

Please Pray for the Prophets
Reformation Prayer Network
Thursday, February 23, 2023 1:38 PM


作為先知,我們注意到撒旦一直在攻擊先知的模式。 作為先知性長老使徒委員會的成員,我們正在討論最近發生的各種攻擊。 其中最大的一個是早逝。 吉爾·奧斯汀Jill Austin、金·克萊門特Kim Clement、約翰·保羅·傑克遜John Paul Jackson、邁克·安·歌珥Michal Ann Goll 和 凱茜·萊希納Cathy Lechner 是我們認為過早與主同在的人。


因此,我們呼籲禁食40 天,以保護先知,他們是我們所有人的財富。

你願意花幾天或更長時間為我們禁食嗎? 我們將不勝感激!

禁食從今天 2月22 日開始,一直持續到 4 月 8 日結束。 我們明白我們是在禁食開始的一天之後發出的,但請你跟隨主的帶領而參與。


Dear friends of the prophets,

We, as prophets, have noticed a pattern in which Satan has been attacking the prophets. As members of the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders, we were discussing recent various attacks. One of the biggest ones was early death. Jill Austin, Kim Clement, John Paul Jackson, Michal Ann Goll, and Cathy Lechner are some whom we feel have gone to be with the Lord prematurely.

There have been many instances of sickness hitting the prophets recently.

Therefore, we are calling for a 40-day fast to protect the prophets, who are treasures for all of us.

Would you join in by taking a few days or more to fast for us? We would greatly appreciate it!

The fast begins today, the 22nd, and goes until and ends on April 8th. We realize we are sending this out after the beginning day of fasting, but just jump in as the Lord leads.

Cindy Jacobs
Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders