


有沒有可能就像約拿一樣,暴風雨臨到我們的船上不是因為異教徒,而是因著悖逆的先知? 正如異教徒必須叫醒約拿,說服他來呼求他的神,這甚至是今日異教徒在許多方面正在做的事。我們所面對的問題遠超過人類所能補救,而人們也開始瞭解到此。





(摘自 喬納 word for the week, Week 22, 2010)  

预备时候-之22 (雷克乔纳)

暴政所敞开的大门是因为 神子民的被动;我们若是基督徒,我们就有从 神来的命令成为光和盐,不管祂将我们放在何处。美国在这几十年已走向专制,只不过目前的步调正加速前进。即便如此,倘若 神的子民醒过来,投入在翻转国家回到她神圣的目的上,情况仍可以停止并翻转。倘若 神的子民确实苏醒过来、投入其中,我们不仅可以避免目前正危险靠近的深渊,还可以拥有从所未有的最好时光。


不成熟或邪恶的领导阶层是 神对沈溺放纵之国的审判,正如我们在以赛亚书五章所看见的。同样地,有智慧与能力的领导阶层是从 神来的祝福。我们必须如我们被吩咐的来为我们的领袖祷告,我们也需要为着能有合适的领袖祷告。为此缘故,我们应该检视许多在上位者的不适任与邪恶。首先我们必须回转向 神,而不是去寻找更好的领袖,正如历代志下七章14节所告诉我们的:


在这里我们看见,医治土地始于 神的子民做以下的事情:
有没有可能就像乔纳一样,暴风雨临到我们的船上不是因为异教徒,而是因着悖逆的先知? 正如异教徒必须叫醒乔纳,说服他来呼求他的 神,这甚至是今日异教徒在许多方面正在做的事。我们所面对的问题远超过人类所能补救,而人们也开始了解到此。

身为一位在列国中代表 神的先知性声音,就像光和盐一样,我们有责任指出我们领袖或人民做错的事,我们也必须一直保有谦卑、检视自己,先来为自己所做的恶行悔改。这不表示我们要完美了才能指错,只不过我们先要谦卑自己,然后再说,好使我们的话语不带着自义的氛围,乃是从 神而来的恳求来拯救祂所爱的人,包括每一个人。为此缘故,在彼得前书四章17节说:『因为时候到了,审判要从 神的家起首。』

要让我们的土地得医治,先要从 神的子民谦卑自己开始。我们反对领袖或百姓的恶行,不是出于愤慨与愤怒,而是带着谦卑的恳求。我们必须牢牢记住:『神阻挡骄傲的人,赐恩给谦卑的人』(雅各布书4:6)。
能脱离我们所在混乱的唯一方式是借着神的恩典,所以我们凡事都要谦卑。这不代表我们很软弱,或妥协我们对时代的宣告与挑战,我们不过是采取行动来恳求 神,而不是恳求人。唯有这样我们才可以盼望真实的得胜,因为正如耶稣自己在马太福音十二章28节所言:『我若靠着 神的灵赶鬼,这就是神的国临到你们了。』倘若我们要赶除邪恶,我们必须靠着 神的灵。 神的灵总是藉由圣灵的果子来辨认出来,其就是:『就是仁爱、喜乐、和平、忍耐、恩慈、良善、信实、温柔、节制』(参考加拉太书5:22-23)。

(摘自 乔纳 word for the week, Week 22, 2010)

Prepared for the Times, Part 22
Week 22, 2010

The biggest open door for tyranny is for God’s people to be passive. If we are Christians, we have a mandate from God to be the salt and light wherever He has placed us. America has been sliding into tyranny for decades but the pace has now accelerated. Even so, it can still be stopped and reversed if God’s people will wake up and get engaged in turning the nation back toward her divinely given purpose. If God’s people do awaken and become engaged, we will not only avoid the abyss we are now so dangerously close to, but our best times could be ahead of us.

There are examples in history where nations have fallen to their deepest depravity, then a revival or spiritual awakening was ignited, and they rose to their greatest spiritual heights as a nation. Movements such as The Tea Party Movement is evidence that many are waking up and have considerable resolve to turn the nation back to its roots, its strength, and its very life source. However, there is one element missing—clear, defined, and capable leadership.

Immature or evil leadership are judgments of God upon nations that have fallen into debauchery as we see in Isaiah 5. Good, wise, and capable leadership is likewise a blessing from God. We must pray for our leaders as we are commanded, and we need to pray for the right leadership. For this reason, we should view the incompetence and evil of many who are presently in authority around the world as judgment. Our first priority must be to return to God, not just look for better leaders. We are told in II Chronicles 7:14: 

“If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land” (NKJV). 

We see here that the healing of the land begins with God’s people doing the following: 1) humbling themselves, 2) praying, 3) seeking God’s face, and 4) turning from their wicked ways. Could it be that, as with Jonah, the reason for the great storm that has come upon our ship is not because of the heathen, but because of the rebellious prophet? Just as the heathen had to wake up Jonah and convince him to call on his God, in many ways even the heathen are doing this today. On every front, problems are beyond human remedy, and they are starting to understand this.

As a prophetic voice given to represent God in the nations as salt and light, we have a responsibility to speak out against the wrong that is done by our leaders or the people. We also must always humble ourselves, and look to ourselves, repenting of the evil that we are doing first. This does not mean that we cannot speak out until we are perfect, or we would never speak. However, when we speak out after humbling ourselves, the words will not have that self-righteous air to them, but rather the cry of an anointed appeal from God to save those whom He loves, which includes everyone. For this reason we are told in I Peter 4:17, “For it is time for judgment to begin with the household of God.” 

Many kinds of judgment are in Scripture—one is condemnation and one is destruction, but the rest are discipline from the Lord. As we are told in Hebrews 12, the Lord disciplines those whom He loves. Therefore, the judgments we are suffering are because He loves us, and He is seeking to turn us back from the path of destruction we are on. This judgment has to start with His own people because how can He judge the nations for the things that even His own people are doing?

We must remember that the path to having our land healed begins with God’s people humbling themselves. Our declarations against the evil deeds of our leaders, or the people, will not come with outrage and anger as much as an appeal seasoned with humility. We must always keep in mind that “God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble” (James 4:6 NKJV). 

The only way to get out of the mess we are in is by God’s grace, so we must keep humility above all things. This does not mean that we are weak or in any way compromising in our declarations and challenges to the times, but we are taking our stand to appeal to God even more than appealing to men. Only then can we hope to be truly victorious because, as Jesus Himself said in Matthew 12:28: “But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.” If we are going to cast the evil out, we will have to abide in and speak by the Spirit of God. The Spirit of God is always recognized by the fruit of the Spirit, which is the following: “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control” (see Galatians 5:22-23).