2008-05-31 消息 信息與代禱
請為邊遠地區(或福音受限的地區)的弟兄姊妹能順利拿到聖經及造就材料禱告。也為印刷.運送文字書籍等人員的安全代禱。也為所有通路.網絡等聯絡管道暢通不受任何的攔阻禱告,使神的國能往前推進 !

特別紀念亞洲國家~ 免於地震/火山爆發/海嘯/饑荒/族群衝突等天災人禍

為台灣禱告 :

1.求 神快快在台灣各地興起敬拜讚美 神的祭壇 ~ 為 神的百姓起來敬拜讚美 神單單將榮耀歸給全能 神禱告 !
2. 為台灣 神的軍隊動員集結起來禱告 ~ 萬軍之耶和華是軍隊的元帥

面對普世宣教/跨文化宣教/資訊訊息的傳遞 ~ 請為神國的人才- 會各國語言的弟兄姐妹及各行各業的弟兄姐妹興起禱告
1. 願意起來承擔翻譯的服事(不論是口譯或筆譯)
2. 願 神興起會翻譯的弟兄姐妹成為 神國的祝福 !
3. 願 神興起各行各業,各式各樣的專業人才,成為 神國的祝福 ! 齊心為榮耀君王預備道路!

也懇請紀念本網站幕後所有的義工們 ~ 求 神給我們恩典能及時提供最新訊息,也求主保守網站能廣被使用,不受任何攔阻。也祝福每位使用的兄姐成為禱告的火種,為榮耀君王耶穌再來預備道路!

2008-05-30 消息 信息與代禱

2008-05-28 消息 信息與代禱

宣教前線->其他->職場-> 職場倫理:企業社會責任
                                                        ~ 求 神賜智慧給黎巴嫩領袖
                                                      ~ 5/11聖靈降臨節為以色列代求帶動全球大復興
“中國禱告日”的呼籲 — 在6月11日特別為中國和此次5.12地震災區禁食禱告。

 “2008年對中國來說是很不平凡的一年!這一年,中國人經歷著從未有過的大喜大悲。從北京奧運的歡天喜地開始,年初的雪災、拉薩暴亂、火車事故、手足口病、奧運火炬傳遞受阻、股市震盪、通貨膨脹等事件一個個地不斷發生。在這個關鍵時刻,華人基督徒有責任將上帝的愛告訴身邊的同胞骨肉 - 在基督裡我們都是一家人!”

 6月12日~8月24日為“神州接力禱告”- 在中國全國各地以城市為單位進行接力禱告,每個城市禱告和禁食為期一天。
神州接力禱告 ~ 在為北京奧運的順利進行為災區重建為中國復興同心禱告和祝福

讓我們用禱告和禁食搖動 神的手,安慰災難中的百姓!纏裹傷痕累累的靈魂!溫暖恐慌戰兢中的生命!
讓我們用禱告和禁食搖動 神的手,使數以億計的全球華人基督徒被主吸引,從散落在世界的各角落中甦醒!

具體詳情請上網察看: 6•11中國禱告日網站  http://611.daogaoba.com

2008-05-26 消息 信息與代禱

基督徒務要起來守望禱告,求主憐憫,將傷害減到最低。且將 神當得的榮耀歸給 神!


哥倫比亞地震 ~ 求主憐憫.施行拯救!
為全球的天災人禍 ~ 求主憐憫!
特別紀念亞洲國家~ 免於地震/火山爆發/海嘯/饑荒/族群衝突等天災人禍
為台灣禱告 :
1.求 神快快在台灣各地興起敬拜讚美 神的祭壇 ~ 為 神的百姓起來敬拜讚美 神,單單將榮耀歸給全能 神禱告!
2. 為台灣 神的軍隊動員集結起來禱告 ~ 萬軍之耶和華是軍隊的元帥

宣教前線->台灣->消息與代禱->2008 新紀元 ~ 從台灣到錫安
                ->其他->職場->同事組隊短宣 公幹不忘大使命
東三門->金門->國家消息與代禱->香港全球禱告日 興起青少年
列國->新門->國家消息與代禱->倫敦全球禱告日 數百萬人禱告求「祢的國降臨」
2008-05-23 消息 信息與代禱 
四川災區已開始傳出疫情; 由於餘震不斷, 多個水壩出現裂縫,堰塞湖也隨時有崩毀可能,當地人心為此非常擔憂; 也有民眾想自殺, 非常需要心靈的安慰!  
                                                   -> 90天祝福禱告

