

作者:菲奧雷拉-喬達諾 Fiorella Giordano
轉載、轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網




Fiorella Giordano

Important Dream

I had a profound dream this morning about the waters in the earth revealing their treasures. I could see oceans around the globe moving with strong and unusual currents, and they were unveiling structures in the waters, ancient mammoth like ships and different kinds of vehicles, things that I cannot fully describe with words. I heard the Lord say, this is Radiographic Memory, the record of high frequencies embedded on the waters not just of creation but also people. As the dream was transpiring I could also feel these currents in my brain. Our brains are about 75% water. The deep knowledge of God is being revealed within the cognitive architecture as well. Deep divine knowledge that you will instinctively know because it is part of the eternal memory within you, that God stirs in the right moment and it emerges into your consciousness, it is closely linked to the intuition and imagination.

Ocean currents are a byproduct of gravity. In a dream months ago God told me that the currents in the earth that guided the oceans held the keys to understand the architecture of the universe, and that gravity was one of the underpinnings of the fabric of Justice and Righteousness in creation. I feel that we are going to see unusual things from the depths of the water come into visibility. The waters revealing their secrets, their treasures are a sign of the increased demonstration of the Justice of God. But in line manner there are deep things of God that will emerge within you, called forth for such a time as this. Deep calls to deep, Watch and see.

The earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of God as the waters cover the sea.