

在10.29~11.16期間:請以禱告遮蓋由 David Tidy 所帶領的英國國際代禱勇士團隊重返紐西蘭(http://prayerwarriors.org.uk/)巡迴南島完成英國對紐西蘭(毛利人)的悔改、禱告以及先知性行動的旅程(2012年是該團隊第一次的旅程主要在北島,此次全程同樣會有毛利人團隊陪同造訪各地及當地毛利人社群)。 參:守望〈澳紐復興 進入命定〉2015/10/30


請參閱「英國代禱者最後一次的紐西蘭之旅代禱信」(如后)及背景資料 1,2,3 等所列出的禱告點/事項,持續警醒為英國代禱團隊與紐西蘭團隊合一完成悔改、醫治,使原住民毛利人得著釋放進入命定,帶出紐西蘭被預備起來迎接神意旨並祂的大能運行臨到1。Amen!

*[1] 參閱之一 為紐西蘭預言性禱告-2015.9.26-27 Chuck Pierce 到紐西蘭特會分享整理

本次附件-《英國紐西蘭悔改之旅》先附原文(pdf),因全文篇幅較長又穿插毛利語,翻譯不易,請以禱告為翻譯同工遮蓋,求神加添恩典 力量 啟示恩膏使同工能以準確翻譯,保守同工靈魂體安穩剛強專一,順利完成此次翻譯聖工。


1 摘自-- Bradford Haami’s report from New Zealand. (2012.12.24)
Maori-British Reconciliation Journey, Westminster to Aotearoa New Zealand, 2012.


In September-October 2012 a significant reconciliation journey between British and Maori took place in New Zealand. A team of seven British intercessors representing a number of major UK prayer organisations and over 45,000 common British people with a heart for prayer were ushered into Aotearoa New Zealand to walk the land, to repent of sins of their forefathers and to deal with historical grievances created between the British and the Maori tangata-whenua (people of the land).

While this journey is only one of a multitude of reconciliation movements to have visited this nation over many years, this hikoi (journey) had a particular focus on repentance and spiritual warfare both essential components to laying the axe to roots (Luke 3:9), removing demonic ‘giants and mountains’(Jer 51:25, Is 54:10), lifting anchors and cutting through networks (Habakkuk 1:14-17) that have emerged because of sin allowing ungodly strongholds to be established on the land, blinding people and nations from seeing and hearing God. ……

※撰文者 Bradford Haami:係紐西蘭毛利人,電影製片人、導演和編劇也是毛利人歷史的作家、講師等。http://www.nzonscreen.com/person/bradford-haami

2 摘自原文--British New Zealand Repentance Journey Paper(英國紐西蘭悔改之旅)首段

在 2012 年,英國代禱者和那地原住民—紐西蘭毛利人一起開始了一次意義重大的「五旬節」悔改旅程。他們是為著 1800 年代英國到紐西蘭殖民而產生的久遠衝突,而開始這個和好旅程。這個旅程在 2015 年繼續進行。許多年來,英國代禱者代表禱告組織如國際禱告勇士、呂底亞、國際基督教商會英國分支和以便以謝,走遍世界上的英國殖民地,傳遞悔改並帶下更深的醫治臨到那些當年英國透過不義行為而建立殖民百姓及土地所產生的大英帝國聯邦國家。經過多年的等待,一封歡迎來到奧堤阿爾羅(Aotearoa,*毛利人對‘紐西蘭’這地的稱呼-意思是‘長白雲之地’)的邀請函得著回應,而與這些英國代禱者的長期合作關係也開展起來了。根據部落的記憶,沒有人記得有英國團隊曾經來訪,為他們的祖先在奧堤阿爾羅的罪惡,雙膝跪在毛利人面前悔改。為了使和好的行動更深且更具意義,這些英國代禱者願意降服在毛利人面前,讓他們帶領團隊以毛利人正確的參與程序走過部落的地界。英國這邊認為,以這種方式行走是正確的,能在那些願意接受他們的部落群眾面前有權柄,帶下基督徒的悔改。對應這次特別旅程的一段關鍵經文是在歷代志下 7:14「這稱為我名下的子民,若是自卑、禱告、尋求我的面,轉離他們的惡行,我必從天上垂聽,赦免他們的罪醫治他們的地。」(NLT)這份報告試圖概述,為什麼參與認同傳統毛利協議,在行出這節經文來榮耀神的事上是至關重要的。這使得部落地區的門敞開,讓我們能夠走進毛利群眾的心門;也可以向其他國家作見證,他們能夠以類似行動與當地百姓和好。


