

轉載、轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網


起初,這種收緊太緊了,感覺很痛苦。我問主:"這是什麼?發生了什麼事?這感覺很不舒服,太緊了!" 我開始走動。隨著我的動作,這套新衣服開始膨脹,以適應我的身形。但它並沒有像以前那樣變得寬鬆;相反地,它非常合適。主接著對我說:"這套衣服代表我的新皮袋。起初,它會感到不舒服,但當你穿著它行走時,它將恰到好處,變得更加舒適。


1. 不再像往常一樣做生意了


2. 在新的擴張季節之前,有一個限制的時刻


3. 是時候行動了


4. 它既是新的又是舊的


"也沒有人把新酒裝在舊皮袋裡,恐怕酒把皮袋裂開,酒和皮袋就都壞了;惟把新酒裝在新皮袋裡。" (馬可福音2:22)



A few weeks ago, I had a dream I was wearing an old business suit. It was baggy and didn't fit right. The Lord was standing in the room with me, so I questioned Him about this. As I did, He pointed at me, and the suit immediately tightened to completely fit my body like a second skin.

Initially, this tightening was too tight, and it felt painful. I asked the Lord, "What is this? What is going on? This feels uncomfortable and too tight!" I began to move around. As I did, this new outfit began to expand to fit my shape. But it didn't become baggy like before; rather, it fit perfectly. The Lord then said to me, "This suit represents My new wineskin. At first, it will feel uncomfortable, but as you walk in it, it will fit just right and become more comfortable."

I believe the Lord was revealing four things in this dream:

1. It Is No Longer Business as Usual

The business suit I was wearing didn't work on my body anymore. This is the same with Christ's Body. We don't need outdated metrics, paradigms, branding and numbers to build His Church! He is doing something new!

2. A Moment of Restriction Before a New Season of Expansion

Old wineskins will burst with new wine poured into them. In the process of new wine fermenting, the old skin is incapable of holding in the gasses, or rather, the transformation of the new wine. When new wine is poured into new wineskins, the skin will eventually EXPAND to adapt to the aging of the wine. There is a season of expansion as the new wine emerges. We are in a season where the Lord is enlarging us, and sometimes it will feel like we don't fit in. In this season, it would be easy to run from this; but if we trust the process of expansion and try not to get too overwhelmed by growth, eventually we will adapt and fit into the new thing the Lord is doing.

3. It Is Time to Move

The new transition, although greatly desired, may also be uncomfortable, but it will only be for a moment. You may feel in a current season where finances, family, or work are restricted, and you can't move forward. Like I was shown in my dream, the key to expansion is movement. I hear the Lord saying, "Keep moving! The restriction is not for failure or wrongdoing, but for refining and becoming comfortable in the new!"

4. It Is Both New and Old

When we talk about new wineskins, we often think God is doing away with the old completely. However, the new wineskin embraces the good things that have come before, yet reshapes and remolds it to fit the new shape of the Body. It does away with the unnecessary fabric of the past that is now in excess; the things we added that God didn't ask us to. IT BECOMES A HYBRID OF LEGACY, ANOINTING AND FRESH FIRE. True Kingdom living is one of apostolic legacy and honor. We can look back and carry forward powerful anointings and mantles of the past but wear them in a new way for a new era. This also means, no matter what age you are, the new wine is ready and waiting for you! You can be fresh in every season when you are willing to move and shift as God asks, and do not remain in old thinking and mindsets! Lord, we say we are ready! And we will move with You!

"And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins." (Mark 2:22)