
主的聲音正在叫醒祂睡著的新婦,祂的手正喚起祂的愛人(雅歌 5:1-6)。為什麼? 王正在向祂的新婦求愛,醒過來並被喚起的信徒將進到曠野。就在這個親密的地方,祂將為了差遣我們進入末世收割,轉化我們像祂的形像一樣。主的靈正在釋放一個充滿能力的命令臨到醒過來的新婦,而這信息是清清楚楚的! 神給末後這世代的話語是:“醒來、興起並前進!”。


確實我們正處於快速、極端變化的季節裡。全球性改變正臨到我們。為什麼在這樣動盪時刻, 神的靈卻呼喚祂的新婦進入曠野呢?因為只有與良人在曠野裡時,我們可以毫無疑問的學習聆聽並跟隨祂的聲音。毫無保留的認出並順服我們良人的聲音,在這季節裡是何等極度的重要 (請參約翰福音10:3)。我們被呼喚到曠野是為了與祂親密 – 為了事後可結許多果子。我們被裝備是為要在王的國度裡使王前進!王的話語將給我們能力進入末世的事奉。只有在曠野裡完全分別與主一起,我們才能發現盼望和機會的門 (何西阿書2:14)。


親愛的信徒,我們必須回應祂溫柔的呼喚進入,與我們的王一起有曠野的經歷。主正在呼喊:“來與我同去!”而我們回應:願你吸引我,我就快 跑跟隨你!”(雅歌 1:4)。末世教會絕不會,將來也不會在黑暗中與優柔寡斷中繼續絆跌。這是關鍵時刻;我們必須行走在前所未有的強烈清楚的異象中。我們生命首要的目標和神聖的目必須是與基督連結(以弗所書5:14-18)。

現在就是時刻,我們必須謙卑自己並緊連結於 神的靈,聆聽並順服祂的聲音,充分使用每個時刻 (愛惜光陰),將時間贖回 (以弗所書 5:16)。


神的靈正渴望先知性的號角 吹出肯定的聲音。祂啟示性的呼召正在響起,要叫醒並喚起祂睡著的新婦,迫使祂的身體向基督我們的王與祂復活大能的事奉,用全然、熱情的愛來回應。

在這些過度期間,我們只須要用耳朵聆聽 神對這世代說話的聲音,用眼睛觀看祂手所做的事,這樣我們才可準確的做祂所引導的事,只說祂所說的話。


真理的靈正在釋放出有關將要臨到的 國度時代的建立之信息,但我們不可以將這新的使徒性權柄用來與過去的教會歷史時代、復興史、興起或運動做比較。記得主對約書亞說過:因為這條路你們向來沒有走過”。 (約書亞記 3:4)。當約書亞被警告要為自己前所未有的日子做預備,我們也照樣,必須為未來的時代預備 神的靈將有一個全新、超乎想像的榮耀的運行。過去不幸的是,寶貴的信徒們被“現在國度”神學教導誤導了。這些教師允許極深的錯誤,他們不瞭解,我們若沒有全然的擁抱王 就無法擁有真正的國度大能。靠著 神的恩典我們不再被這些錯誤蒙騙了。


親愛的,全能 神不會為了推動我們個人的計畫 而釋放祂寶貴及有能力的恩膏。我們必須為我們自私的野心與徒勞的追求悔改、對自己死、背起十字架並跟隨羔羊,無論祂往那裡去。我們必須首先、單單只尋求祂的國和祂的榮耀。我們的禱告必須是:願你的國降臨;願你的旨意行在地上,如同行在天上”(路加福音11:2, 馬太福音6:10)

神將要來的運動之中心到底是誰和什麼東西呢?除了王自己,無與倫比的耶穌基督以外沒有別的!將來的彌賽亞!我們的良人!我們心所愛的!萬人中最美的!因為 神本性一切的豐盛都有形有體的居住在基督裡面 (歌羅西書 2:9)。請求主鑒察我們的心;確認我們的勞苦不是為了推動我們自己,而單單為了推動祂的事與祂的榮耀。 神的心意與我們腳步之間必須快速同步。

請不要敵擋你的王呼喚你進到曠野。祂渴望與你分享祂內心深處,將祂的愛傾倒於你並且顯明祂將要來的國度時代之奧秘。親愛的信徒,請多多並火熱的禱告: 願你的國降臨;願你的旨意行在地上,如同行在天上”(路加福音11:2, 馬太福音6:10)。阿門!

