

作者:Asher Intrater


正如我們與 神。沒有祂的創造力,我們啥也不值。它需要些謙卑才可理解。在祂愛中,祂在我們身上見到潛力,祂可以在我們的生命中建造美好和有價值的東西。那需要信心。我們必須要相信祂,且讓祂在我們身上做祂的工。

馬太福音  6:26 - 你們不比飛鳥貴重得多麼?                                                           
馬太福音 10:31 - 你們比許多麻雀還貴重。 
馬太福音 12:12 - 人比羊何等貴重呢!

若我們我行我素的話,我們可能只是一堆垃圾。但若有 神的恩典在我們的生命中,我們成為他精湛工藝的傑作(以弗所 2:10),只比 神自己微小一點(詩 8:4-6)。許多心理問題源於缺乏自我價值。在耶穌裡,我們得以在生命中重新恢復 神的形象,自我價值的問題因而消聲匿跡。

日本,中國,韓國:70 年和罪孽滿盈(創15:16) 
作者:Ariel Blumenthal 

上週,在耶路撒冷的住棚節期劃下一歷史性事件:由中國大陸基督徒和以色列彌賽亞猶太信徒共同帶領的第一次國際特會。許多當地的以色列領袖(包括猶太人和阿拉伯人)以及來自韓國和日本的領袖參與。三天生動的敬拜,代禱,和聯誼, 在最後一晚領聖餐後為合好洗腳的服事下落幕。在這段時間裡,我分享了神去年 3月在日本福島縣磐城市(Iwaki, Fukushima)所給的異象 —— 正是地震/海嘯核輻射危機的高峰時期 10天之後。 

背景:對非亞洲人而言,很難領會戰時經歷仍然玷汙著中國,日本,南北韓間關係的程度。日本對韓國人和中國人的戰時罪行的真實程度(可感受到的)仍歷歷在目的存在這些民族的集體記憶中。深切的創傷,缺乏悔改,不願饒恕,嫉妒和國家/民族自尊的每一層面都從上半 20 世紀殘留下來。(這與大屠殺的經歷仍然深深的影響著猶太/以色列人的世界觀和我們與某些國家的關係,尤其是德國,的深度相提並論)。

異象:在日本三重災難後,基督徒義工陸續的前往日本東北地區,志願提供協助(請點擊這裡(http://reviveisrael.org/japanblog/page/2)  )。


1. 但以理 9:1-3   但以理在耶利米書中查覺耶路撒冷的毀壞和巴比倫的放逐是為期 70年。那時間正在迫近,以至於先知委身致力於禱告和禁食。

2. 出埃及記 20:5  第二條誡命禁止偶像崇拜,宣示了神是忌邪的神,凡恨我的、我必追討他的罪、自父及子、直到三四代。3或4代有幾年?古代以色列的人, 在 20歲時就早已成婚。因此,一代與下代之間約 20年,或最高 30年的時間, 乘以 3或 4代也就是 70年左右。

3. 接下來,像一盞霓虹燈,我看到日期:1945年 - 2015年,正好70年。

4. 最後,我聽到聖靈說,日本罪孽盈滿的時間快到了。

神在處理列國約 70 年左右的事上是有些特別的。由於國家或種族的罪孽長時間觸及眾多人的命運,神的公義要求當冒犯國要經歷幾世代的某種懲罰之際,受害國亦經歷一段時間的祝福。另一方面,祂的憐憫渴望赦免,抹去罪的記憶,甚至在原本戰爭世代仍在世時,給與列國重新起步,踏入嶄新世代的一個機會。

我向世界各地的領袖和代禱者提出這個異象,尤其是日本,韓國和中國。我相信,未來 3 年是神對處理這些國家和他們命定一個特別的時間窗口。最近的領土爭議證明了神讓這些舊傷浮現而有因應的處理。(請點擊這裡http://rendezvous.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/08/16/east-asias-sea-disputes-scar-tissue-from-war-wounds/?smid=pl-share)

為了再度引起爭戰,衝突,和毀壞與這些國家,敵人(撒旦)希望激起驕傲,仇恨,不饒恕。但神的心意是祂的子民像但以理一樣謙卑自己,尋求彼此間的和好與團結,並為彼此的政府禱告。我們相信,正如在耶穌第一次降臨時,從東方來的智者歸榮耀與祂的關鍵人物(馬太 2:1-12)。因此, 在末世,從東亞來的信徒在履行大使命,恢復以色列,以及最後耶穌再來上具有特殊角色(啟 7:1-3)。讓我們祈求神為這些國家的至高心意和命定在未來幾年中顯明,特別是已經觸動了韓國和中國的復興,至終會臨到日本。(我將定期的繼續在部落格上發表與亞洲有關的聖經和末世主題。如您欲閱灠,請點擊這裡http://reviveisrael.org/japanblog/subscribe-to-updates)

Asher 在 YouTube 視頻的新教學:
Yom Teruah(吹角節)和耶穌在列國議會時再來之間的關係,請點擊這裡觀賞http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u74RN8vJ2XU&list=PLrQIjPM4N0r2YKe0DdwLSrqgw5lGyBuFn&feature=plpp_play_all。

復興以色列事工Revive Israel Ministries


©October 12, 2012 Revive Israel Ministries

How Much Are You Worth?

by Asher Intrater

A friend used to buy old jalopies and fix them up. He would essentially rebuild them from the inside out.  Then he would resell them for a profit as restored, antique cars. Once, an old car was brought in and I asked him how much it was worth.