2008-05-21 消息 信息與代禱
            ->消息與代禱->2008年-> 加利利海水位在逾越節期間下降了六厘米
                                                   -> 為以色列的和平守望
            -> ICEJ -> 信息經華 -> 以利亞的靈
中國 -> 消息與代禱 -> 2008年-> 為北京奧運禱告                                                      
列國 -> 新門-> 國家消息與代禱->英國基督徒祈求歐盟瓦解
         -> 雅法門 -> 國家消息與代禱->求福音復興臨到美國
         -> 隱革蓮門->國家消息與代禱->為非洲西海岸的幾內亞的馬尼卡人歸主禱告
         -> 錫安山門->國家消息與代禱->為馬拉威全面福音化禱告
         -> 迦密山門->國家消息與代禱->為俄國青年及兒童事工守望

面對普世宣教/跨文化宣教/資訊訊息的傳遞 ~ 請為神國的人才- 會各國語言的弟兄姐妹禱告
1. 願意起來承擔翻譯的服事(不論是口譯或筆譯)
2. 願 神興起會翻譯的弟兄姐妹成為 神國的祝福!
3. 也願 神興起其他各行各業,各式各樣的專業人才,成為 神國的祝福!齊心為榮耀君王預備道路!

也懇請紀念本網站幕後所有的義工/弟兄姐妹/宣教士們 ~ 求 神給我們恩典能及時提供最新資訊,也求主保守網站能廣被使用,不受任何攔阻。
2008-05-20 消息 信息與代禱
我在他們中間尋找一人重修牆垣,在我面前為這國站在破口防堵,使我不滅絕。(以西結書 22:30)

1.請為亞洲地區平安 ~ 神大能的工作禱告
尤其是為東三門的國家 ~ 獅子門.金門.伯大尼門的國家守望 ~ 預備主耶穌再來
   ~ 黎巴嫩內部戰亂
   ~ 土耳其和庫德族之間的衝突
3. 請為非洲國家的平安禱告(蘇丹常年戰爭/族群國家之間的衝突)
4. 以色列建國60年 : 與列國的關係/列國與以色列的關係/為主耶穌再來禱告
以色列->消息與代禱->2008年->信主猶太人3月受襲 Ami Ortiz健康進展良好
先知信息->察克皮爾斯->來跳我的新舞!你可以飛的!~ 關鍵的先知性話語
                               -> 12門國家禱告事項                    
2008-05-16 消息 信息與代禱
Israel –Pray that the favor of the Lord and blessings of the Lord to be with the Center for Environmental Diplomacy as they work with both Palestinians and Israelis on projects that will bring environmental awareness and security to shared watersheds of this arid region. Pray that many God ideas will be birthed that will benefit both Israelis and Palestinians. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

烏茲別克斯坦—求神使烏茲別克斯坦的信徒在面對逼迫時有力量並且能堅忍。求神差遣天使長米迦勒摧毀致使教會受迫害的黑暗權勢。(但10:20-21) 為那些失蹤的教會領袖禱告,使他們平安返回,並且迫害者能面對公義的處置。
Uzbekistan – Pray that God will give Uzbek Christians strength and perseverance in the face of persecution. Pray that the Lord will send Michael and the archangels to overthrow demonic forces causing the persecution of the Church. (Daniel 10:20-21) Pray for Church leaders who are missing, and pray for their safe return, and pray for those causing persecution will be brought to justice.

Iraq –Pray that Christians will unite in prayer to defeat every diabolical scheme of satan to bring fear, hatred, violence and strife. Pray for an end to the war. Pray for Iraqi Christians, that they will not be controlled by fear, but will stand strong in their walk with Christ. Pray for the release of untold numbers of people who have been kidnapped over the last several years. Pray for their safety, their speedy release, and for their kidnappers to brought to justice.

