬汀和娜瑪賽維士(Martin & Norma Sarvis



From ancient times there has been a weekly portion (Parashah) from the first five books of Moses (The Torah) and an ending (Haftarah) from the Prophets read on the Sabbath in synagogues around the world.  This portion is given a Hebrew name drawn from the opening words of the Torah passage. An illustration of this practice appears to have been recorded in Luke 4:16 where Yeshua (Jesus) arrived in the synagogue in Nazareth and was asked to read the portion (Isaiah 61) from the Prophets.  We have found that in perusing these weekly readings, not only are we provided opportunity to identify in the context of God’s Word with millions of Jewish people around the world, but very often the Holy Spirit will illumine specific passages pertinent that week in our intercession for the Land and people of Israel.  The Haftarah, unless otherwise noted, will be that read in Ashkenazy synagogues around the world. The references for all texts are those found in English translations of the Scriptures.

Israel Clouds
Pray for the presence of Ruach haKodesh—the Holy Spirit/Holy Wind—
to attend the Holy Word which will be read throughout the week of Passover!


Provided for those of our readers who may wish to follow the passages read next Saturday and the week following in synagogues around the world.

Day 1 (Saturday 31 March):  Exodus 12:21-51; Numbers 28:16-25; Joshua 3:5-7; 5:2—6:1: 6:27

The Exodus passage recounts the first Passover, the slaying of the lamb and the placing of blood on the doorposts, the passing of YHVH through Egypt, the “skipping over” of those households with blood on the doors, the striking of the Firstborn of Egypt; the sending of Israel out of the Land, their going out arrayed as armies of the LORD 430 year to the day after being exiled to Egypt.  The Numbers readingdetails the sacrifices to be offered on Passover during future observances (This reading will be repeated in some form each day throughout the week).  The Haftarah from Joshua details the time, over forty years later, when the next generation, before entering at last into Canaan is required to be circumcised.  After this is done and the reproach of Egypt was rolled off of them at Gilgal, the Children of Israel celebrate Passover in the Land on the plains of Jericho, the manna ceases, and the Commander of the Army of the LORD appears to send Joshua into the Land.

Day 2 (Sunday 1 April):    Leviticus 22:26—23:44; Numbers 28:16-25; II Kings 23: 1-9; 21-25

The Leviticus passage enumerates the “Set Times of the LORD”—Shabbat, Passover, Unleavened Bread, Firstfruits, the Counting of the Omer and Shavuot (Weeks/Pentecost), Yom T’ruah (Festival of Shofars/Trumpets), Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), Sukkot (Booths/Tabernacles).  The II Kings Haftarah relates a great revival in the days of King Josiah in Jerusalem, in which he cleansed the land of idolatry (as it were, leaven); then the people celebrated a wonderful Passover, unlike any which had gone before, because Josiah “turned to the LORD with all his heart, with all his soul, and with all his might, according to all the Torah of Moses” (vs 25).

The first and seventh days of Passover Week are to be observed as “sabbaths”—regular work is to cease.  This Sunday, the day after the first Passover sabbath--is the day on which most of present-day Judaism considers the Ceremony of First Fruits would have been performed (Leviticus 23:9-14).  A sheaf (omer) of the first of the grain harvest was brought and waved before the LORD.  It was on this day, the third day after His death, that Yeshua was raised and presented Himself as “firstfruits from the dead” to the Father 
(I Corinthians 15:23).

This also marks the first day in the “Counting of the Omer” to Shavuot--the “Feast of Weeks”/ “Pentecost” (Leviticus 23:15).

Day 3 (Monday 2 April):       Exodus 13:1-16; Numbers 28:16-25

The Exodus passage recounts the LORD’s instructions immediately following the Children of Israel’s coming out on the night of the first Passover.  Israel is admonished to consecrate to the LORD all the firstborn.  She is regularly to remember this day in which she went out of Egypt, “out of the house of bondage”.  She is to remember to celebrate this Feast of Unleavened Bread for seven days each year.

Day 4 (Tuesday 3 April):            Exodus 22:25—23:19; Numbers 28:16-25

The Exodus passage includes among a list of civil laws, a further instruction regarding celebration of three annual feasts to the LORD:  the Feast of Unleavened Bread, in the month of Aviv (First Month, Nisan) in the Spring; the Feast of (Spring) Harvest (Shavuot/Pentecost); and the Feast of Ingathering(Sukkot in the Fall).  At these festivals, all males would appear before Adonai the LORD.

Day 5 (Wednesday 4 April):  Exodus 34:1-26; Numbers 28:16-25

The Exodus passage recounts the LORD instructing Moses to hew two stone tablets (like the ones he had broken in anger) and ascend Mount Sinai.  After he does this, the LORD descends in a cloud and stands with him as he calls upon the name YHVH, then passes by in front of him proclaiming, “YHWH, YHWH God, compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness and truth, who keeps lovingkindness for thousands, who bears away iniquity, transgression and sin…”  Verse 18 reads, “You shall observe the Feast of Unleavened Bread.  For seven days you are to eat unleavened bread, as I commanded you, at the appointed time in the month of Aviv, for in the month of Aviv you came out of Egypt.”

Day 6 (Thursday 5 April): Exodus 9:1-14; Numbers 28:16-25

The Exodus passage recounts the LORD’s command to Pharaoh to “send My people away that they may serve Me.”  If Pharaoh refuses, the LORD will “make a difference between the livestock of Israel and the livestock of Egypt” and his hand of judgment will be on Egypt.  After this occurs and Pharaoh’s heart again becomes hard, God releases an outbreak of grievous sores on the Egyptians, then hardens the heart of Pharaoh.  At the last, Moses rises early and stands before Pharaoh: “Thus says YHVH the Hebrew God, ‘Send my people away, that they may serve Me, for at this time I will send all My plagues to your very heart, and on your servants and on your people, that you may know that there is none like Me in all the earth’” (Exodus 9:13b-14).

Day 7 (Friday 6 April.  A “sabbath”):  Exodus 13:17—15:26; Numbers 28:16-25; II Samuel 22:1-51

The Exodus passage recounts the Children of Israel going forth in orderly ranks by way of the Red Sea, led by the LORD in a pillar of cloud by day and of fire by night.  Pharaoh pursues them, the sea opens and they pass through, but the Egyptian armies are destroyed, and on the further shore they sing Shir haYam (The “Song of the Sea”), “Sing to YHVH for He has triumphed gloriously! The horse and rider He has thrown into the sea!”  Traveling on the LORD sweetens the bitter waters at Marah by having Moses throw a tree into it.  The people are admonished, “If you diligently heed the voice of YHVH your God and do what is right in His sight, give ear to His commandments and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians.  For I am the LORD who heals you” (Exodus 15:26).  The Haftarah from II Samuel is a wonderful Psalm which “David spoke to the LORD…on the day that the LORD had delivered him from the hand of all his enemies” (This Psalm also appears in the Psalter as Psalm 18):  “The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; The God of my strength, in whom I will trust…I will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised; So shall I be saved from my enemies…Therefore I will give thanks to you, O LORD, among the nations, and sing praises to Your name”  (II Samuel 22:1-4, 50).

Deuteronomy 15:19—16:17; Numbers 28:19-25
 Isaiah 10:32—12:6

It is also customary at some point during Passover Week to read

The Song of Songs (Song of Solomon)

Martin & Norma Sarvis