
為以色列時事禱告August 27, 2012(割禮議題)



 『凡遵守祂的約和祂法度的人,耶和華都以慈愛誠實待他。』 (詩篇 25:10)


雖然這是第一次如此的律法被控告,但類似的立法已經開始提出,甚至在歐洲其他國家通過。美國也無法免除,去年在舊金山有一萬二千人在秋季大選中請願禁止割禮,任何為十八歲以下男性行割禮的人要處一千美元罰款或坐監一年。在舊金山有此行動後一週,聖地牙哥有一團體提出在聖莫尼卡也要投票禁止割禮。在此事件中,舊金山猶太社區關係協會為此進行一項訴訟,來取消11月選舉對禁止割禮的提案(參考:JPOST.COM 05/25/2011『聖莫尼卡提議禁止割禮』;以及耶路撒冷郵報08/24/12『以色列面對憤世嫉俗的世界』)。

上週的案件在德國猶太圈子、在以色列和世界各地已興起抗議的風暴,也對法律制度帶來許多混亂的影響。這週以色列首席拉比梅子格(Yona Metzger)拜會德國官員,欲協助他們制訂出一些合法保障猶太人和穆斯林在德國對男嬰行割禮的方案。有一些人建議一些取代方案,例如發展出『象徵性』的儀式來取代真正切除嬰兒的包皮。梅子格拉比回應如此的建議一定要找到四千年祖先的共鳴,他說:『這是我們的信仰,是猶太精神的根源,是在猶太人身體上的標記和印記』(紐約時報08/21/12『在德國割禮議題上尋求一致』)。



創世記12:6-7: 神將亞伯蘭帶到應許之地,當他一到示劍,耶和華向亞伯蘭顯現,並應許『要把這地賜給他的後裔』。亞伯蘭就在那裡為『向他顯現的耶和華築了一座壇』,作為回應,神先在吾珥向他顯現,現在則在迦南向他顯現。 

創世記13:14-15: 在靠近伯特利附近的一處,耶和華要亞伯蘭舉目向東西南北觀看;應許凡他所看見的一切地,都要賜給他和他的後裔,直到永遠。 

創世記15:9-21: 割禮成為亞伯蘭子孫得這地為業的記號 (15:8),亞伯蘭現在已經知道這位天地的主是至高的神(14:22),與亞伯蘭立約,顯明他的後裔會在埃及四百年,如今已將應許之地的所有權賜給他們。 

創世記17: 9-14: 神告訴亞伯拉罕,他和他的後裔必世世代代遵守祂的約。他們要遵守的方式是所有新生男嬰生下來第八日,都要受割禮割除包皮。神與亞伯拉罕所立的約是與賜給他和他後裔的土地有關,亞伯拉罕和他的後裔藉由『割禮』來遵守並捍衛此約。凡肉身不受割禮的男子必從民中『剪除』,因他背了神的約。這裡提到的產業在危急中,神與亞伯拉罕肉身後裔所立下的永恆之約,永遠與那約中的應許之地緊緊相連。 


創世記17:19-22: 神清楚說到祂與亞伯拉罕後裔和應許之地的約必須從以撒而來。雖然神也賜福給以實瑪利(身為亞伯拉罕的一家子,他也受割禮),此割禮之約的祝福不會繼續臨到以實瑪利的後裔,一定得從以撒而來。





*在新約之下,列國信主的人不需要受割禮。既然割禮絕不是得到公義的工具,其最初的目的與他們並沒有關係(使徒行傳21:17-25;加拉太書),信主的猶太人持續遵守(使徒行傳21:17-25)。在使徒行傳16:1-5 記錄了保羅覺得提摩太行割禮的必要性,因他母親是猶太人。







『誰能明白雲彩如何鋪張,和神行宮的雷聲呢? 祂將亮光普照在自己的四圍;祂又遮覆海底。 祂用這些審判眾民。祂使密雲盛滿水氣,布散電光之雲;這雲是藉祂的指引游行旋轉,得以在全地面上行祂一切所吩咐的,或為責罰,或為潤地,或為施行慈愛。(約伯記36:29-31a; 37:11-13)。





*用以西結書36章為『以色列山』禱告(就是聖經中所謂的猶大和撒馬利亞等西岸地區)在這一章中,以色列的神應許這地『必發枝條,為我的民以色列結果子,因為他們快要來到。』 (8節)。


馬汀和娜瑪‧賽維士(Martin & Norma Sarvis) 

Prayer Update From Israel (August 27, 2012)


"All the LORD's paths are lovingkindness and truth to those who guard His covenant and His testimony" (Psalm 25:10).

