

作者:菲奧雷拉-喬達諾 Fiorella Giordano
轉載/轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網

神可以在夢中訓練你的反應。很多時候,祂會帶你進入夢境以對抗某些模式。 讓我給你舉個例子。比方說,你在夢中遇到了一些負面的或嚇人的東西,很多時候你的反應會非常原始,你會進入 "爭戰 "模式,主要是以恐懼為底線,試圖處理這種情況。這個夢可能會重複出現,或者夢中的模式會在其他夢中重複出現。但是有一點,訓練得到了回報,你在夢中變得清醒,這意味著你在夢中是清醒的或有意識的,你有能力做出不同的選擇,而這個選擇打破了你對那個特定觸發器的基線反應模式。這就是變化!這就是進入一個新模式,並發現了你可以在其他夢中使用的鑰匙,以處理不同的模式。現在就有一些鑰匙被釋放到清醒夢中。它很難用語言來描述這意味著什麼,除了它是駕馭你的夢境的一個完全不同的層次。神正在打破你生活中的循環,這些循環已經到了潛意識的層面。不要對這個過程感到沮喪,在你達到模式的突破之前,它可能會感到難以承受,但讓我告訴你,當這一切發生時,你會感到多麼驚訝,神在你身上的信心和降服水準正在被喚醒,它將與你以前處理情況的方式感到反直覺,但這是正確的關鍵。你的存在知道如何駕馭超自然的事物,你正在記住這套技能,一種新模式正在你體內重新構建。



Next Level Dream Realm

God can train your responses in dreams. Many times He will take you into dreams to confront certain patterns. Let me give you an example. Let's say you encounter something negative or intimidating in the dream, many times your response will be very primal and you will go into "warfare" mode, mainly with a baseline of fear, trying to deal with the situation. This dream may repeat itself, or the pattern in the dream may repeat itself in other dreams. But there comes a point where the training pays off, and you go lucid in your dream, meaning you are awake or conscious in your dream and you are empowered to make a different choice, and that choice breaks the pattern of your baseline response to that particular trigger. That is change! That is coming into a new pattern and discovering the key that you can use in other dreams to deal with different patterns. There are keys being released right now into lucid dreaming. Its hard to describe with words what that means, other that it is a whole other level to navigate your dreams. God is breaking cycles in your life that are down to the subconscious level. Don't get frustrated with the process, it may feel overwhelming till you get to the pattern breaking point, but let me tell you how surprised you will be when that happens and the level of trust and surrender that God hardwired in you and is now awakening, it will feel counter-intuitive to your previous way of dealing with a situation, but its the right key. Your being knows how to navigate the supernatural and you are remembering that skill set, and a new pattern is being reframed in you.

Is 60:17
And I will make peace your administrators
And righteousness your overseers.

The word admistrator in this verse can also mean numbers, meaning God makes peace your numbers, your patterns, your governance, that brings forth the response of a renewed nature, and not the response system of the old man.