


剛從Cathi(Kevin的妻子)那裡得知, Kevin今天下午(7月24日)剛完成了又一個CT掃描(電腦斷層掃描),兩個情況:

1. Kevin的肝膽管因為胰腺腫脹而阻塞。醫院準備在週五做一個內窺鏡檢查,安裝一個分流器,以撐開肝膽管。這意味著,Kevin最早要到週六傍晚才能旅行。

2. 因胰腺的液體而開始形成了一個囊腫。這是未來感染發展最有可能的地方,然而目前還沒有感染發生的跡象。


Kevin和Cathi夫婦迄今仍在單純地信靠主在使用萬事來彰顯祂的榮耀,而沒有理由相信其它的 - 雖然我們也在禱告任何仇敵的計謀將被粉碎。












Just spoke to Cathi:

Kevin had another CT scan this afternoon.  2 things:

1.  His liver bile duct is obstructed from the swelling of the pancreas. They are going to do an endoscopy on Friday to install a shunt to hold it open.  It means he won't be able to travel until Saturday early evening at the earliest.

2.  There is a cyst starting to form from the fluid on the pancreas. This is the most likely place for future infection to develop, however there is currently no sign of infection.  

That makes an efficient return all the more important.

Kevin and Cathi are both simply trusting that the Lord has used everything for His glory up until now, there is not reason to believe otherwise - although we are also praying that any schemes of the enemy would be shattered.

So please pray:

1. if the shunt is still needed that it will be put in quickly and without infection.
2. regarding the cyst, that it will begin to shrink on it's own, without leaking fluid back into the body.
3. regarding the potential of infection, that there will be no place within Kevin's body that will accept or allow infection, secondary or otherwise to form.
4. we need the hospital in London to release a bed so that as soon as Kevin is ready for transport they can buy the tickets and get him home.
5. regarding the buying of the tickets, the insurance company (as far as I understand) has approved the needed upgrade to business/first class for Kevin so that he can recline and lie down for rest and the accompaniment of medical personnel with him. 
6. The area that is still grey is that currently Kevin's ticket is with United Airlines, flying into Chicago and then onto to London. However, after a 6-7 hour layover followed by sitting for a couple hours on a cramped small jet from Chicago to London. Cathi believes flying directly to Toronto and having ambulance transfer from Toronto to London (2 hours) would be far better for Kevin as he could lie down and rest etc.

God is most certainly at work, His glory to manifest. Thank you for being a part of the Body who is being brought into alignment and health as we stand with Cathi and Kevin!

Love & Blessings,