He replied, "You don't understand. This car isn't worth anything. It’s a piece of junk. The value is all inside my imagination, my creativity and skills. I can make something out of it that is beautiful, stylish and worth money."

So it is with us and God.  Without His creativity we are without worth. It takes humility to understand that.  In His love, He sees potential in us that He can make something beautiful and worthwhile out of our lives. That takes faith. We have to believe in Him and let Him do His work in us.

How much are you worth? 
Yeshua said, comparing us to the animals:

Matthew 6:26 – Are you not of more value than they?
Matthew 10:31 – You are more precious than many sparrows.
Matthew 12:12 – You are a lot more valuable than a sheep!

On our own, we may be just a pile of junk. But with God's grace in our lives, we become a masterpiece of His craftsmanship (Ephesians 2:10), just a little lower than God Himself (Psalm 8:4-6). Many psychological problems stem from a lack of self-worth. In Yeshua, we regain the image of God in our lives, and problems of self-worth should disappear.

Japan, China, Korea: 70 Years and the Fullness of Sin (Gen 15:16)

By Ariel Blumenthal

Last week’s Sukkot holiday marked a historic event here in Jerusalem:  the first international conference led by Mainland Chinese Christians together with Israeli Messianic Jews.  There was participation from local Israeli leadership, including an Arab pastor, as well as leaders from Korea and Japan.  It was 3.5 days of dynamic worship, intercession, and fellowship.  On the last night we focused on unity and reconciliation, including a foot-washing service followed by the Lord’s Supper.  During this time, I shared a vision that the Lord gave me last March in Iwaki, Fukushima—just 10 days after the earthquake/tsunami, at the height of the nuclear radiation crisis.

Background:  For non-Asians, it is hard to imagine the degree to which the wartime experience still taints the relationships between China, Japan, and both Koreas.  The very real (and perceived!) wartime sins of Japan against the Koreans and the Chinese—colonization, dehumanization, rape, and murder—are still very fresh in the collective memory of these peoples.  Deep wounds, lack of repentance, unforgiveness, and national/ethnic pride—on all sides—are leftover from the first half of the 20th century. (It is parallel to the depth to which the Holocaust experience still colors the Jewish/Israeli world view and our relationship with certain nations, especially Germany.)

The Vision:  After the triple disaster in Japan, Christian volunteers were streaming to Northeast Japan to help.  (http://reviveisrael.org/japanblog/page/2)  

One day, during our morning worship time, I looked around and was struck by the beauty of the Japanese, Koreans, and Chinese worshipping together. Suddenly, I received a very clear vision/revelation: 

  1. Daniel 9:1-3  Daniel discovers in the book of Jeremiah that the destruction of Jerusalem and the Babylonian Exile is to last 70 years.  The fullness of that time was approaching, and so the prophet committed himself to prayer and fasting
  2. Exodus 20:5  The 2nd commandment against idolatry, declares that God is ajealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, on the third and the fourth generations. How many years is 3 or 4 generations?  In ancient Israel people were married already by age 20.  Thus, between one generation and the next is approximately 20, or maximum, 30 years—times 3 or 4 is also about 70 years. 
  3. Next, like a neon sign, I saw the dates: 1945-2015—exactly 70 years.
  4. Finally, I heard the Holy Spirit say, the time is coming for the fullness of Japan’s sin to be completed. 

There is something special about this period of time—70 years—in God’s dealing with nations.  Since national or tribal sins touch the destinies of so many people for an extended period of time, God’s justice requires that there be a kind of punishment for the guilty nation that is experienced for several generations, while the victimized nation is allowed to experience a period of blessing during that same time.  On the other hand, His mercy desires to forgive, erase the memory of sin, and extend the opportunity for a fresh start to new generations in each nation—even while the wartime generation is still alive.    

I submit this vision to leaders and intercessors throughout the world, but especially in Japan, Korea, and China.  I believe that the next 3 years are a special window of time in God’s dealings with these nations and their destinies.  Recent territorial controversies prove that God is allowing these old wounds to surface in order to be dealt with. 

The enemy hopes to stir pride, hatred, and unforgiveness in order to bring war, conflict, and destruction to these nations again.  But God’s desire is for His people in each nation to humble themselves like Daniel, seek reconciliation and unity with each other, and to pray for one another’s governments.  We believe that just as wise men from the East (Mt. 2:1-12) were key in honoring Yeshua at His first coming, so there is a special role in the end times for the believers from East Asia in fulfilling the Great Commission, the restoration of Israel, and ultimately, Yeshua’s 2nd Coming (Rev 7:1-3).

Let us pray for God’s highest will and destiny for these nations to come forth in the coming years.

(Periodically, I will continue to blog on Biblical and End Times subjects related to Asia.  If you wish to subscribe, click here.)

New Teaching from Asher on YouTube

The connection between Yom Teruah (Feast of Trumpets) and the second coming of Jesus at the All Nations Convocation. Click here.

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