
9月18-25日 (2013年住棚節)守望第三屆APPA

Short report from the 3rd APPA in Pennsylvania USA
來源:Milo Siilata牧師電郵。2013年10月5日




(一)聚會的第一天神向邁克˙冕旒宣告祂自己的名,就如祂曾在西乃山上向摩西所做的(出33:12-34:8 /*3:13-15)。那可是需要我們用上永恆的時間才能完全領會神的名字之意義,權柄和能力。在APPA的一開始甚至在我們禱告之先,主就宣告祂自己的名是我們所有禱告的答案。邁克˙冕旒父老對此啟示將會另寫一篇完整的報告。

(二) 2013年9月22日在紐約帝國大廈和時代廣場教會歡迎主。邁克˙冕旒父老、羅馬尼亞的Loan Peia和美屬薩摩亞的Donald Kruse牧師帶領一隊八人在帝國大廈上歡迎主並展開了主的凱旋遊行,祂對世界的審判,從遠東逆轉了巴別塔勢力,呼召第三個亞當站在他的位置執掌他所被賦予的所有權柄等等。他們也在時代廣場教會歡迎主,主神就在那裏宣告詩篇37篇將從現在起成就於世。

(三) 2013年9月24日星期二在松樹溪聖經會議營會中心,美國這個國家重生了。就在同一天之內,把生出‘當今的美國’的舊約給廢除而以立新約方式重生了這個國家的時候,我感受到這真是極具震撼的大事。也就在那夜裏,盤踞在美國的撒但旗下諸魔君都被審判了,土地被潔淨,得著救贖與恢複。我相信這就觸發了主榮耀的海嘯自美國東岸開始掀開來。  

(四) 還有一些發生在第三屆APPA大會期間的重要成就事件,但我們需要時間把它們記錄下來,將來會提供一份完整的報告。第三屆APPA大會結束後幾天,美國的政府因歐巴馬健保法案等而關門,直到我寫這報告時美國政府仍然是關閉的。而且在APPA最後一天[也是5774住棚節的最後一天],在三藩市(舊金山)美國帆船隊戰勝新西蘭隊贏得了美洲杯。


Milo牧師電郵原文: Short report from the 3rd APPA in Pennsylvania USA

Dear APPA Family and Friends

First I want to give thanks, praise and all glory to God alone for all that He accomplished and launched during the recent 3rd APPA in Pennsylvania USA. Secondly I thank the whole APPA family and friends for your prayers for God’s will to be fulfilled during this historic event. It was truly a divine appointed time for the Americas and the world.  It was the most powerful APPA since 1984 when the Lord started revealing His end time move of His glory from the ends of the earth in the South Pacific. It will take us a while to fully digest all that the Lord did and downloaded but we will write our reports on it. It deserves many testimonies to God’s glory for what He did for the Americas and the world. To all those who attended the USA 3rd APPA in Pennsylvania, can you please write a report or testimony of what the Lord did from your own perspective, for the glory of God?

Three main events of the 3rd APPA in USA 2013:

•The Lord proclaiming His own Name to Michael Maeliau on the first day of the 3rd APPA, as He did to Moses on Mt Sinai (Exodus 33:12-34:8). It will take us eternity to fully understand the meaning, authority and power of the Name of the Lord. The Lord pronouncing His own Name is the answer to all our prayers and He did this at the beginning of the APPA before we even start praying. Papa Michael Maeliau will write a full report on this revelation.

•Welcoming the Lord in New York at the Empire State Building and the Times Square Church on Sunday 22 Sept 2013. Papa Michael Maeliau, Ioan Peia of Romania and Pastor Donald Kruse of American Samoa led a team of eight people to welcome the Lord on the Empire building and launched the Triumphal Procession of the Lord, His Judgment for the world,  Reversal of the Tower of Babel migration from the Far East, Calling upon the Third Adam to take up his position and have dominion over all that he was predestined for, etc. They also welcome the Lord at the Times Square Church where the Lord declared that Psalm 37 will now be fulfilled for the world.

•The Rebirth of America as a nation at Pinebrook Bible Conference and Camping Centre on Tuesday evening 24 Sept 2013. This was truly the powerful event for me when old covenants that birthed the modern nation of America were cut and new covenants rebirthed the nation in one day. The satanic princes of America were also judged that night and the land was cleansed, redeemed and restored. I believe this was the trigger for the tsunami of the glory of the Lord from the east coast of America.

•There were also other major achievements during the 3rd APPA but we need time to write them all down in a full report later. A few days after the 3rd APPA, the Government of the USA shut down over the Obamacare and it is still shut down as I write this report. Also on the last day of the APPA, America won the Americas Cup against New Zealand in San Francisco. 

To God be all the glory 
Milo Siilata