

第三週 - 禱告有一個彰顯神公平的國家 

第一天 星期一  八月十九日
教會裡的公平 -  讓我們禱告公平彰顯在教會裡。我們要因自己不但沒有為政府禱告反倒批評論斷他們而認罪悔改。禱告教會將忠心地為國會所有議員和他們的智囊團禱告,再花些時間弄清楚那些代表他們選區的國會議員的政策和意向,並懇求主施恩典和恩寵給那些為公平和真理而站立的人,使他們能當選。
經文 - 馬太福音5:13-16、歌羅西書4:2 

第二天 星期二  八月二十日
社區裡的公平 - 禱告窮人,無家可歸者,被邊緣化的人,老年人,未出世嬰孩和難民的權利獲得捍衛。求主在我們政府和他們的智囊團裡興起一批人,他們能明白敬虔的智慧並熱心去實現,且用公平和務實的方式以使這些人需要得著滿足之原則。禱告那些當選進入政府的人將會尊榮,鼓勵和支持關心窮人和無家可歸者的基督教教會和機構 。禱告沒有任何政府的立法會試圖損壞他們的基督教價值觀。
經文 - 雅各書2:5-9 

第三天 星期三  八月二十一日
政府裡的公平 - 禱告被呼召擔任下一屆總檢察長的人選將是一位廉正敬畏神,清楚明白公正和真理,有尋求神旨意的心。禱告他/她及其所屬部門在處理諸多立案的問題上有從神來的智慧,策略,恩寵和祝福。這些問題包括以下範圍:
*澳大利亞的國家安全,包括安全情報和邊境保護(Australia's national security which includes Security intelligence and  border protection) 
*有組織的犯罪(Organised crime )
*促進人權的公平和保護,也包含職權(Promoting access to justice and protection of human rights. Also censorship)
*原住民法律,公平性和原住民土地權(Indigenous law and justice and native title )
*法院,法庭和司法的任命(Courts, tribunals and the Judiciary Appointments) 
*家庭法(Family law)
經文 - 提摩太前書2:1-4、箴言24:23b-25、箴言29:4a

第四天 星期四  八月二十二日
經濟方面的公平 - 今日讓我們來到主面前,禱告合主心意的國家財政部長將被選出。禱告神將預備此人與他的幕僚人員的心,並引導這組合之下的所有部門在有關澳大利亞的經濟政策方面所思所行都能合乎神的旨意。這些領域包括:
* 經濟,財政政策和稅收
* 價格監測和競爭政策
* 稅收
* 養老金,銀行,保險,和外商投資。 
禱告兩個主要政黨的經濟政策都會反映出神對那些有最大需要的群體的慈悲之心 - 如窮人,無家可歸者,老年人,家庭等。他們也會好好地研究他們的財政責任,並在實施新政策時負起責任。特別禱告在選舉中,不會有為贏選票而任意開出選舉支票(*屬於另類的賄選方式),許下高不可攀的諾言。(*24hrs地極禱告站加註)
經文 - 羅馬書13:6-7 

第五天 星期五  八月二十三日
選舉中的公義 - 讓我們求主感動大家去研究不同政黨的政策,瞭解那些政策將如何影響他們的家庭生活。禱告選民不是定睛在金錢和他們自己的益處上, 而是從國家的真正需要去考慮。祈求神賜給選民神聖的分辨力來選擇投票給那些有敬虔原則的候選人。
經文 - 彌迦書6:8(特別在經文信息中) 

第六天 星期六  八月二十四日
媒體的公義 - 為所有在報章雜誌,電視,廣播發表報告,評論和觀點的人禱告。求主保守這些人對提出的政策有中立客觀和公平的評估,使欺騙和謊言被揭穿,真理和公義被宣揚和鼓舞,所有的讀者,聽眾和觀眾能分辨出何為真實,公平和真理。也禱告政治廣告不會貶低人的個性,但專注在提出的政策上。禱告選民不會被人影響而是被神掌管。
經文 - 箴言12:17-23 

