

準備好衝進那扇叫做 "恢復"的門!
轉載/轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網


"你已經進入了一個恢復的季節。你將在你生命的每一個領域經歷恢復。那些耐心等待的人;那些不顧環境而繼續相信的人;那些服從我的指示的人(儘管這樣做很痛苦,很可怕),已經進入了一扇只有我才能打開的門。這扇門被稱為 "恢復"!



"這就是我將為你們做的事,如果你們相信我的應許,為它們爭辯,宣告它們並下令它們。一旦你看到一個小徵兆,就束緊腰帶,準備奔跑,因為我將使你超過你的敵人,並以超自然的速度覆蓋這麼多地方!你將直接跑進被稱為 "門"的門。你將直接跑進那扇叫作 "恢復"的門!你會發現,所有被奪走的東西都在這裡。每一件被奪走的東西都將連本帶利地歸還。打開的門和青睞將是你的一部分。復原是我的專長!"






朋友們,束緊你的腰帶(Gird up your loins),準備好衝進那扇名為"恢復"的門!

1. "回到健康、靈或力量的正常狀態"。
2. "重新擁有或控制被盜或丟失的東西的行動或過程"。

束緊腰帶(TO GIRD ONE'S LOINS):"為困難或挑戰的事情做準備"。





This word has been resounding in my spirit for weeks: "RECOVERY." I asked the Lord what He meant and He said:

"You have entered a season of RECOVERY. You will experience RECOVERY in every area of your life. Those who have patiently waited; those who have kept believing, despite the circumstances; those who have obeyed My instructions (although it was painful and scary to) have entered through a door that only I can open. This door is called 'RECOVERY'!

"Forget about the past; leave it behind. No matter what you lost, no matter what was taken from you, I WILL RESTORE EVERYTHING TO YOU! You will recover what you lost plus more! It will be as if you were never without it. I will restore you from the inside out. The trauma of the loss will be wiped away. Joy will spring up as you start receiving healing. And instead of mourning the losses, you will celebrate the births of new beginnings.

"Things will not happen automatically though; you will need to partner with Me in faith to see them come to pass. I told Elijah I would send rain, but Elijah didn't just sit there and wait for the rain to come; he prayed and contended for the rain. He prayed with his head between his knees; he labored; he birthed the prophecy! Not one, but seven times he sent his servant to check for a sign! He believed My word, and he contended for it. All he needed to see was a tiny cloud! Because He believed Me, and because He contented for My promise, My power came upon him, he girded up his loins and began to run with supernatural speed, outrunning his enemy!

"This is what I will do for you, if you believe in My promises, contend for them, declare them and decree them. As soon you see a small sign, gird up your loins and get ready to run, because I will cause you to outrun your enemy and cover so much ground with supernatural speed! You will run right through the door called RECOVERY! EVERY single thing that has been taken from you will be returned with interest. Open doors and favor will be your portion. Restoration is My specialty!"

I believe that we are coming out of a time of laboring and pain and into a time or rest and peace - not an idle type of rest, but more of an internal peace...a place where we know that as we go through trials, they are just momentary, and that as we keep walking through them, God will pull us through.

Our obedience to God's instructions and our steadfastness in believing His promises, despite the circumstances, will empower us to run at supernatural speeds!

He showed me a football player in a white and blue uniform, running with a football tucked under his arm. He was protecting that ball with his life! He looked big and strong, and he was fast. Anyone who came into contact with him was thrown into the air! The Lord said, "That is what My children look like in the spirit when they take My word, they write [it] on their hearts, and they start running with that vision! No evil force can stand against them!"

We might be small in the physical world, we might be slow and unathletic, but when we take God at His word and start acting in faith, we are mighty in the spiritual world! Nothing can stop us! The only things that can are our fears, unbelief and laziness.

Breakthrough takes work; it takes effort; it's hard! But the momentum that acting in obedience creates is massive! We can and we will achieve the impossible!

Gird up your loins, friends, and get ready to run through the door called RECOVERY!


1. "a return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength."
2. "the action or process of regaining possession or control of something stolen or lost."

TO GIRD ONE'S LOINS: "to prepare oneself for something difficult or challenging."

Deuteronomy 30:3-5 (MSG): "God, your God, will restore everything you lost; He'll have compassion on you; He'll come back and pick up the pieces from all the places where you were scattered. No matter how far away you end up, God, your God, will get you out of there and bring you back to the land your ancestors once possessed. It will be yours again. He will give you a good life and make you more numerous than your ancestors."

Joel 2:25 (NLT): "The LORD says, 'I will give you back what you lost to the swarming locusts, the hopping locusts, the stripping locusts, and the cutting locusts...'"