

The Greatest Day 



雅各書1:2-4勸告我們說:我的弟兄們,你們落在百般試煉中,都要以為大喜樂;因為知道你們的信心經過試驗,就生忍耐。但忍耐也當成功,使你們成全、完備,毫無缺欠。當新的試煉到來時,我們是否感到喜悅?它們是否使我們 "成全、完備,毫無缺欠"?




在這個末世,我們被呼召去參加世界上有史以來最大的光明與黑暗之戰。事實上,我們已經在這場爭戰中了。當我們得到永恆的獎賞,並能見到我們所期待的古時偉大的聖徒時,我們會驚訝地發現,他們中有多少人渴望見到我們這些在末世服役並打過這最後一場大仗的人。在這個時代活著並保持忠誠是所有榮譽中最偉大的一個。這就是為什麼 "許多在後的要在前",以及為什麼耶穌將最好的酒留到最後。


使徒保羅在《哥林多前書》3:10-15中寫道,焚燒草木,禾稭的火也能潔淨主用來建造祂的房子的金、銀和寶石。在某些方面,基督徒的生活就是要充滿火和挑戰,這將潔淨和預備我們成為祂建造的 "活石"。我們也應該知道,祂的火不會吞噬有用的東西,只會吞噬沒用的東西。


聖經中關於這個末世的預言也宣佈,這將是一個主通過祂的子民所展現的最大榮耀的時代。它也將被稱為祂的降臨或 "同在 "的時刻。詩篇16:11告訴我們,"在你面前有豐盛的喜樂"。這也將是那些與祂最親近的人體驗到的不僅僅是簡單的喜悅,而是 "豐盛的喜樂"。當我們更接近祂時,我們的生活將被越來越多的喜樂所充滿,直到我們體驗到最充分的喜樂。在我們的生活中是這樣嗎?如果不是,現在是糾正這種情況的時候了。

Jan 17
The Greatest Day
Rick Joyner

It has been said that eagles are one of the few creatures that like storms. That is because eagles know if they approach an opposing wind at the right angle it will carry them higher. Trials can take us higher when we approach them the right way.

In James 1:2-4 we are exhorted, “Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.” Do we feel joy when new trials come? Are they making us “perfect and complete, lacking in nothing”?

If we would resolve to approach every trial every day, even the smallest challenges to our patience, and especially those smallest trials, as the Scripture exhorts, how much more could we grow in Christ and demonstrate Him to a world in continual crises?

Jesus said, “In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world” (see John 16:33 NKJV). Everyone in this life will go through tribulation, and contrary to some teachings, following Christ does not exempt us from troubles, and will even add some. However, Jesus guaranteed these would result in our good. We cannot live victorious lives without battles, and the bigger the battle, the bigger the victory.

If we believe God’s Word that He “always leads us in triumph in Christ”(see II Corinthians 2:14), how can we not have joy when facing battles? What keeps us from the joy that is our strength (see Nehemiah 8:10) is when we view our battles from an earthly, temporal perspective instead of a heavenly one. When we view them from the Lord’s perspective, as we are seated with Him in heavenly places, we are assured of victory and honored to be chosen to fight for our King.

At the end of this age, we have been called to fight the biggest battle between light and darkness the world has ever known. In fact, we are already in this battle. When we get to our eternal reward and get to meet the great saints of old we have so looked forward to meeting, we will be surprised at how many of them have longed to meet us who have served at the end of the age and have fought this last great battle. To live and remain faithful in these times is one of the greatest of all honors. That is why “many who are last will be first,” and why Jesus saved the best wine for last.

Everyone will go through tribulation, yet most find no greater purpose in tribulation than to get through it. The Christian is called to have a much higher purpose in tribulation by using each time as an opportunity to become purified, prepared, and strengthened for the King’s use. As Peter wrote, the testing of our faith is more valuable than gold (see I Peter 1:7). Do we view each new trial as we would a bag of gold?

The apostle Paul wrote in I Corinthians 3:10-15, the fire that burns the wood, hay, and straw also purifies the gold, silver, and precious stones the Lord is using to build His house. In some ways, the Christian life is meant to be filled with fire and challenges which will purify and prepare us to become the “living stones” of His building. We should also know His fire does not consume what is useful, only what is not.

As Jesus said, the end of this age will be the worst tribulation the world has ever experienced (see Matthew 24:21). If we have been chosen to live in such a time, it must be because He has chosen us for a high purpose. There is no way to avoid tribulations, so why not make the best of them? The mindset of an overcomer must be this: never waste a trial.

The biblical prophecies concerning the end of this age also declare it will be a time of the greatest glory the Lord will ever reveal through His people. It will also be called the time of His parousia or “presence.” Psalm 16:11 tell us, “In Your presence is fullness of joy.” This will also be a time when those closest to Him will experience more than simply joy but “fullness of joy.” As we get closer to Him, our lives will be filled with increasing joy, until we experience joy to its fullest. Is that the case in our lives? If not, now is the time to correct this.