
為以色列時事禱告3/ 10/ 2014


歐盟外交政策首長卡瑟琳·艾希頓(Catherine Ashton)於上週六(3/8)抵達伊朗德黑蘭,進行二天的訪問。這是自從2008年以來,首位歐盟外交政策最高官員拜訪伊朗。隨著伊朗去年選出『溫和的』總統魯哈尼(Hassan Rouhani),達成去年11月伊朗核武的臨時協議,以及今年1月協議開始生效,許多人認為這代表伊朗與西方的緊張關係逐漸緩和。然而任何的『緩和』都與伊朗對以色列的意圖無關(伊朗的領袖近年來不斷預言以色列很快就會消失)。正當艾希頓女公爵抵達德黑蘭幾天前,以色列海軍才剛查獲一艘要開往迦薩的伊朗船隻,船上運載著致命武器與其他武器,由以色列海軍押解這艘船進入以色列南方的港口以拉他。

幾個月前,以色列情報局開始追蹤在敘利亞的某些活動。大量敘利亞製造生產的M-302火箭炮,射程長達160公里,被裝在大馬士革國際機場的飛機上,打算運送至伊朗的德黑蘭。到了德黑蘭,他們將武器裝進其他貨櫃,運送至伊朗南部阿巴斯港(Bandar Abbas),再放到懸掛著巴拿馬國旗的伊朗船隻上,駛向波斯灣後停靠在伊拉克,裝載更多的武器,並企圖湮滅任何與伊朗的關連。

五天後船隻離開波斯灣,繞過阿拉伯半島的阿曼和葉門,進入紅海朝著蘇丹港(Port Sudan)前進,再從那裡經過埃及和西奈半島進入迦薩,將武器交在恐怖組織手中,用來攻打以色列老百姓,武器射程可到達特拉維夫和耶路撒冷(來源Youtube: idfnadesk3/5/14以色列國防軍攔截到伊朗要運到迦薩恐怖組織的軍火船)。上週三早上(3/5),以色列海軍攔截到一艘在蘇丹外海的船隻。這艘貨船名為Klos-C,船上的武器彈藥大都被掩藏在以水泥、混凝土等建材物資為外包裝的集裝箱內。這艘船於星期天3/9被帶到以拉他,卸下所有軍事武器。在貨櫃中發現有40M-302火箭炮(射程為90到160公里,能發射到特拉維夫和耶路撒冷);181枚的迫擊砲彈,還有40顆的子彈。








普珥日是我們要特別留意亞瑪力人之靈的季節,主起誓必世世代代繼續和亞瑪力人爭戰(出 17:15-16)。亞瑪力人是一群真實存在的人,在整本聖經中象徵著仇視神立約子民的靈,特別是反閃主義。他們是以色列出埃及後第一個碰到的敵人(出17:8),他們對她虎視眈眈,專挑後邊軟弱的人下手(參考這週額外的妥拉閱讀在申命記25:17-19)。神的其中一個名字叫生命的神(Elohim-Chaim,Life-God)。祂的約是生命之約,以色列代表全人類,因此祂『絕不寬容』那些威脅祂立約計畫之人,欲將亞瑪力的名號『從天下全然塗抹』。當掃羅王沒有這樣做時(撒上15─這週先知書內容),他的國從他手中被撕裂(事實上,正是亞瑪力人在他要求下殺了他,撒下1:6-10)。數百年過後,亞甲(掃羅放過的亞瑪力王)的後裔哈曼策劃發動第一次的大屠殺,記錄在以斯帖記。隨著撒旦對以色列與其救贖性呼召的憎恨,神蹟般的神聖恩典旗子向她揚起(出17:15),因而支撐著她並買贖了她,以色列國以及古老的語言再次回到她原來的土地上。


請禱告 (禱告重點由我們在耶路撒冷的朋由瑞克‧萊汀斯Rick Ridings所提供):

1. 禱告在我們時代的末底改和以斯帖會聽見聖靈的呼召,知道時間的迫切性,他們不會分心,或是被假的安全感所欺騙而進入沈睡。

2. 禱告隱藏對抗伊朗獲得核武的爭戰持續成功。讓我們相信,許多的混亂與分裂會臨到那些定意要摧毀以色列的魔鬼勢力(歷下20:1-30)

