


就像世界上的麻煩越來越多一樣,復興和另一次大覺醒的跡象也越來越多。就像火山爆發前各地岩漿的巨大地下湧動一樣,復興將作為 "大爆炸 "壓力的警告而爆發出來。

我之前提到了由馬克-納特爾(Marc Nuttle)委託進行的美國價值觀研究。這可能是有史以來對美國完成的最深入、最廣泛的研究,它所揭示的內容令人震驚。我們期望發現,美國人民已經嚴重轉向左翼,並變得越來越"覺醒",但事實卻恰恰相反。我們的政府和媒體可能已經嚴重轉向左派,並試圖說服我們,每個人都是如此,但人民已經決定性地回到了傳統的、保守的價值觀。事實上,他們對強加給他們的左派、覺醒的政策和理念的憤怒正在增長,一場巨大的反擊正在到來。

那些看到這一資料的人開始預測在最近的中期選舉中會出現巨大的 "紅色浪潮 "或 "紅色海嘯"。然而,這項研究也揭示了為什麼這是不可能的;美國這個巨大的、不斷增長的地下運動正在遠離 "建制派"政治、媒體、宗教,以及幾乎所有其他形式。美國人民正在果斷地拒絕他們一直被引導的道路。這幾乎是火山爆發了。一些新的和大膽的東西即將出現,而且它將是好的。







Signs of the Kingdom, Part V
Rick Joyner

Just as there are ever-increasing troubles in the world, there are ever-increasing signs of revival and another great awakening. Just as great subterranean upsurges of magma break out in various places before a volcanic explosion, revivals will break out as warnings that pressure is building for “the big one.”

I previously mentioned the America’s Values Study commissioned by Marc Nuttle. This may be the deepest, most expansive study ever completed on America, and what it revealed was shocking. We expected to find that the American people had turned hard to the Left and were becoming increasingly “woke,” but the opposite was true. Our government and media may have turned hard to the Left, and are trying to convince us that everyone has, but the people have decisively turned back to traditional, conservative values. In fact, their anger with the Leftist, woke policies and philosophies being imposed on them is growing, and a great pushback is coming.

Those who saw this data began to forecast a huge “red wave” or “red tsunami” in the recent midterm elections. However, the study also revealed why this was not likely; this huge, growing subterranean movement in America is turning away from “establishment” politics, media, religion, and just about every other form of it. The American people are decisively rejecting the path on which they have been led. This is nearly volcanic. Something new and bold is about to emerge, and it will be good.

One way this anti-establishment sentiment is growing is in our political parties. Sixty-five percent of the Republican Party do not like their party. Sixty-six percent of the Democratic Party do not like theirs.

Though people are turning resolutely back to traditional, biblical values, most do not know that they are traditional or biblical. Nor are they turning to the Republican Party, which claims to stand for these values. Why they are not is another important revelation. The people feel let down by the establishment in nearly every way and are looking for something new, though they do not yet know what that looks like.

This is both a great opportunity and a great danger. If we do not seize this opportunity for profound change in the right direction, it could turn in a bad direction. Since both major political parties in America are shrinking fast, and few of their respective members trust them, there could be an opportunity to abandon the two-party system. George Washington once warned this could doom our republic. What would be the alternative?

President Washington counseled that we should be able to debate any issue as Americans, not as political party members. He warned that political parties could corrupt the country and bring us to ruin, which they have nearly done. How would our elections work without political parties? Better!

We must think outside the box, not just in political terms. Just about everything in society has become calcified by becoming institutionalized. Institutional churches are shrinking for the same reason institutionalized politics are—in many ways, they have become disconnected from reality. That is why we had the biggest church attendance in history the Sunday after 9/11, but this only lasted a few weeks, because few found what they were looking for—God!

Institutions can play important roles in stabilizing cultures. We can thank them for helping preserve the truths, values, and morals that have been maintained until now. Still, virtually all institutions are inadequate in dealing with the present times. What will take their place? That is the most important question. The only alternative left is the best alternative of all, which we will dive deeper into in the coming Words for the Week.