 Last week a rabbi in northern Bavaria became the first mohel (a Jewish person trained in the procedure) to have criminal charges brought against him for administering brit milah-the Hebrew Covenant of Circumcision. This followed the June 26 ruling of a Cologne court that circumcision for religious reasons constitutes illegal bodily harm to infants. Opponents say that it violates bodily integrity of the child and should not be allowed until the boy is 14 and can choose for himself whether he wants to go through with it (the Biblical directive for male Hebrew children is the eighth day after birth). Although this is the first time such a law has resulted in charges being filed, similar legislations have begun to be proposed and in some cases passed in other parts of Europe. Nor is the US exempt-only last year a petition in San Francisco raised 12,000 signatures to have a ban placed on the fall ballot reportedly calling for $1000 fine and/or a year in prison for circumcising males beneath the age of 18. A week following the San Francisco action, a San Diego group proposed to ballot a circumcision ban in Santa Monica as well. In the event, a lawsuit brought by San Francisco's Jewish Community Relations Council was required to strike the measure from the November ballot (See: "Male circumcision ban proposed in Santa Monica"; JPOST.COM Staff, 05/25/2011 13:32; and "Israel faces a cynical world", by Caroline B. Glick, Column One, The Jerusalem Post 24 Aug 2012, p.24). 

The case last week has raised a storm of protest in Jewish circles in Germany, in Israel and around the world. It has also wrought much confusion in legal systems affected. German officials this week brought in Israeli Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi Yona Metzger to assist them in attempting to work out some manner of legal protection for Jews and Muslims in that nation who circumcise their children. Activists have suggested a number of alternatives, such as that a sort of "symbolic" ritual be developed to replace the actual cutting of the infant. Rabbi Metzger's response to such suggestions rings in a way which must find resonance back through four millennia of his ancestors, "This is our belief, and this is the root of the Jewish soul. It is a stamp, a seal on the body of a Jew." ("Accord Sought in Germany Over Circumcision Issue": New York Times, 21 Aug 2012).

It is critical to realize that the issue beginning to surface is something far more serious than the civil rights of children or even of religious groups. We are talking about human interference with Covenant-covenant initiated and cut by and with Elohim-Chaim-the "God of all Life". Cloaking itself in a 'humanitarian' mask, a great and evil power is beginning to make its move, and evil which hates God and despises all humankind made in His image. A covenant-hating spiritual system, it abhors especially those covenants cut with the Hebrew Fathers, covenants still in effect whose validation issues forth in life for all humanity. 


Genesis 12:6-7: The LORD (YHVH) brings Abram into a promised Land. When he first arrives at Shechem (site of modern-day Nablus), YHVH appears to Abram and promises that He will give this land to his seed. Abram responds by building an altar there to the God "who had appeared to him", first in Ur, now in Canaan.

Genesis 13:14: From a point near Bethel the LORD has Abram look in all four directions and promises all the land which he can see, to give it to him and to his seed forever.

Genesis 15:9-21: As a sign that Abram's seed will inherit the land (15:8), the Lord YHVH, whom Abram has now come to know as God Most High (14:22), cuts covenant with Abram, revealing that his descendants (seed) who will not return from Egypt for four hundred years, have nevertheless, now already been given title to the land.

Genesis 17: 8-14: Elohim (God) tells Abraham that he and all his seed after him throughout their generations are to keep his Covenant. Their part in doing this is that the foreskin of all new-born males must to be physically cut off on the 8th day-they are to be circumcised. God cuts covenant with Abraham in relation to giving him and his descendants the land-Abraham and his descendants adhere to and guard that covenant by the 'cutting' of circumcision. Those whose flesh is not cut off in this way will themselves be 'cut off' from God's covenant with the people of the land. It is inheritance that is at stake here. God's eternal Covenant with the physical seed of Abraham is forever integrally connected with the Land promised in that covenant. 


Genesis 17:19-22: Elohim clarifies that His Covenant with the seed of Abraham and the Land will and must come through Isaac. Although there will be blessings for Ishmael (who was also circumcised as part of Abraham's house), the blessing of this Covenant will not continue through his seed (or that of anyone else). It must come through Isaac.

Note: on the 26th of October, Muslims will celebrate Eid al-Adhai ("Greater Solemn Festival") in which they affirm and celebrate that Abraham obeyed God by the offering of Ishmael, not Isaac.that Isaac was in fact born as a gift for Ishmael's faithfulness in yielding himself to be sacrificed (just before a goat was revealed as a substitute). They circumcise their own sons-but they have been deluded into following a covenant void of Life. God's covenant brings LIFE. His Messiah Yeshua/Jesus/Yasuah, the Way, the Truth and the Life for the whole world, must come, through Isaac. Please pray for the billions of Muslims around the world-that they receive supernatural revelation and understanding about the One who is the Way, the Truth and the Life-who came forth through the Covenant people, through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob-who died, was buried, and was raised again on behalf of all the sons and daughters of Adam everywhere! 