3. 禱告在耶路撒冷華盛頓的決策者擁有清楚的瞭解,能在對的時候做對的事(以斯帖 7:3-6)

4.讓我們宣告,每一個要摧毀以色列的撒旦命令都能逆轉,禱告『哈曼』將被掛在自己的木架上 (以斯帖7:9-10; 詩篇33:10-12)

5. 為伊朗(波斯)禱告,讓我們禱告主,讓祂的仇敵滿面羞恥,好讓他們開始尋求主的名,認識誰才是真神與活神 (參考詩篇83,特別是16)

馬汀和娜瑪‧賽維士(Martin & Norma Sarvis)


Prayer Update From Israel (March 10, 2014)



Saturday EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton arrived in Tehran for a two-day visit to Iran, the first visit by an EU policy chief since 2008. It comes amid what is being seen by many as a thaw in Iran's strained relations with the West following last year's election of "moderate" Iranian President Hassan Rouhana and an interim deal struck in November regarding Iran's nuclear program, set to go into effect in January. That any perceived "thaw" has little to do with Iran's intentions related to Israel (which it's leaders have in recent years repeatedly predicted will soon cease to exist) might be suggested rather blatantly by what transpired this past Saturday, when, as Baroness Ashton was arriving in Tehran, a captured Iranian vessel, loaded with deadly missiles and other weapons originally destined for the Gaza Strip for use against Israeli civilians, was being escorted under guard by Israeli naval vessels into Israel's southern port of Eilat.

Several months ago, Israeli intelligence identified and began tracking certain activity in Syria. A large number of Syrian-made M-302 rockets, with ranges of up to 160 kilometers, were loaded onto planes at Damascus International Airport and flown to Tehran. There they were placed into crates amongst other cargo (the crates bearing arms being marked with a white stripe), and flown to the southern Iranian port city of Bandar Abbas where they were loaded aboard an Iranian vessel, the Klos C. Sailing under a Panamanian flag, the Klos C sailed northwesterly up the Persian Gulf to the Iraqian port of Umm Qasr where more cargo was loaded on, further obscuring any Iranian connection. Five days later, the ship sailed out of the Persian Gulf, through the Arabian Sea round the coasts of Oman and Yemen and into the Red Sea where it headed for Port Sudan. From there, the weapons were to be transported overland through Egypt and the Sinai Peninsula into Gaza and the hands of terrorist forces in the Strip for use against Israeli civilians, as far away as Tel Aviv and Jerusalem ("IDF Intercepts Iranian Shipment of Rockets to Terrorist Organizations in Gaza" (Youtube): idfnadesk, 5 Mar 2014). Last Wednesday morning, Israeli warships raided the vessel not far from its destination in Sudan. The elite naval unit Sheyetet boarded the Klos C, took control of the ship and conducted a cursory search. Deep within the hull beneath bags marked "concrete" (plainly labeled "Iran") they uncovered crates bearing missiles. By Sunday evening, the ship had been conducted to Eilat, unloaded and its militant cargo inventoried. Among the cargo were 40 M-302 rockets (range-90 to 160 kilometers, capable of reaching Tel Aviv and Jerusalem); 181 22-millimeter mortar rounds, and some 400,000 rounds of 7.62-millimeter bullets.

Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu brought up the seizure in his weekly Cabinet meeting in Jerusalem Sunday morning, "I call this to the attention of Catherine Ashton, who is now visiting Tehran. I would like to ask her if she asked her Iranian hosts about this shipment of weapons for terrorist organizations, and if not, why not.Nobody has the right to ignore the true and murderous actions of the regime in Tehran. I think that it would be proper for the international community to give its opinion regarding Iran's true policy, not its propaganda."

We find it of solemn interest that this plot to facilitate the murder of masses of Israelis should be uncovered and thwarted at the very beginning of a week in which the Jewish world will be reading concerning the spirit of Amalek (see below) in preparation for the celebration of Purim-a time in ancient Persia (modern-day Iran) when God provided deliverance from another plot to destroy His covenant people. LET US GIVE THANKS to the LORD who watches over Israel and never slumbers (Psalm 121); who "proclaims victories for Jacob"; Who has uncovered the plots of the enemy and brought salvation to Israel by His right hand, His arm, and the light of His face, because He loves us! (Psalm 44:3-4).