Tajikistan - Pray that the Christian Church will go to the unreached and bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to them. Pray that God will raise mature and anointed Christian leaders, and give them the desire and necessary strategies to see their nation reached with the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ.

China – Pray that the Lord will speak to the heart of Chinese President Hu Jintao in his decision on whether to choose dialogue over the hardliners’ repression in Tibet. Pray for Christians being imprisoned for their faith to be released, including children, and for their persecutors to be brought to justice.

寮國—求神使世界的領袖們對於基督徒所面臨的惡劣情況,從冷漠的心轉為憤慨,並啟發他們產生決定性的行動。(箴2:1) 為那些在今年三月因舉行聚會而被逮捕的基督徒,能獲得釋放且沒有受到傷害,寮國人有自由能公開的敬拜神禱告。
Laos - Ask God to turn the hearts of world leaders from indifference to indignation regarding the plight of Christian believers, inspiring decisive action. (Proverbs 21:1) Pray for Christians who were arrested in March for holding meetings to be released unharmed and for the Laotian people to have the freedom to openly worship God.

Nepal - Pray over the writing of the new constitution. This pivotal document has the potential to bring stability to the country and put an end to political unrest, bloodshed, social injustice, violence and crime. Pray for healing and reconciliation in Nepal.

United Arab Emirates - Pray for the expatriate churches in the UAE to become communities of boldness, clearly reflecting the love of God and the power of Jesus Christ to the surrounding peoples. Pray that the leaders will adhere to the constitution which grants freedom of religion to everyone living in the country. (Daniel 6:26)

 Sri Lanka – Pray for church leaders, that God will give them wisdom in responding to the current wave of persecution. (Daniel 2:14) The Madhu church is revered by Sri Lankans of all religions, even though it is a Catholic shrine. Pray that all who come to the Madhu Church will come to know Jesus Christ as their Savior and King.

吉布地—禱告基督徒有管道可以進入閱讀及職能訓練的計劃中,以致他們能獲得穩定工作及公平的薪資所得。 Djibouti - Pray for Christians to have access to literacy and job training programs so that they can obtain steady work and receive fair wages.

埃及—求主賜下異象和資源裝備基督徒,使他們能承擔得著中東穆斯林及有名無實基督徒的策略性挑戰。禱告人權團體能有效地為所有的埃及人改善此情況。(詩82: 3-4)
Egypt – Pray for vision and resources to equip people for the strategic challenge of reaching Muslims and nominal Christians in the Middle East. Pray that human rights groups will be effective in improving conditions for all Egyptians. (Psalms 82:3-4) 

Albania – Kosovo’s leaders are preparing for the new country’s institutions to take over authority from the United Nations mission soon by signing a new constitution which guarantees protection of the rights of minorities in Kosovo. Pray that the transition from the United Nations mission’s authority, to that of the Albanians, will be without violence. Pray that the new constitution will not only include protection for minorities, but also freedom of religion.

Morocco – Pray for the provision of religious education for the children of Christian families. During the United Nations Human Rights Council assessment on Morocco’s rights record last month, Morocco was failing to undertake democratic reforms. Torture is still practiced in Morocco, even though the country said it conformed to international legal standards. Pray that police and security officials will stop torturing prisoners, and pray those who do will be brought to justice. Pray that people will truly be able to change their religion without penalty. Pray for the Moroccan democratic reforms with Biblical principles to be followed. 
西撒哈拉—求神對付那些鎮壓撒哈拉人的人士,將撒哈拉人帶回他們的家園(番3:19-20)。禱告撒哈拉人不氣餒,將盼望寄託在神身上。(賽 35: 2-4;40:31)
Western Sahara – Pray that the Lord will deal with those who have oppressed the Sahrawis, and bring the Sahrawis back to their homeland (Zephaniah 3:19 -20). Pray that the Sahrawis will put their hope in the Lord and will not be discouraged. (Isaiah 35:2-4 and 40:31)