*Circumcision is not a means of righteousness, it is a sign related to the unification in a particular place of a people God set apart and through whom His workings and blessings would be displayed and released to all the world. It was not introduced as part of the Torah (Law) of Moses, it is before the Law. The Torah grants a glimpse of the nature of God, of his righteousness, and the requirements of that righteousness upon mankind with whom He desires fellowship. It also provided a (temporary) means of sacrifices for cleansing where those requirements were not perfectly met. It served as a "schoolmaster to lead us all to Messiah." 

*Yeshua (Jesus) was Himself identified with the people Israel and the Land (where He will one day physically reign) when He was circumcised on the eighth day (Luke 2:21).

*Under the New Covenant, non-Jews in the nations who came to faith were not required to be circumcised. Since it in no way was to be considered a means towards obtaining righteousness, its original purpose did not pertain to them (Acts 20:17-25; Epistle to the Galatians) - but Messianic Jews continued to observe it (also Acts 20:17-25). In Acts 16:1-5 it is recorded that Paul felt it imperative that Timothy, whose mother was Jewish, be circumcised. 

It is impossible to come against God's purposes for the Land of Israel without at some point crossing with His purposes for the people He chose to steward that Land.

*Forcing Jews to abandon circumcision, or convincing them so to do would succeed in divorcing them from the inheritance which circumcision insures-their title to the Land of Israel. 

*It should be instructive to realize that the initial places (Shechem, Bethel, Hebron) of God's promises and covenant with Abraham regarding his seed (through Isaac) and the Land all lie within the boundaries presently demanded by the world within which to form a Muslim State in which NO Jews would be allowed to live.

*The rationale behind demands for eradicating circumcision mirrors an ancient "Greek" (i.e. Secular Humanist) way of thinking. Such was the case in 164 BC when the Syrian king Antiochus IV Epiphanes, in his zeal to eradicate Judaism and replace it with a Greek way of life, worship and thought also forbade circumcision. Zechariah 9:13 refers to a coming conflict between these two ideologies in the last days.


Is it mere coincidence that the very week in which criminal charges are brought against a Jewish man for following in the obedience of his ancient father Abraham when he circumcised Isaac-a tropical storm predicted to become a hurricane has arisen in the Atlantic and is presently roaring towards Florida and the Gulf of Mexico-the name of which storm is Isaac?  

"Can anyone understand the spreading of the clouds, the thundering of His pavilion? Behold, he scatters his lightning about him and covers the roots of the sea.  For by these he judges peoples.He loads the thick cloud with moisture; the clouds scatter his lightening.  They turn around and around by His guidance, to accomplish all that he commands them on the face of the habitable world.  Whether for correction, or for his land, or for love, He causes it to happen" (Job 36:29-31a; 37:11-13 ESV; Emphases ours).

May the Lord grant us ears to hear what His Spirit is speaking.


*That the righteous within nations in which the Jewish covenant of circumcision is being threatened would rise up and take a stand against this prohibition; that their legislatures will implement laws protecting the rights of Jews to perform this ancient covenant practice given them by God.

*God's protection over the heartland specifically promised by covenant to the descendants of Abraham through Isaac. It is this area which is now being threatened to come under permanent sovereignty of adherers to a different covenant. (Later this week, Sept 25-Oct 1, all 193 members states of the UN will be gathered for the Annual Debate of the General Assembly, in which they are expected to be faced with a unilateral declaration of a Palestinian state in Judea, Samaria and Gaza.) 

*Pray Ezekiel 36 over "the mountains of Israel" (an early Biblical name for the so-called "West Bank" of Judea and Samaria). It is here that the Lord GOD of Israel has promised the land will "shoot forth its branches and yield fruit to My people Israel, for they are about to come" (vs. 8).

*That Jews in the nations being held back from realigning with their Covenant homeland by fear or mammon will realize that the freedoms they have been granted in the nations to "bring Israel there" may not always be there. Pray that those God is calling to return to Israel at this time will, in the closing words of last weeks Haftarah: "Depart! Depart! Go out from there, touch nothing unclean.go out from the midst of her, be clean.For the LORD will go before you, and the God of Israel will be your rear guard" (Isaiah 52:11-12).