
作者:Alane Haynes
來源:以利亞名單 https://www.elijahlist.com/words/display_word.html?ID=29001 
轉載、轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網





當我在 "小事 "上順服之後,典範發生了轉變,我生命中的先知性標記開始對齊,命定之門打開。我有許多先知性的異夢和異象,顯示了將要發生的事情。聖靈開始以更大的方式行動。我看到祂給我的5783年和2023年的話語顯現出來:1)匯集的一年 和2)豐盛的供應。










1. 未知:異夢中的大部分內容都描述了從一個 "不知道 "的地方開始行動。我不知道那個女人,不知道我們的目的地,也不知道供應會從哪裡來。

2. 那個女人:根據聖經,女人可以代表教會(以弗所書5:23-32;哥林多後書11:2;啟示錄19:7-8;21:2)。

3. 數字二(由雙行道代表)是見證和證言的數字(提摩太前書5:19;馬太福音18:19-20)。另外,耶穌派門徒兩個兩個地出去,沒有供給(馬可福音6:7-9)。

4. 樹木:樹木代表生命和成長(詩篇1)。在異夢中,我感覺到這些樹是上帝的掩護。祂提供了一個陰涼和保護的天幕(詩篇91)。有一種遠離世界的感覺,也不能看到遠方,所以我們停留在當下,在祂的同在和帶領下。

5. 供應:我們在異夢中沒有擔心,也不需要我們的供應。我們的需要在我們前進的過程中得到了照顧(列王記上17:4-6;馬可福音6:7-10)。"你們要先求神的國和祂的義,這一切都必成就。"

6. 一天:在一天之內走遍美國,象徵著我們在天國裡行動(完全由神的聖靈引導)。我們在時間之外,不受時間的限制(以賽亞書66:8;約書亞記10:13;彼得後書3:8)。

7. 黃昏/傍晚:我的異夢在黃昏時分結束,在晚上。在上帝的時鐘裡,傍晚可以代表新的一天(創世記1:5)。

8. 水:水代表生命(啟示錄7:17;22:17),聖靈的誕生(約翰福音7:38),洗禮(路加福音3:16)和屬靈的深度(以西結書47)。

9. 數字 "120":根據凱文-J-康納的《解讀符號和類型》一書中,數字120代表走出肉體的時代,進入靈的時代。聖經中有許多經文揭示了120這個數字的意義;我只談與這個異夢最相關的部分。



•原文中的 "能力"一詞是希臘文的 "Dunamis"。它在《新約》原文中出現了120次(根據biblestudy.org)!



神在呼喚我們憑著信心踏上120號公路。握住聖靈的供應,完全順服祂的帶領而行!"小事 "可能是打開大事之門的一件事。祂在呼召我們進入未知的領域,就像祂對亞伯拉罕所做的那樣。我們不知道我們要去哪裡,但我們知道誰在呼召我們。

這不是關於我們有多努力,用我們自己的推理,或我們認為它應該看起來如何。我們是否願意放開控制,待在一個不知道的地方?我們是否願意為以自我為導向的思維方式埋下一斧頭?我們的計畫、我們的欲望、我們的想法--甚至我們如何看待其他人和情況?保羅說,我們要 "不照著肉體認識人",而是靠著聖靈。

"並且他替眾人死,是叫那些活著的人不再為自己活,乃為替他們死而復活的主活。所以,我們從今以後,不憑著外貌(原文是肉體;本節同)認人了。雖然憑著外貌認過基督,如今卻不再這樣認他了。若有人在基督裡,他就是新造的人,舊事已過,都變成新的了。" (哥林多後書5:16-17)





"天國好像寶貝藏在地裡,人遇見了就把他藏起來,歡歡喜喜的去變賣一切所有的,買這塊地。" (馬太福音13:44)

Step Out in Faith Onto Highway 120
Alane Haynes, San Diego, CA
Mar 8, 2023

We are in a new season and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit is significant. Over the course of a few months, I have experienced some things (including three dreams) that I believe are relevant and timely to many in the Body of Christ.