200-year old Megilat-Esther (Scroll of Esther) on Parchment, handed
down from Norma Sarvis' ancestors in Belarus.

This coming Sunday (beginning sundown Saturday evening) is Purim-the day Jews celebrate their remarkable deliverance in Persia in 483 B.C. from a plot to exterminate them. It is a joyous occasion: the Scroll (book) of Esther will be read-there are Purim plays and costumes, and special pastries and desserts and wine. In most of the Jewish world, Purim is celebrated on the 14th of Adar (16 March this year). In Jerusalem, Jaffa and other 'walled cities', as in ancient Susa (Hebrew: Shushan; See Esther 9:18-19), it will be celebrated on the following day, Monday the 17th.

Although these are days for rejoicing and feasting (Esther 9:18-19)-for the observant, they are preceded by days of soberness of spirit and fasting. Esther 9:31 tells of Mordechai and Queen Esther, after the great deliverance, prescribing annual times for fasting and lamentation, in remembrance of those which the Queen had called for her Jewish subjects when their entire race was in danger of annihilation and she was preparing herself to seek the favor of the King. The "Esther Fast" for this year will be from dawn to sundown Thursday March 13th.

Purim is a season when we are made especially aware of the Spirit of Amalek, with which our Lord continues to war, from generation to generation (Ex. 17:15-16). The Amalekites were a real people, who throughout the Hebrew Scriptures came to epitomize and symbolize a covenant-hating spirit, especially that of anti-Semitism. They were Israel's first enemies after her deliverance from Egypt (Ex. 17:8). They preyed on her, picking off the weak straggling in the rear (see Deut. 25:17-19, this week's additional Torah portion). One of the names for God is Elohim-Chaim, the "Life-God". His covenants are covenants of Life; those with Israel are on behalf of all humankind. He therefore grants "no quarter" to those who threaten His Covenant purposes; their remembrance is to be "blotted out from under heaven." When King Saul failed to do this (I Sam. 15-this week's Haftarah), his kingdom was torn away from him (indeed, it would be an Amalekite who in the end claimed to have killed him, II Sam. 1:6-10). Centuries later, it would be Haman, a descendant of Agag (the Amalekite king whom Saul had spared) who, as recorded in the Book of Esther, would contrive to ignite the first Holocaust. With the hatred Satan has for Israel and her redemptive call, it is indeed a miraculous banner of divine grace flying over her (Exodus 17:15) which has sustained her and brought her, still an entity and with her ancient language restored, back to her native Land.

As mentioned above, on Thursday March 13th observant Jews around the world will observe a one-day fast. We would encourage you to take this season seriously. Read through the Book of Esther; perhaps the Lord may lead you to join with us in the fast. As we approach this time of Purim, as we see the Spirit of Amalek again stirring in the world, especially in Iran (modern Persia), where it is striving furiously to devise weapons capable of bringing its dire predictions regarding Israel to fulfillment.

PLEASE PRAY (Prayer points by our friend Rick Ridings in Jerusalem):

1. That the Mordecais and Esthers of our time will hear the call of the Holy Spirit concerning the urgency of the hour, and will not be distracted or lulled into slumber by a false sense of security.

2. For continued success of the covert war against Iran obtaining a nuclear weapon. Let us believe for much confusion and division upon the demonic powers bent on destroying Israel (2 Chron. 20:1-30).

3. For a clear understanding to come to the decision-makers in Jerusalem and Washington, DC to do the right thing at the right time. (Esther 7:3-6)

4. Let us proclaim a reversal of every Satanic decree to destroy Israel, and that "Haman" will be hung upon his own gallows. (Esther 7:9-10; Ps. 33:10-12)

5. For Iran (Persia), let us pray for the Lord to bring shame upon His enemies in such a way that they will begin to seek the Name of the Lord, to know Who is the True and Living God (see Psalm 83, especially verse 16).