3 相關資訊:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nYNE39-Dgk Westminster Intercessors - 25 October 2012
*[摘要] 2012年10月25日 An extraordinary journey of Reconciliation(一次非凡的和好之旅). It's been taking place in this country, Aotearoa, and is part of a worldwide ministry, of forgiveness and reconciliation.The journey we're going to hear about, originated in the UK, when a group of Christians in that country, sought forgiveness from Christians here, for the wrongdoings by British colonials.The journey began with an historic Reconciliation Ceremony at Westminster Abbey in London. It was led by David Tidy from Prayer Warriors International, who had invited a group of Christians from New Zealand to attend. That event resulted in an invitation for the British prayer team to visit this country and they've spent the last few weeks sharing their message of repentance, with Maori throughout the North Island. Joining us in the studio to talk about this historic hikoi(旅程) is David Tidy, along with one of the group who attended the London ceremony,Bradford Haami. They spoke with Mania Clark.

❍Bradford Haami’s report from New Zealand. 2012.12.24
Maori-British Reconciliation Journey Westminster to Aotearoa New Zealand, 2012.

❍Maori Journey To Westminster/
Significant Reconciliation Ceremony at Westminster Chapel, London. September 2012.

*************** 英國代禱者最後一次的紐西蘭之旅代禱信 *****************
※來源: Milo 牧師轉寄分享

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Milo Siilata <[email protected]>
Date: 2015-10-08 14:51 GMT+13:00
Subject: FW: Prayer letter for British Intercessors journey in NZ for last time.

Kia Ora All

very Kiwi needs to know about this British NZ repentance Journey. We thank the Lord for His people from Britain who have taken the time to come to NZ to seek repentance and reconciliation for the sins of the past. This will prepare this nation for God to move mightily in the future.(此舉將使紐西蘭預備起來迎接未來神大能的運行)

I want to thank Kaumatua Brad Haami for taking the leadership role on behalf of Aotearoa NZ on this project. All glory to God

From: Michael Tane [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: 07 October 2015 20:08
To: Bradford Haami <[email protected]>; Joan Edmondson <[email protected]>
Subject: Prayer letter for British Intercessors journey in NZ for last time.


(Subject: Prayer letter for British Intercessors journey in NZ for last time.)你們好,各位禱告的支持者們為著我們在主同在裡的信心,獻上讚美。

我們想告訴你們代禱勇士 David Tidy (如右圖,英國國際代禱勇士(*組織)-http://prayerwarriors.org.uk/) 和他的英國團隊將從英格蘭回到紐西蘭的最新細節。

這個英國團隊表示,他們將於 2015年10月29日回到紐西蘭直到11月16 日[*本次行程在南島],以完成悔改、禱告以及先知性行動的最後一個環節[接續2012年9~10月首次在紐西蘭(北島)的悔改和好之旅]。



1). 對於傳統‘跨越赤道線之禮(the Crossing the Line ceremony)’2*的一些影響,以及在紐西蘭殖民地所帶來的後果
2). 共濟會(Freemassion)在南島的根基
3.) 為殖民統治之目的,英國女王法律的不公義而導致戰爭和復興的停滯
4). 懷勞戰役 3*(The Battle of Wairau)
5). 教會的激勵




我們想感謝你們大家,在我們去到中國蒙古三週的期間為我們禱告,也為著 Brad 來感謝。那是一次代禱之旅,一支由毛利人、紐西蘭人和猶太人組成的十六人團隊從廣州旅行到內蒙古內陸,其他國家的信徒也一起加入。他們的代禱之旅去到蒙古大草原、北京以及最後一站西安,在靈裡看到極大的事情成就,團隊甚至還曾被警察追趕。此趟旅程的經歷擴張了每個人的眼界,看到神更高的道路,當地教會也因此得到很大的鼓勵。所有的團隊都平安回到家。阿們。

