
三月是在靈界領域中另一個快速移動與轉變的月份,這也是先知預言成就的時刻。仔細檢視過去幾年 神的應許以及已經對你說過的事情,並守望觀看這些有許多會成就。這是一個你可以求 神給你一些兆頭來顯明祂與你同在的時刻,並且你會得到印證你走在正路中(86:17)


我在2011年12月15日釋放一句關於舊金山週圍會有事發生的先知性話語,剛開始是小的,然而會影響整個世界。我在夢中看見一位天使被定位去跳舞,然後事情就開始出現。神非常清楚告訴我在3月4日,舊金山灣區地帶將有改變。隔天,也就是2012年3月5日,有二個相隔8秒鐘的地震發生。繼續禱告並守望 神用意想不到的人在意想不到的地區運行。



過去60天我所成就的已經多過於過去幾年我有的。過去幾年我曾經嘗試做過的事情,卻因不同的原因而未解決,這不是因為我沒有去嘗試,而是因為過去9到10年來有一種緊繃的屬靈爭戰與強烈、拖長的攻擊抵擋我們,這是我們突破的季節並且重新得回我們所失去的。當我們要向前行進入 神給我們的機會時,許多人也正經歷強烈的反對。當我剛開始看見這些時,我以為仇敵的攻擊確實比實際的還強烈;然而我也很驚訝現在突破竟然是如此容易。假如你把仇敵擊退,你就會突破。這是重新得回你已失去的陣地的時候。善加利用這扇機會之窗。








我看見 神在我們面前擺放機會之門,我們必須辨識出我們正站在哪種門前。這是你自己打開的門還是 神為你打開的門? 大部分的人等候 神為他們打開門,但是必須注意 神為你開門的要求: 

7:7 “你們祈求,就給你們;尋找,就尋見;叩門,就給你們開門 

。這些都是前瞻性的步驟,我們必須主動的祈求、尋找並繼續叩門。是的,我們可以等候 神打開門但是我們必須做到從 神聽到的最後事情。


3:20 “看哪,我站在門外叩門,若有聽見我聲音就開門的,我要進到他那裡去,我與他,他與我一同作席 

這扇門我們必須打開,在這扇門後充滿 神最偉大的能力與同在。當你站在這種門外,你會聽到祂的聲音,然後耶穌將會進入你的情況並給你許多奇妙的啟示。要打開這扇們的要求是,當我們聽見 神的聲音,我們需採取信心的步驟主動打開門。這不是藉著我們的力量來打開,而是藉著我們的行動所帶來的突破以進入到新的層次。 

多數人等候 神,但沒有採取前瞻性的步驟。有些人有採取步驟,但沒有意識到 神也正在等候你。求問 神向你顯明你所需要採取的步驟,讓 神清楚地告訴你那將要來的新的機會。 

這是一個非常興奮的時刻,因為 神正啟示你受造的非常原因。這是一個我們都渴望看到新事情的破曉的季節。這不是害怕的時刻。專注向 神並且採取一些實際的步驟,觀看 神做奇妙的事! 

艾˙道格 Doug Addison
光中連結 InLight Connection


New Doors of Opportunity: March to September 

March is another month of quick shifting and forward movement in the spiritual realm. It's also a time of prophecy fulfilled. Check back over the last few years for promises and things that God has spoken to you and watch for the fulfillment of many of them. This is a time when you can ask God for some type of sign that He is with you and you will get confirmation that you are on the right path (Psalm 86:17).

God is Moving in the Unexpected

I released a prophetic word on December 15, 2011 about something new happening around San Francisco that would start small but impact the entire world. I saw in a dream an angel that was positioned to dance and things would begin to break open. God spoke to me quite clearly that on March 4th there would be a shift over the San Francisco Bay area. The next day, March 5, 2012 there were two earthquakes eight seconds apart. Keep praying and watch for God to move in unexpected areas and with unexpected people.

Breakthrough Time

I keep hearing the word "reprieve" which means that a death sentence has been canceled. The enemy has played his hand too strongly against us and now we are in a strategic time of being set free from things that have restrained us in the past.

Over the past 60 days I have accomplished more than I have in years. There are things that I have been trying to do for a number of years but for various reasons they have not worked out. It was not because I didn't try but because of intense spiritual warfare and a strong, prolonged attack against us for the last 9–10 years.

This is our season to break through and to regain all that was lost
. Many people are experiencing strong opposition as we moved toward the new opportunities God has. When I first saw this I thought the attack of the enemy was actually stronger than it was. I was surprised to see how easy breakthrough is right now. If you push back, you will break through. This is a time to regain the ground that was lost. Take advantage of this window of opportunity.

March through September of 2012

Last November I saw a five-month-old fetus in a vision. I knew this represented new things that would be birthed in the month of March. Just as we have set the clocks forward, so things are moving forward more quickly.

is a time of small beginnings (Zechariah 4:10). April will be the release of new creative ideas. The month of May will bring new alignment with people and resources. June will be a time to work hard and July will be a month in which we will see things come to completion. August will mark a new beginning and by September there will be an establishment of new things. What was once a dream will be reality before October. It will require taking proactive steps and moving forward.

Requirements to Operate in the New

Death will bring new life. Not just dying to the sinful nature but also dying to old ways of operating and belief systems that are outdated. God is releasing something new and there are no limits to what we can accomplish through His strength, love and power.

One thing that has held us back in the past has been judging others
. We must be sure to get rid of pride, unforgiveness and judging others. This will quickly disqualify us in this new season. Humility and working together will be your strongest weapon. God wants to build Kingdom networks, as the individual kingdom mentality will no longer be effective.

Two Doors of Opportunity

I saw that God has placed doors of opportunity before us. We must discern what type of door we are standing in front of. Is it a door that you open or a door that God opens for you? Most people are waiting on God to open the door for them. But notice the requirement to have God open the door for you:

Matthew 7:7
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."

We must ask, seek and knock before the door will be opened for us
. Those are all pro-active steps. We need to be actively asking, seeking and continually knocking on doors. Yes, we can wait on God to open the door but we must be doing the last things we heard from God.

You might be standing in front of another type of door, one that most people are not aware of.

Revelation 3:20
"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with Me."

This door is one that we must open. Behind that door are the greatest levels of God's power and presence. When you stand in front of this type of door, and you are able to hear His voice then Jesus will come into your situation and give you an amazing amount of revelation. The requirement for this door to open is that we hear God's voice and take steps of faith to open the door ourselves. It is not by our own strength but by our own action to breakthrough to a new level.

Many people are waiting on God and not taking proactive steps. Others have taken steps but do not realize that God is waiting for you. Ask God to show you any steps you need to take and to speak to you clearly about the new opportunities that are coming.

This is an exciting time as God is revealing the very reason that you were created. It is the season and the dawning of the new things that we have all longed to see. It is not a time to be afraid. Focus on God and take some practical steps and watch as God does amazing things.

Doug Addison
InLight Connection