包比.康納(Bobby Conner)
Eagles View Ministries


Bobby Conner:
God Is Wooing Us

The voice of the Lord is now awakening His sleeping Bride and the hand of the Lord is arousing His beloved (Song of Songs 5:1-6). Why? The King is wooing His Bride, awakened and aroused Believers, into the wilderness.There, in this place of intimacy with the King, He is going to conform us into His image and commission us for the end-time harvest.

The Spirit of the Lord is now releasing a powerful command to the awakened Church and the message is clear! God's word for this last-day generation is "Awake, arise and advance!"

The Purpose of the Wilderness

Indeed, we are in a season of swift, radical change. Times of global transition are upon us. Why, in such a time of upheaval, is the Spirit of God wooing His Bride into the wilderness? Only in the wilderness with our Beloved will we learn to hear and follow His voice without hesitation.Recognizing and obeying the voice of our Bridegroom without reservation is of vital, extreme importance in this season (see John 10:3). We are being called to the wilderness for intimacy – to then bear much fruit. We are being equipped to advance the King in His Kingdom!

The King's words will empower us for our mission of the last days. Only in this wilderness of separation unto the Lord will we discover the open door of hope and opportunity (Hosea 2:14).

The Response of the Bride

Beloved saints, we must answer His tender call to enter this wilderness experience with our King. The Lord is crying, "Come away with Me!" and we must respond, "Draw me and I will run after You!" (Song of Songs 1:4). The end-time Church must not and will not continue to stumble about in darkness and indecision. This is a crucial hour; we must walk with an intensity of vision like never before. The chief goal, aim and divine purpose of our lives must be no less than union with Christ (Ephesians 5:14-18).

Now, this day is the time to humble ourselves and cleave to the Spirit of God, hearing and obeying His voice to maximize every moment, redeeming the time (Ephesians 5:16).

Heaven's Trumpets are Sounding!

The Spirit of God is demanding that the prophetic trumpets make a sure sound. His revelatory call is sounding in order to awaken and arouse His sleeping Church, to compel His Body to respond in abandoned, passionate love for Christ our King and the dunamis power of His resurrection.

In these transitional times, we simply must have ears to hear what the voice of the Lord is saying to this generation, as well as eyes to see what His hand is doing in order to do exactly as He directs and speak only as He speaks.

An Apostolic Age Unlike Others

The Spirit of Truth is releasing a pure message concerning the establishment of the coming Kingdom age but we must not compare this new release of apostolic authority with church ages, revivals, awakenings or movements of the past. Remember what the Lord said to Joshua: "You have never been where you are now going" (Joshua 3:4). As Joshua was warned to be prepared in his day, a day unlike any other, so we, too, are being prepared for the coming age a wholly new, unimaginably glorious move of the Spirit of God.

Unfortunately in the past, precious Believers have fallen prey to the misguided teachings of the "Kingdom now" theology. These teachers entertained deep error, not understanding that we cannot have true Kingdom power until we fully embrace the King. By God's grace, we do not have to be deceived by these errors again.

Advancing His Purposes Not Ours

Beloved, the Almighty God will not release His precious and powerful anointing to advance our personal agendas. We must repent and turn from our selfish ambitions and vain pursuits, die to ourselves, pick up our cross and follow the Lamb wherever He goes. We must seek first, foremost and only His Kingdom and glory. Our prayer must be, "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in Heaven" (Luke 11:2,Matthew 6:10).

Who and what is at the center of this coming move of God? None other than the King Himself, the matchless Jesus Christ! The Coming Messiah! Our Bridegroom! Our Beloved! The Fairest of Ten Thousand! In Christ alone does the fullness of the Godhead dwell (Colossians 2:9). Ask the Lord to search your heart: make sure that your labors are not to advance your own life but to advance His cause and glory. There must be a swift synchronization between God's will and our walk.

Do not resist the wooing of your King to join Him in the wilderness. He longs to share the depths of His heart with you, ravish you with His love and reveal the mysteries of His coming Kingdom age. Pray this often and fervently, beloved saints: "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in Heaven" (Luke 11:2, Matthew 6:10). Amen!

Bobby Conner
Eagles View Ministries