我們正處於第三次世界大戰的邊緣,我們正處於大蕭條的邊緣,就像1929年一樣。 它是延長或延遲將取決於教會未來三個月,九月,十月和十一月的回應。它來得早或晚取決於我們,有多少神的子民已經準備好來迎接挑戰。我們的禱告和準備將在此刻帶來改變。
2024年11月5日 美國 總統/議會選舉
2024年10月12日 百萬婦女聚集(以利亞禁食+百萬以斯帖呼召)
Global Day of Prayer for America - 22nd September 2024
2024年8月7日-11月5日 呼召90天為美國大選禱告
因此,在你所在時區的4:14,我們請你無論身處何地,都停下來領聖餐,代表 (1) 以色列、(2) 自己的國家 和 (3) 美國站在破口中。
美國現在負債35兆。根據一位頂級經濟學家,每 100 天就會增加一兆美元的負債。
1. 求神憐憫。在我們許多不討神喜悅的行為中,我們需要神的憐憫。 (哈巴谷書 3:2)
2. 祈求智慧來控制債務。似乎沒有任何一個政黨有大幅削減成本的政治意願。
3. 祈求神賜予我們祂的經濟重置,而不是徹底崩潰和另一場大蕭條。如果發生這種情況,全世界都會受苦。
4. 禱告美國不會背棄我們與以色列的聯盟。
5. 禱告聯準會降息,為人民帶來希望。
6. 為大規模的屬靈覺醒和復興禱告。
此外,另一位頂尖經濟學家正在與 28 個州合作,制定銀/金本位制。
克里斯里德,Chris Reed
2024 八月 每日先知性水流
恰克皮爾斯 Chuck Pierce
恰克皮爾斯 Chuck D. Pierce
珍妮弗•李克萊 Jennifer LeClaire
來源:神國度的資源 2024年7月19日。蒙允刊載。
川普,陰謀論,現在為美國祈禱的 9種方法
珍妮弗•李克萊 Jennifer LeClaire
Prayer Guide for Former President Trump and the Nation
正如梅拉妮亞川普(Melania Trump)今天所說的:"我感謝你們中那些超越政治分歧的人,感謝你們記住,每一位政治家都有愛他的家人”。
無論我本人,還是禱告網絡中的許多人,以及其他先知,都一直在警告在這個選舉週期中會有暗殺企圖。我們一直在禱告,並且非常感謝這次針對唐納德-川普的企圖沒有得逞!正如他自己所說:"只有上帝阻止了不可思議的事情發生!" 稍停片刻,感謝上帝存留了他的生命。
2024年7月14日,恰克皮爾斯在位於德州達拉斯市附近的"錫安榮耀教會"中,向全國發表了以下話語: "你們要仔細觀察。從 7 月 18 日到 10 月 2 日,惡魔的活動將會上升。我將使我的靈在你們裡面升起,你們將開始飛越所有向你們發出的魔鬼活動。仔細觀察,因為你會知道我的計劃。在這個國家裡,邪惡和渴望進入的東西之間會有一個高潮。我會贏得這場戰爭。因為我正在培養一個超越世人的族類,我有一個翱翔的族類,他們將走在水面上,凌駕於那些企圖破壞我在地上計劃的人的頭上。準備好,因為你們將凌駕於水面之上,帶著極大的權柄行走! 願我們從這場悲劇中走出來,成為榮耀、勇敢、推動國度發展的教會!" 禱告前的準備 當我們開始禱告時,請檢查你的內心。確保你沒有任何針對他人的東西,尤其是政治分歧。讓我們手潔心清地靠近施恩座。(詩篇 24:3-5)願我們在禱告中請求更多的愛和更大的權柄。讓我們成為一個國家的團結者,而不是用我們的言行加劇分裂的人。在禱告的過程中,你可能需要領聖餐。
默想希伯來書4:14-16: "我們既然有一位已經升入高天尊榮的大祭司,就是神的兒子耶穌,便當持定所承認的道。因我們的大祭司並非不能體恤我們的軟弱。他也曾凡事受過試探,與我們一樣,只是他沒有犯罪。所以,我們只管坦然無懼的來到施恩的寶座前,為要得憐恤,蒙恩惠,作隨時的幫助。"讓我們承認,作為一個國家,我們正處於非常需要幫助的時刻,只有上帝才能拯救我們。除神以外別無他人。
求主醫治前總統唐納德-J-川普身體上的創傷,以及所經歷的創傷。但願創傷不會在他的靈魂中沈澱。求主讓《詩篇》34:4對他來說成為現實,"我曾尋求耶和華,他就應允我,救我脫離了一切的恐懼。"。我們為在集會上遇難的科里-康培拉托雷(Corey Comperatore)哀傷。他是真正的英雄,因為他用自己的身體護家人。為他的家人和愛他的人祈禱。
繼續為在集會中遭到槍擊的另外兩人祈禱:戴維-達奇(David Dutch)和詹姆斯-康佩拉托雷(James Comperatore)。相信他們會完全康復。他們目前狀況穩定。
讓我們祈禱,今後不再有針對任何政治候選人的暗殺企圖! 求那超乎一切理解的平安在基督耶穌裡保守人心。為所有競選公職的政黨候選人,包括喬-拜登總統和羅伯特-肯尼迪代禱,求主保護他們。
8/19-22 日在伊利諾伊州芝加哥舉行的民主黨全國代表大會
Prayer Guide for Former President Trump and the Nation
Dear Ones,
Yesterday, there was an assassination attempt against former President and current presidential candidate Donald J. Trump. There is never a place for violence against people of either party who are running for office. We need to believe that civility on both sides will be the rule of the day!