100 Days of Consecration

The night of November 2, 2022, I had two dreams, and in both of them I heard very clearly, "The next 100 days are critical." I sought the Lord about what that meant but that's all He said. So I pressed into it as a personal word for myself.

During the 100-day period, there was much introspection, a new consecration, a purging of old mindsets and a closer examination of how I spent my time, etc. I believe that the 100 days He spoke of represented a period of consecration.

After I was obedient in the "small thing," there was a paradigm shift as prophetic markers in my life began to line up and doors of destiny open. I had many prophetic dreams and visions showing things to come. The Holy Spirit began to move in a much greater way. I saw the manifestation of words He had given me for 5783 and 2023: 1) A Year of Convergence" and 2) Abundant Supply.

One of these occurrences happened on February 4, at a conference where I was speaking. At the end, I felt led to call for those who were willing to enter a new consecration and baptism of fire. Nearly every person came for prayer and the Holy Spirit moved mightily, with many manifestations of His presence. This is happening in house churches as well and is unlimited....the fires of revival are springing up throughout the nation(s)! There is a hunger for the presence of the Lord and the Holy Spirit is moving powerfully!

Why am I sharing all this? I see a thread...being obedient in the seemingly small things opens the door to greater things. Is there something He is putting His finger on that you have been ignoring? Are you willing to stay in the place of not knowing and trust Him with the outcome? We have shifted into a season where the Holy Spirit is moving mightily and is available to those who are obedient to His leading. Whatever He is putting His finger on, do it!

"His mother said to the servants, 'Whatever He says to you, do it.'" (John 2:5 NKJV)

For me, the 100th day was February 10, and I had multiple dreams that night. One was short, but very profound. It clearly revealed to me that the 100 days of consecration led to Highway 120 – the heavenly highway (read below).

Dream: Traveling on Highway 120

I had a third dream where I was with another woman (who I don't know in real life) and we were traveling in a car. We didn't know our specific destination, but were led by the Holy Spirit to drive east. We had no map or navigational system. The road we traveled on was a two-lane road lined with beautiful trees, creating a canopy of shade. At one point, we saw a little country store and stopped to ask the owner where we were, as there were no signs along the road. He said it was Highway 120 and that there would be no signs, but if we stayed on it and kept moving forward, we would reach our destination. 

We arrived in one day's travel and were led to another woman's house to minister. She showed us the room where we would stay while we were there. At dusk I walked out to the ocean and gazed in wonder at the expanse of the heavens and the water at my feet. I was profoundly moved as I thought about all that had happened – traveling the whole distance from California to the East Coast in one day, going on back roads with no traffic, not worrying about provision, and being completely led by the Holy Spirit. I was very aware of the presence of God and the holiness of the moment as I stepped into the water. Then I woke up.

Dream Interpretation

There are many symbols in this dream that have to do with the new day we are in, and the way the Lord wants us to walk in it.

1. The unknown. Much of the dream depicted operating from a place of "not knowing." I didn't know the woman, our destination, or where the provision would come from.

2. The woman. Biblically, a woman can represent the Church (Ephesians 5:23-32; 2 Corinthians 11:2; Revelation 19:7-8; 21:2).

3. The number two (represented by the two-lane road) is the number of witness and testimony (1 Timothy 5:19; Matthew 18:19-20). Also, Jesus sent the disciples out two by two, without provision (Mark 6:7-9).

4. The trees. Trees represent life and growth (Psalm 1). In the dream, I perceived that the trees were God's covering. He provided a canopy of shade and protection (Psalm 91). There was a sense of being hidden away from the world, and also not being able to see far ahead so that we stayed in the moment, in His presence and leading.

5. Provision. We had no worry or need of our provision in the dream. Our needs were taken care of as we moved forward (1 Kings 17:4-6; Mark 6:7-10). "But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you" (Matthew 6:33 KJV).

