
作者:維羅尼卡-韋斯特 Veronika West
轉載、轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網

我聽到聖靈說,...... "我的戰士新婦,......抓住這個真理,......你的仇敵在你的腳下,......是的!......你的仇敵在爭戰開始前就被徹底打敗和摧毀了,......哈!......你必須到更高的地方去,你必須坐在天上,如果你要用更清晰的眼光、理解和智慧來看,..




...你們還沒有完全明白,...這場爭戰不是針對血肉之軀,... 這場爭戰不是針對世俗的政府,......或普通人,......甚至是地上的環境....,你真正的爭戰,......是在看不見的領域,......是針對黑暗世界的統治者、有權柄的,並有能力的,以及針對天上的邪惡力量......。


所以,在這個巨大的動盪和混亂的時刻,在無情的爭戰中,抬起你的聲音,向我呼喊,......不是在恐懼、......懷疑和不信中,而是在喜悅、......盼望和對突然和超自然的突破以及已經提供給你的釋放的根本期待中,......就在這裡,就在現在,我說,拿去吧... ...!






Veronika West

I hear the Spirit say,…”My Warrior Bride,..Lay Hold of this Truth,..your enemies are under your feet,..Yes!..Your foes were utterly defeated and destroyed even before the battle begun,..Ha!..You must come up higher,..you must stay seated in Heavenly places if you are going to See with greater clarity,..understanding and Wisdom,..

…Have I not said,..It’s not by might nor by Power but By My Spirit?..Surely you don’t believe that I would leave you alone and on your own,..unequipped and without the Weapons you need to push back and annihilate your adversaries,..

…No!..For surely I have given you all Authority in My Word..and all Power through My Spirit to subdue Kingdoms…

…But!…You Must Listen and Obey,..You must hear and you must Do what I have commanded you,..or else utter defeat and destruction is a sure certainty,…

…Do you not yet fully understand,..that the battle is not against flesh and blood,..the fight is not against worldly governments,..or mere men,..or even earthly circumstances….The real battle you are in,…is in the unseen realms,..its against the rulers, the authorities and the powers of a dark world..and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms...

..So Arise,..Put on the Full Armour and Advance forth into Battle as a Mighty Warrior,..and Lay Claim to what is rightfully yours through Inheritance,..Receive by faith that which has already been DONE for you,…and Let the Victory,..Triumph and Finished Work of the Cross become a manifest reality in your life,..

..So Lift up your voice,..and Cry unto Me in this hour of great upheaval and turmoil,..and in the midst of an unrelenting fight,..not in Fear,..Doubt and Unbelief but in Joy,..Hope and Radical Expectation of the Sudden and Supernatural Breakthrough and the Deliverance that has been made available to you,..RIGHT HERE AND RIGHT NOW,..I SAY,..TAKE IT..!

…Therefore,..Offer up a Sacrifice of Praise and let the fruit of your lips bring forth Thanksgiving unto My Name,..Let the sound of your Worship be like the sound of many Trumpets that will drown out and silence the tormenting voices of the demons that seek to intimidate and manipulate you,…distract and derail your Kingdom Destiny,…

..Look Up,..Behold,..Walls,…Walls are now crashing down,..this is your Jericho moment,..this is the hour for Accelerated Advancement,..Do not shrink back now,..Do not Retreat back into the Cave,…For It’s time to Pursue,..overtake and Recover all,..

..I call you MIGHTY CONQUERORS,…What or Who can hinder your advancement when My Name is upon your lips,..and With an Arsenal of Angel Armies going before you and behind you,..and with All My Power and Presence at your full disposal,….What devil or demon dares to stand in your way!…

..If only you could see beyond the veil My Beloved,..IF ONLY YOU KNEW..with an unwavering assurance what I have formed and fashioned for you,..what I have prepared for My Righteous Remnant,..Ha!! It’s a Glorious future of even Greater Victories and Greater Rewards,..

…I tell you the Truth,..hearts and minds can not even begin to imagine,…what I have prepared,..and what I am about to do,..in these last days for those that LOVE ME”….says God.