Details are still coming in, and there is, of course, an ongoing investigation that will take many weeks, even months, to complete. We want to share what we know so far so that we can cover our nation in prayer right away.
You can learn more here.
We are living in a time of extreme polarization of political parties and ideologies. But things have now gone too far. May this be a moment when we stop and reflect on what truly matters
As Melania Trump said today, "I commend those of you who have reached out beyond the political divide (italics mine)—thank you for remembering that every single politician is a man or a woman with a loving family.”
Every single one of us is precious to God.
One only has to watch the events that transpired to know that is true! It has been reported that as many as eight bullets were shot at him. A last-second moving of his head saved him. We know that God orchestrated that motion.
Both myself, many in the prayer networks, and other prophets, have been warning of assassination attempts in this election cycle. We have prayed and are very thankful that this attempt against Donald Trump was not successful! As he himself said, “It was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening!” Stop a moment and thank God for sparing his life.
Chuck Pierce gave the following prophetic word for the nation on July 14th, 2024, at his church, Glory of Zion, located near Dallas, Texas:
"Watch carefully for you to see. From July 18th-October 2nd, there will be an ascending dimension of demonic activity. I will cause My Spirit to rise up in you, and you’ll begin to soar above all the demon activity that is being sent toward you. Watch carefully, for you will the plan I have. There will be a climax coming to this nation between evil and what is longing to move into place. I will win this war. For I am raising a people that are above the people of this earth. I have a soaring people who will walk on water above the heads of those who are attempting to destroy My plan on the earth. Get ready, for you will rise above the waters and walk with great authority! Out of this tragedy, may we become the glorious, bold, Kingdom-advancing Church the Lord has to be!"
As we go to prayer, check your heart. Make sure you are not holding anything against another person, especially if it is a political difference. Let's approach the Throne of Grace with clean hands and pure hearts. (Psalm 24:3-5) May we come with a request for more love and more authority in prayer. Let us be unifiers of a nation and not those who add to the division with our words or our actions. You may want to take communion as a part of your time of prayer.
•Meditate on Hebrews 4:14-16: "Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let’s hold firmly to our confession. For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things just as we are, yet without sin. Therefore, let us approach the throne of grace with confidence so that we may receive mercy and find grace for help at the time of our need." Let us acknowledge we are in a time of great need as a nation and that God alone can save us. No one else can.
•Ask the Lord to heal former President Donald J. Trump from his physical wounds but also the trauma he experienced. May it not settle in his soul. Ask the Lord to make Psalm 34:4 very real to him, "I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.”
•We grieve for the life of Corey Comperatore, who was killed at the rally. He was a true hero as he threw his body on top of his family. Pray for his family and those who loved him.
•Continue to pray for the other two people who were shot during the rally: David Dutch and James Comperatore. Believe that they will fully recover. They are currently in stable condition.
•Pray for the nation that we will come together in unity. Let’s declare that we will not be afraid but, rather, stand boldly in intercession against every form of wickedness and evil.
•Let's pray that there will be no more assassination attempts on any political candidates going forward! Pray for that peace that passes all understanding to guard hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Intercede for protection for all political candidates running for office from any party, including President Joe Biden and Robert Kennedy.
•Earnestly pray that there will not be any retaliation from extremist groups as a result of the assassination attempt and killing.
•Join us in praying Psalm 91 over the Republican National Convention beginning Monday, 7/15-18, in Milwaukee, WI. Pray the same over the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, IL, 8/19-22.
•Finally, let’s pray that God will somehow use this terrible tragedy to wake up the nation to its need for the Lord, and that a mighty revival and awakening will take place that will sweep America from sea to shining sea.
For the future of our nation!