

作者:加里斯-埃爾金 Garris Elkins
轉載/轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網






幾個星期以來,主一直在提醒我,我們正處於回歸到簡單信心的支撐過程中。這種對我們個人信心的重新評估,以及我們如何做教會,將需要回歸到一種簡單的信心,這種信心有必要的熱情和動力,以採取必要的信心步驟,迎接我們在未來日子裡將面臨的挑戰。這種信心有一種簡單的屬靈商品(spiritual commodity)作支撐--神的信實和他履行應許的能力。簡單的信心是國度歷史上的屬靈黃金標準,因為它有神的支持,幾個世紀以來已經證明,在需要的時候絕不會讓我們失望。如果我們建立了這種屬靈財富的倉庫,那麼任何來之不易的事情都不會讓我們的盼望破產。


Rediscovering True Wealth
By Garris Elkins
December 18, 2022

A significant movement in world financial markets is taking place. I used to consider such things as something mysterious or too complicated and not the business of the Church. Now I see those movements in a different light. They are prophetic reminders that the physical movements we see happening on Earth always follow what has taken place in the realm of the Spirit.

Historically a commodity like gold stores and preserves value. Gold is not typically used as an investment. It protects wealth and has been doing so for millennia. It’s not like a 401k or a pension plan, or even a gold certificate held in an IRA account. These programs only make promises on paper of future fulfillment. These investments are becoming increasingly volatile as the global financial market becomes unstable. Gold is a historic in-your-hand kind of wealth that is now drawing the attention of individual investors and nations.

A group of nations has formed a financial alliance called BRICS (Brazil, Russian, India, China, and South Africa). They have purchased thousands of tons of gold. It has been suspected this group will use that gold to create a new currency based not on the thin air of paper money and promises, but on gold, something the United States abandoned decades ago as the backing for our currency.

Other nations beyond the original BRICS group who have vast amounts of debt are now joining the BRICS alliance. These nations are also buying gold in record numbers in hopes that when gold has eventually been revalued the increase of their original investment, along with the support of a new global currency, will offer them enough of an increase in value to clear their debt and make them solvent.

The developments currently taking place in world economics can provide indicators for believers of something not always visible or easily discerned. A return to a gold standard in nations now seeking freedom from the U.S. dollar hegemony is a return to what has always been considered something of historical value like gold. The reevaluation of what constitutes true wealth is an indicator of coming change, both in the natural and in the Spirit.

For weeks, the Lord has been reminding me that we are in the process of returning to the backing of a simple faith. This reevaluation of our personal faith, and how we do Church, will require a return to a simplicity that has the passion and motivation needed to take the steps of faith required to meet the challenges we will face in the coming days. This kind of faith is backed by a simple spiritual commodity – the faithfulness of God and His ability to fulfill what He has promised. Simple faith is the historic spiritual gold standard of the Kingdom because it is backed by God and has proven for centuries to never fail us in times of need. If we build that kind of storehouse of spiritual wealth nothing that comes our way will leave us bankrupt of hope.