
緊急代禱 - 耶路撒冷主權 Urgent prayer - sovereignty of Jerusalem




我(瑞克)在支持以色列的歐洲聯盟(European Coalition for Israel)的董事會中任職。該機構創立者,也是我們的老朋友湯瑪斯•桑德爾(Tomas Sandell)正和一個團隊在紐約代禱,並尋求向聚集在那裡(紐約)的領袖們發出先知性的聲音。請禱告屬天的約定和保護臨到他們的團隊。






赫爾辛基 – 接下來的7天,有可能成為猶太國家歷史上最重要的其中一週。


“巴勒斯坦的其中一部分”,即加沙的哈馬斯,正在向以色列發射火箭彈。與此同時,巴勒斯坦的另一部分,約旦河西岸的法塔赫,正準備在11月29日星期四爭取在聯合國單方面建國。問題仍然是:在巴勒斯坦人的最終計畫中,將宣佈建立多少個新的國家?哈馬斯領導人梅沙爾(Khaled Mashaal)對此可能有答案。他在CNN上聲明:巴勒斯坦國必須立即沿著1967年邊界線成立,並以耶路撒冷為其首都。但從地中海到約旦河,從北到南的整個巴勒斯坦國,都屬於他們。



來源: “ACCV 蒙允翻譯” 

Dear Friends, 

Although there is a temporary lull in physical warfare, there is a very key battle taking place this week in what could be called “spiritual lawfare”.

We strongly encourage intercession these next few days concerning the Palestinian Authority unilateral statehood bid in the UN this Thursday. At issue is the sovereignty of Jerusalem.

I (Rick) serve on the board of the European Coalition for Israel.  The founder, our long-time friend Tomas Sandell, is in New York with a team to intercede and to seek to be a prophetic voice to leaders gathered there.  Please pray for divine appointments and protection over their team.

We have pasted below their blog from last Thursday.  You may get daily updates via this web address: http://www.ec4i.org/    Then click on “blog”.

Thank you for your faithful prayers for the peace of Jerusalem and Israel.

Grace and shalom, Rick and Patti Ridings

Will this week mark the launch of a PA state?

European Coalition for Israel's blog
Thursday, 22 November 2012 12:01 | Written by Tomas Sandell

Helsinki - The next seven days may turn out to be one of the most important weeks in the history of the Jewish state

Although a ceasefire has been announced between Israel and Gaza the situation is still militarily very fragile.

At the same time as “one part of Palestine”, namely Hamas in Gaza, is sending rockets in to Israel the other part, Fatah in the West Bank, is preparing a unilateral statehood bid at the UN on Thursday 29th November.  The question remains: how many new states are the Palestinians ultimately planning to announce? Perhaps the Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal has the answer when he states on CNN that a Palestinian state has to be created immediately along the 1967 lines and with Jerusalem as its capital but that all of Palestine, from the sea to the river and from the north to the south belongs to them.

That is neither a two-state solution or a three-state solution but a one state solution.  Someone would even call it the “ultimate solution”; a world with no Jewish state.

This is what is at stake when ECI will travel to the UN in New York  this week.