2008-05-15 消息 信息與代禱

消息 信息與代禱



以色列 -> 消息與代禱 -> 2008年 -> 繼續為聖地局勢守望禱告
                                                        -> 神兒女要為耶路撒冷求平安
東三門 -> 金門 -> 國家消息與代禱 -> 為巴國貧民能改善生活禱告
列國 -> 錫安山門 -> 國家消息與代禱 ->  為非洲大陸的瘧疾防治禱告
列國 -> 美瓦薩利門 -> 國家消息與代禱 ->  為哥倫比亞脫離窮與毒禱告
列國 -> 新門-> 國家消息與代禱 ->  為歐洲信徒能重返教會禱告
                                                       ->  為英國屬靈再度復興禱告

2008-05-12 消息 信息與代禱
我在他們中間尋找一人重修牆垣,在我面前為這國站在破口防堵,使我不滅絕。(以西結書 22:30)

一.請為亞洲地區平安 ~ 神大能的工作禱告

1. 請為4/12中國四川 (重慶/成都/汶川等地區) 地震災後救災/重建順利禱告 ~ (地震影響所及亞洲地區) 
2. 請為全球飢荒禱告 ~ 為北韓及亞洲國家糧食充足禱告
3. 請續為緬甸熱帶氣旋重創災後救災/重建順利禱告
4. 請為中國腸病毒問題得以解決禱告
5. 請為韓國禽流感影響所及禱告( 安全及與週邊國家的關係禱告)
二. 請為中東地區(阿拉伯國家的平安禱告)
       ~  黎巴嫩內部戰亂
       ~ 土耳其和庫德族之間的衝突
三. 請為非洲國家的平安禱告(蘇丹常年戰爭)
四. 請為美國龍捲風災情救災/重建順利禱告
五. 以色列建國60年:與列國的關係/為主耶穌再來禱告

以色列->消息與代禱->2008年-> 數千人參加波蘭「在生者遊行」
                                                   -> 以色列建國六十年:美國眾議院推備忘議案 
信息經華->2008年-> 從以色列60周年國慶看主再來
2008-05-09 消息 信息與代禱

以色列->消息與代禱->2008年-> 為更多巴勒斯坦基督徒的敬拜自由及安全祈禱
            ->當月守望->2008年-> 2008年5月守望以色列(一) (二) 
2008-05-07消息 信息與代禱
請為緬甸現況代禱 ~ 熱帶氣旋重創 緬甸逾6萬罹難流失
~ 深入禱告 請進入宣教前線->湄公河流域國家
                                  東三門 -> 金門 -> 國家消息與代禱
                                  堅固營壘 -> 佛教
以色列->消息與代禱->2008年-> 基督徒及猶太領袖將在聯合國慶祝以色列60周年國慶
                                                    -> 基督徒婦女組織以「體恤日」慶祝以色列立國
                                                    -> 為猶太教信徒的平安守望
                                                    -> 以色列建國60年戰事暴動仍頻傳
                                                          ~ 為以色列有得救的指望禱告
東三門->獅子門->國家消息與代禱 -> 南韓總統李明博 盼能振興海外宣教
                                                                 ~ 為南韓總統持守信仰守望
                                                            -> 伊朗 ~ 福音電視為福音新契機
列國-> 新門 ->國家消息與代禱->為波蘭復興禱告,求拯救更多失喪靈魂
        -> 雅法門 ->國家消息與代禱->美佛羅里達州爆發復興~願從神來的復興蔓延四方
                ->湄公河-> 消息與代禱-> 遠東福音廣播增黑蒙語播音
                ->台灣 -> 消息與代禱 -> 從台灣到錫安 ~ 承接命定, 躍進復興!(二)
禱告事項->最新禱告->2008年-> 為全球糧荒得到紓解禱告
                                                    -> 為福音詩歌創作能榮神益人禱告                                                     ->  求 神繼續透過廣播拯救失喪靈魂

2008/05/07 12門國家消息與代禱
Japan – Pray that God will anoint Intercessors to pray fervently for strongholds to be demolished and the Japanese will receive the Gospel in ever increasing numbers, bringing Kingdom transformation to their land.