6. One day. Traveling the length of the United States in one day symbolized us operating from the heavenly realm (fully led by the Holy Spirit of God). We were outside of, and not constrained by, time (Isaiah 66:8; Joshua 10:13; 2 Peter 3:8).

7. Dusk/evening. My dream ended at dusk, in the evening. In God's time clock, the evening can represent the new day (Genesis 1:5).

8. The water. Water represents life (Revelation 7:17; 22:17), birth of the Spirit (John 7:38), baptism (Luke 3:16) and spiritual depth (Ezekiel 47).

9. The number 120. In Kevin J. Conner's book "Interpreting the Symbols and Types," he states that the number 120 represents moving out of the age of the flesh and into the age of the spirit. There are many biblical passages revealing the significance of the number 120; I will only touch on those most relevant to the dream:

• 120 priests were appointed to blow the trumpets when the ark of the covenant (symbolizing God's presence) was brought to Jerusalem. As the priests and the singers worshiped with one sound, a cloud of the presence of the glory of God descended upon them so heavily they could no longer minister (2 Chronicles 5:11-14).

• 120 disciples were gathered in the upper room waiting for the promise of the Father (as Jesus had directed in Luke 24:49). As they were praising and praying in one accord, the Holy Spirit fell as tongues of fire on each of them, and they received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and His empowerment (Acts 1:8; 2:1-4).

• The word "power" in the original text is the Greek word "Dunamis". It is found 120 times in the original text of the New Testament (according to biblestudy.org)!

• Last but not least, I was amazed to learn that the red blood cells in just one globule of blood live about 120 days (according to Stanford Blood Center and other sources). There is life in the Blood (Leviticus 17:11; John 6:53-54), and a better covenant in the Blood of Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 11:25; Hebrews 7:22; 8:6; 12:24). Through the perfect, sinless, spotless, shed Blood of Christ, we receive forgiveness of sin, reconciliation to the Father, and the indwelling Holy Spirit that enables us to hear God and be led by His Holy Spirit into all that He has destined for our lives!

Step Out in Faith: An Invitation to Greater Things

God is calling us to step out in faith onto Highway 120. Lay hold of the Holy Spirit's supply and walk in full obedience to His leading! The "small thing" may be the one thing that opens the door to great things. He is calling us out into the unknown, just as He did with Abraham. We don't know where we're going but we know Who is calling us.

It's not about how hard we try, using our own reasoning, or how we think it should look. Are we willing to let go of control and stay in a place of not knowing? Are we willing to lay an ax to a self-oriented way of thinking? Our plans, our desires, our thoughts – even how we view other people and situations? Paul says that we are to "know no one after the flesh" but by the Spirit.

"From now on, then, we do not know anyone from a worldly perspective. Even if we have known Christ from a worldly perspective, yet now we no longer know Him in this way. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, and see, the new has come!" (2 Corinthians 5:16-17 CSB)

There is a fresh baptism of the Holy Spirit upon us – consecration unto consummation – to make Christ Lord of all in our lives. We need the fire of the Holy Spirit to purge us of unholy desires – any way of life or thinking that is contrary to the truth that we are set apart for Him. If you truly desire to live for Christ, you can receive this baptism of fire right now where you are. Ask Jesus and watch the Holy Spirit move!

"John answered, saying unto them all, I indeed baptize you with water; but one mightier than I cometh, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose: He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire." (Luke 3:16 KJV)

I hear the Lord say, "I am drawing; can you hear Me calling? I am calling you into the new. Will you, by My Spirit, hear and do? Let go of all you think you know, and I will reveal the way you should go. Leave the old behind and seek My face; all your fears will be erased. Abide until there is no longer a trace of desire for the lesser that you have embraced.

"Yes, it will be unfamiliar and strange, but every step I will arrange – when by My Spirit you engage. I will supply your every need, when it is My voice that you heed, and by My Spirit you let Me lead. Be aligned to My timing and My design, and divine appointments I will assign. It is only when fully to Me you yield that My authority and power you will wield, and you will have the treasure hidden in the field."

"Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field." (Matthew 13:44 NKJV)