約書亞記 21:43-45
43 這樣,雅威將從前向他們列祖起誓所應許的全地,賜給以色列人,他們就得了為業,住在其中。
44 雅威照著向他們列祖起誓所應許的一切話,使他們四境平安。他們一切仇敵中,沒有一人在他們面前站立得住。雅威把一切仇敵都交在他們手中。
45 雅威應許賜福給以色列家的話,一句也沒有落空,都應驗了。

[2] 跨越赤道線禮—流行於歐美國家海上水手(包括海軍)慶祝航經赤道線後成為‘老水手(Shellback)’的一種傳統習俗。若未具此航海經歷的水手就被戲稱‘小蝌蚪(Pollywog)’。此習俗禮儀是連結於希臘神話的海神。


[3] 懷勞戰役—1843 年六月一批歐裔移民在進入紐西蘭南島東北方的懷勞河谷與毛利人因土地買賣糾紛而發生衝突,結果該批歐裔移民全數被殺害。此事件亦是 1840 年英國代表與毛利人簽署 Waitangi Treaty(懷唐伊條約)後,毛、英之間第一起重大武裝流血衝突。

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titokowaru's_WarKia ora prayer supporters.

代禱信原文 Subject: Prayer letter for British Intercessors journey in NZ for last time.

Praise the Lord for our Confidence is in His Presence.

We'd like to bring you up to date on the latest details for prayer warrior David Tidy (Prayer warriors International UK - http://prayerwarriors.org.uk/) and his British team's return to New Zealand from England.

The English team have indicated they are returning to New Zealand on 29th October to 16 November 2015 to complete their final leg of repentance, prayer and prophetic action in New Zealand.

We are currently making plans to usher the team through the south Island on these dates, meeting local people and still very much discerning the schedule as God leads. It will be a very different journey to the North Island trips.

The issues in the South Island God has impressed on our team to pray for with regards to this journey are:

1). The effects of the Crossing the Line ceremony at the equator and its ramifications here in colonial NZ
2). Freemason roots in the South Island
3). Injustice of Colonial/the Queens law that led to war and the shutting down of revival
4). The Battle of Wairau
5). The encouragement of the church 

Could you please commit to prayer the following;

1). The opening of the British and New Zealand teams eyes and ears wider to see what God sees for this journey

2). The plans of God will prevail not our own.

3). Unity of spirit within the team

4). Finances to resource the journey

5). Discernment to know exactly where we are meant to go and what to pinpoint and nothing more.

6). Protection for the British team (and their families) as they humbly return to New Zealand for the last time

7). Discernment and protection for the NZ team and the intercessors (and their families).We greatly appreciate your prayers and your faithfulness in supporting this particular journey as it comes to a conclusion. Attached for your information is a copy of a paper I (brad) have compiled as a discussion point about this journey.

We would like to thank you all for your prayers also for Brad while we was away in China-Mongolia for a period of three weeks. It was an intercessory journey where a team of 16 Maori/NZers/Jewess travelled from Guanzhou to Hushi city capital of Inner Mongolia, joined by believers from other nations. Their prayer journey to the Mongolian Grasslands, Beijing and finally to Xi'an saw great things accomplished in the spirit, even with the police hounding the team. Great encouragement was offered to the local church, while the experience of this journey expanded everybody's minds to the ways of God in a greater way. All of the team arrived home safely. Amen.

Joshua 21:43-45
43 So the LORD gave to Israel all the land of which He had sworn to give to their fathers, and they took possession of it and dwelt in it.
44 The LORD gave them rest all around, according to all that He had sworn to their fathers. And not a man of all their enemies stood against them; the LORD delivered all their enemies into their hand.
45 Not a word failed of any good thing which the LORD had spoken to the house of Israel. All came to pass.