吉爾吉斯—為該國的領袖有智慧尋求全民最大的福祉禱告。禱告教會呼求神為他們的國家帶來屬神的轉化。(約 8:32)
Kyrgyzstan - Pray for wise leadership for this nation that will seek the best interests of all citizens. Pray the Church cries out for God to bring Godly transformation to their country. (John 8:32)

Iran - Ask God to protect Muslim Background Believers in Iran as they potentially face the death penalty. Pray Psalm 27 over them. Pray for Believers who are discriminated against in education, employment, and property ownership. Some of the discrimination has escalated into violence that includes assault and murder. Pray for Iranian believers as they continue to serve the Lord despite government pressures and persecution.

Bhutan - Pray for the safety of persecuted Christians in this nation and for more workers in this harvest field. Pray that the recent elections will indeed bring freedom of religion to Bhutan.

Thailand – Pray that God will raise skilled teams of intercessors who will be faithful to pray for anointed Christian leaders to take the Gospel to Thailand and the rest of Asia.

沙烏地阿拉伯—求神打開成千上萬,預計在2008年12月17~21日前往麥加朝聖者屬靈的眼睛;使宗教警察敬畏神,並且阻撓抵擋基督徒的那些邪惡的計謀。(申 11:25)
Saudi Arabia – Pray the Lord will open the eyes of the millions of pilgrims who will visit Mecca during the Hajj from 17 to 21 December, 2008. Pray that the fear of the Lord will come upon the religious police and their evil schemes against Christians will be thwarted. (Deuteronomy 11:25)

印尼—為在爪哇及印尼全國的教會能獲得註冊權並自由設立教會禱告。求神教導基督徒如何進行屬天的爭戰,來抵擋黑暗權勢的凶惡計畫。(林後 4:4-5)
Indonesia – Pray that in Java and throughout Indonesia, churches will obtain registration and the freedom to operate. Pray that the Lord will teach Christians how to wage war in the heavenlies against the diabolical schemes of the demonic forces. (2 Corinthians 10:4-5)


Guinea - Pray for an effective nationwide literacy program, so that once translated, Christian materials and resources will be widely read. Also pray that the Lord will anoint Christians who can share the Gospel through powerful events that occurred that are recorded in the Bible.

Niger – Pray that God will bring forth a righteous government that will grant freedom to the more than 800,000 slaves in captivity. Once free, pray they will be integrated successfully into society. Pray that these precious people will come to know Christ as their personal Savior and Lord.

Burkina Faso – Praise God that the new Prime Minister, a born-again Christian, has been working to bring about positive change to the nation. Pray that he will govern with the fear of God, and will serve the people with wisdom and justice.

Mali - Pray for converts from Islam, that they will grow strong in their Christian faith, be discipled, and reach their communities for Christ. (II Timothy 2:2)

Benin – Just having had recent elections in April, 2008, pray that the government will gain insight on how to stimulate the economy, create jobs, provide job training, and pay fair wages to the unemployed. Over 30% of this nation lives in poverty.

Guinea-Bissau - Pray for discipleship, leadership, and evangelism training so the Christian Church can expand the Kingdom of GOD. Praise God the Church is open to share the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


Azerbaijan –Pray for the Lord’s protection and provision for Believers who are judged in court as convicted criminals because of their faith in Christ. Pray for governmental officials to make fair rulings, based on Biblical principles, towards evangelical churches. Pray that the persecution will lead to open doors for the Gospel to be preached all over this land.

12門國家消息與代禱 2008-05-07

2008-05-04 消息 信息與代禱
請為全美彌賽亞信徒領袖(猶太基督徒)將在NY Queens有首次的聚會禱告。
美東時間 05/04-06
全美彌賽亞信徒領袖(猶太基督徒)將在NY Queens有首次的聚會,這是過去三十年一直想做的事,牧者表示這意謂過去年日的一些爭論有突破,另一方面他們的聯結一定在靈界會帶來極大的突破,讓全地基督身體中間的隔閡加速消失,合一的恩膏流到各地的教會。

以色列 ->消息與代禱 ->2008年-> 彌賽亞猶太人聲稱在以色列法院取得勝利
列國 ->新門->國家消息與代禱 ->葛福臨北愛佈道節慶二千多人決志
消息 信息與代禱
中國->消息與代禱->2008年->2008年5 月為中國現勢代禱
先知信息->察克皮爾斯->2008年->該是與 神立約的百姓結盟的時候了