
作者:內特-約翰斯頓 Nate Johnston
轉載、轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網


Nate Johnston

We are in the birthing of a movement boom. That which is manufactured and created in hustle and mans strength and ambition is growing tired but that which was birthed in the secret place and in the waiting is suddenly bursting forth involuntarily. You can’t decide to start a movement, they choose you, and normally those who stumble upon them haven’t even tried to begin them. It’s a Holy Ghost ambush on a people whose hearts are tried by fire and purified of chasing yesterdays revival, the ministry pyramid scheme, the endless conference circuit, or the self help Christian bandwagon. Movements from heaven are falling in the laps of the least expected and those who the “professionals” would deem unqualified, rebellious, dangerous, or foolish. Yet they are the ones God is choosing. They don’t come with a parade but the presence, and instead of fanfare they are emerging in humility and an undeniable power and glory that is resetting the bar for the church. These movements are exposing the apathy we have settled for and the old manna we keep pulling out of the freezer every Sunday. They are rising up to lead the church into the fresh move and get her….MOVING again!