第七天 星期日 八月二十五日
選出公平,公義和誠實的議員 -  禱告主呼召和任命那些公平,公義,誠實,廉正的人來領導我們的國家。今天為總理陸克文和在野黨領袖,托尼 艾伯特禱告。等候神,向祂求問當如何為我們的領導人禱告,然後在禱告中順服祂的心意。也為所有站在基督徒平臺上的候選人禱告, 使他們能在他們的公共生活中真實地活出基督的樣式,神會在他們的選區賜下恩寵,許多選民會因他們的基督徒立場而投他們的票。禱告那些在參議院保持制衡權力的人是男是女都是有忠心,廉正和真實的公義感。
經文 - 箴言8:12-16、 詩篇72:1-4

Day 1 - Monday 19 August 
Justice in the Church  - Let us pray for justice to be manifested in the Church. Let us repent of our prayerlessness for those in government, and for the times we have judged and criticized them, instead of praying. Pray that the Church will be faithful in praying for all members of Parliament, and their advisors, taking the time to find out the policies and intentions of those in their own constituencies standing for parliament, and ask the Lord to grant His grace and favour to those who would stand up for justice and truth to be elected.  
Scriptures - Matthew 5:13-16 Col 4:2

Day 2 - Tuesday 20 August 
Justice in our Communities  - Pray that the rights of the poor, the homeless, the marginalized, the aged, unborn children and refugees be upheld. Ask the Lord to raise up people in our government and amongst those who advise them, who will understand with godly wisdom, and implement with compassion, principles that will meet the needs of these people in fair and practical ways. Ask that those elected to government will honour, encourage and support Christian churches and organizations who care for the poor and homeless. Pray that no government legislation will attempt to compromise their Christian values. 
Scriptures - James 2:5-9

Day 3 - Wednesday 21 August 
Justice in Government - Pray that the person called to be Attorney General in the next government will be a God fearing person of integrity, with a clear understanding of justice and truth, and a heart after God's own heart. That he/she and his/her department would have God's wisdom, strategies, favour and blessing in dealing with the issues of this portfolio. Some of those areas covered in this portfolio include: 

Day 4 - Thursday 22 August
Economic Justice - Let us bring before our Lord today, that the person of His choice will be elected as the Treasurer of our Nation. Pray that He would prepare the heart of this person and all who would advise, and head up the departments under this portfolio, to think and to act in the counsel of God regarding the financial policies of Australia. These areas include: 
* Economic and fiscal policy and taxation
* Prices surveillance; competition policy
* Taxation
* Superannuation, banking, insurance, and foreign investment.
Pray that the policies of both major parties regarding finances will reflect God's compassion for those in greatest need - the poor, the homeless, the aged, families etc. Also that they would research their financial responsibilities well and be accountable when implementing new policies.  Especially pray that in the run up to election unattainable promises would not be made to win votes. 
Scriptures - Romans 13:6-7 

Day 5 - Friday 23 August
Justice in the Electorate - Let us ask the Lord to move people's hearts to research the policies of the different parties and understand how those policies will affect them and their family's lives. Pray that voters will not look for money or favours for their own gain, but look to the real needs of the Nation. Ask that voters be given divine discernment to choose to vote for those candidates with godly principles. 
Scriptures - Micah 6:8 (particularly in The Message) 

Day 6 - Saturday 24 August
Justice in the Media - Pray for all those who report, commentate, and opinionate in newspapers and magazines, on TV and radio. Ask the Lord to enable these people to be neutral and fair in their assessments of the policies presented, that deception and lies be exposed, that truth and righteousness be declared and encouraged, and those who are reading, listening and seeing these reports will perceive what is real, just and true. Pray too that political advertising will not demean personalities, but will concentrate on the policies and issues being presented. Pray that voters will not be influenced by people, but by God. 
Scriptures - Proverbs 12:17-23

Day 7 - Sunday 25 August
Election of Just, Righteous and Honest Parliamentarians - Please pray that the Lord would call and appoint those who are just, righteous, honest and with integrity to lead our country. Pray today for the Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd and the Leader of the Opposition, Tony Abbott. Wait on the Lord, and ask Him how you are to pray for our leaders and then obey Him in prayer. Pray also for all candidates standing on a Christian platform that they would truly reflect Jesus in their public life and that God would grant them favour in their constituencies, that many people would vote for them because of their Christian stand. Pray that those who will hold the balance of power in the Senate will be men and women of faith, integrity with a true sense of justice for all. 
Scriptures - Proverbs 8:12-16 Psalm 72:1-4