

作者:拉娜-瓦舍 Lana Vawser
轉載、轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網


當祂說這些話的時候,強調地將"改革"( reformation)這個字分成。RE-FORMATION--"重塑"。






他們所經受和一直經受的無數困難和敵人的攻擊,使他們覺得自己生活在一個漩渦中,而且他們覺得圍繞著他們在基督裡的身份,幾乎出現了"靈性失憶"--特別是圍繞著他們是"在基督裡的新造的人"和"在祂裡面復活 "的啟示。他們覺得這個啟示被淹沒在這個季節的喧囂中,被他們所承受的攻擊和充滿他們靈魂的深度疲憊所淹沒。


對他們來說,正在發生的深度變化、透過祂的手重新調整、解救和轉變是前所未有的。主不僅帶來了重新調整、重新塑造和重新定位,而且在重新塑造中還發生了巨大的 "添加"。






在這些人的生命上發生的轉變,這種 "重塑",在他們幾乎被擊倒、被淘汰或被燒毀的地方帶來了 "重新開始"。

神的氣息帶來了重新開始、重生和復興;但這個 "重新開始 "是以更大的增長、變化和轉變。





主在視覺和聽覺上帶來了深刻的醫治。在那一刻,我知道許多人在過去一段時間裡幾乎一直生活在悲傷和創傷的 "循環 "中,他們不僅被他們在自然界中看到和聽到的東西所創傷,而且對許多人來說,被與敵人的爭戰和視力和聽力的不斷打擊所創傷。我知道主說的是現在正以一種強有力的方式在他們的眼睛和耳朵上發生的醫治。祂正在解除創傷和悲傷,使他們進入深度的醫治境界。




Lana Vawser

Recently, I heard the Lord say, “WE ARE GOING ON A RE-FORMATION JOURNEY.”

When He spoke these words there was such an emphasis in the separation of the word “reformation.” It was “RE-FORMATION.”

I knew there was a deep work of the Holy Spirit to bring change, to bring realignment, renewal, transformation, transition, shift, remodel, correction, repairing and much more.

There was a “rebuilding” that the Lord was bringing. There was a deep healing the Lord was bringing.

There was a divine overhaul that the Lord was bringing forth.

The Lord was dealing with areas where the enemy had come hard against many of God’s people to bring things into disarray. The Lord was dealing with areas of misalignment.

The Lord was dealing with areas and effects of previous seasons the enemy was using to try and “take people out,” areas where the soul was burnt out, areas where there have been strong winds that have attempted to “knock many out” of their God given position of authority. I saw the Lord also specifically moving in the area of identity.

The numerous hardships and attacks of the enemy they had endured and have been enduring had caused them to feel like they were living in a swirl, and there was almost a “spiritual amnesia” that they felt had come over them around who they are in Christ — specifically around the revelation of them being a “new creation in Christ” and “being raised to life in Him.” They felt like this revelation had been drowned out in the noise of the season, the attacks they had endured and the deep weariness that had filled their souls.

I watched the powerful move of His Spirit upon them in this hour that was bringing DEEP RE-FORMATION.

The depth of change, re-alignment by His hand, deliverance and transformation that was taking place was, for them, unprecedented. Not only was the Lord bringing a re-alignment and re-formation and re-positioning, there was a great “adding to” taking place in the RE-FORMATION.

In such unprecedented change and transformation taking place by His hand, there was a major multiplication and incredible increase falling upon their lives.

The Lord spoke, “This ‘re-formation’ is a deeper alignment into WHO YOU ALREADY ARE: A NEW CREATION.

This ‘re-formation’ will change everything. There will be life all around. There is ease in My presence and ease in the TRANSFORMATION.

There is no striving, it is ease and overflow coming upon you in the ‘RE-FORMATION’ by My hand in your life.”

The Lord’s voice then thundered:


There was such a deep reset, such a deep restoration, such a deep realignment. It was a time of radical change, transition, birthing and transformation.

The shift that was taking place upon the lives of these ones, this “RE-FORMATION,” was bringing forth the “BEGINNING AGAIN” in areas where they have almost been knocked out, taken out, or burnt out.

The breath of God was bringing a RESTART, a REFRESH, a REVIVAL; but this “BEGIN AGAIN” was with greater increase, change and transformation.

The Lord’s voice then spoke again, “I AM RESETTING ALL.” I knew that this deep moment of going on a “RE-FORMATION” journey with Him was a deeper place of co-labouring with Him than they had walked in before. He was making all things right, all things into proper divine alignment — to now walk in a place even more deeply fortified in their identity in Him, but also into the new realms of increase and assignment before them.

His voice surrounded me again, “You are entering a NEW REALM OF RESTORATION.”

Great and accelerated change is happening right now. Restoration from every direction by the power of His hand. It’s upon us, Church!

I also saw Jesus placing His hands over the eyes and ears of many of God’s people and I heard Him say, “No longer will you be traumatised by what you hear or see.”

There was a deep healing of VISION and HEARING that the Lord was bringing. I knew in that moment that many have been living in grief and trauma in almost ‘cycles’ for the last while, where they have been traumatised not only by what they have seen and heard in the natural, but for many, by the warfare and constant barrage of the enemy upon their vision and their hearing. I knew the Lord was speaking of the HEALING that is taking place upon their eyes and ears right now in a powerful way. He was lifting off the trauma and the grief and moving them into profound realms of healing.

Then the Lord spoke, “Today, receive your healing. Receive My vision. Receive My heart and strategy with great increase.”

Not only was there a powerful healing taking place upon their perspective, perception, discernment, sight and hearing, but there was an increase of divine sight, strategy and hearing that the Lord was releasing upon them; where clarity was being released upon them for the season they are in, and the future.

The depth of wisdom, revelation and understanding He was releasing upon them was so weighty, so sacred, so deep — such an invitation to lean in and receive His vision, His heart and strategy with greater increase in the place of communion with Him — where trauma and grief no longer resided.