

作者:拉娜-瓦舍 Lana Vawser
轉載/轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網


這是一個透過"過程"的"強度"真正靠攏的時刻。我們都處於"孕育之旅"的不同階段,但在每個階段都有一個共同點,即 "強度"。


在"強度"方面,主正在增加祂的子民的速度。有一個變化的"加速"發生。為神的子民"改變位置 "的速度加快。透過這種強度的關鍵是不要放棄,繼續站立(以弗所書6:13)。做一個積極的選擇,一個積極的決心,不要放棄。如果你能做的只是站立,那就站立。事情正在迅速變化。



就在這時,我再次聽到那個聲音,充滿了愛和希望、鼓勵和火焰,我知道那是主。"這是一個新的啟示境界。我的話語在我的子民生活的各個領域,在他們所經歷的過程中活過來,我正在用它來孕育他們。讓他們出來。我正在孕育得勝者。我在孕育勇士。現在是R & R的時間。

當我聽到 "R & R "這個詞時,我立刻想到了 "安息和放鬆"。在這個異象中,我把目光從書上移開,抬頭一看,耶穌正站在我面前。祂微笑著說:"REVELATORY REST"(啟示性的安息)。當我的子民尋求我,立足於我的話語時,我正在讓他們進入的啟示領域,我的啟示正在帶來突破和安息。許多人一直背負著如此多的不安,和平的感覺很遙遠,焦慮在醞釀,恐懼在尖叫,這個過程的強度造成了"心不安穩"的感覺,當我的子民進入這個啟示的領域時,將發生突然的安息。他們將在激烈的過程中找到安息之處。從對我是誰和我的話語的啟示中流淌出來的安息。是時候讓復興的安息席捲我的新婦了。在復興的安息之地,我的勇士,我的得勝者正以不可動搖的愛和勇氣復活。我在我的子民生活中使用的過程不僅僅是為了他們的利益,而是為了國家和世界的利益,為了世界的利益。這個過程比他們更重要。我有一個更大的畫面。當我的子民步入復興的安息時,改變生命的突破就在他們身上。"

Lana Vawser
December 9, 2022

It's a time to really lean in through the 'intensity' of the 'process'. We are all at various stages of the 'birthing journey' but there has been a common denominator of 'intensity' at every stage of it.

The stretching, the contending, the favour, the promotion, the release, the breakthrough, the opposition, the hardship, the Lord is USING IT ALL.

In the "intensity," the Lord is increasing the rate of VELOCITY in His people. There is a "speeding up" of change happening. An acceleration of the "changing of position" for the people of God. The key through the intensity is to NOT give up, to continue to stand (Ephesians 6:13). Make an active choice, an active resolve to NOT GIVE UP. If all you can do is stand, STAND. Things are rapidly changing.

Whether you are on a mountain top, or in a valley, BE ENCOURAGED for the Lord is using your process to BIRTH YOU. The manifested sons and daughters of Glory are arising as they lean in, as they continue to stand. There is a deep shaping, moulding, pruning and empowering happening in the intensity of the process.

I had a vision and in the vision, I saw angelic hosts descending into the lives of God's people and there was a sudden release of these huge books. Thick huge books and each one had the name of the child of God on it, that it was delivered to. I then heard a loud voice that spoke "The time is NOW for these to be opened". As these books were opened by the people of God a whole new realm opened up before them. They looked like holographic 3D images as the people of God began to turn the pages. On each page were a message from Papa God, messages about their identity, their calling, their gifting, their process, and their future. Every page at the bottom was signed by Jesus. I was surrounded again by the beautiful sense that EVERYTHING is IN HIM. HE is the centre. IN HIM, WE LIVE AND MOVE AND HAVE OUR BEING!! (Acts 17:28)

It was then I heard the voice again, filled with such love and hope, encouragement and fire, I knew it was the Lord. "This is a new realm of revelation. My Word coming alive to My people in various areas of their lives in the processes they are walking through that I am using to BIRTH THEM. To bring them forth. I am birthing overcomers. I am birthing warriors. It's time for R & R"

When I heard the words "R & R" I instantly thought of "Rest and Relaxation". In this vision, I look away from the books and look up and Jesus was standing before Me. He smiled and said "REVELATORY REST". The realm of revelation I am moving My people into as they seek Me, grounded in My Word, My revelation is bringing breakthrough and rest. Many have been carrying SO MUCH unrest, peace feeling far, anxiety brewing, fear screaming, the intensity of the process causing a feeling of 'unsettledness of heart', as My people enter into this realm of revelation there is SUDDEN REST that will take place. They will find the place of REST in the MIDST of the intensity. The REST that flows from the REVELATION of who I am and My Word. It's time for REVELATORY REST to sweep across My Bride. In the place of REVELATORY REST, My warriors, My overcomers are ARISING with a fierceness of love and boldness that is UNSHAKEABLE. The process I am using in the lives of My people is not just for THEIR GOOD, but for the sake of nations, and the world and for the WORLD'S GOOD. This process is bigger than just them. I have a bigger picture. Life-changing breakthrough is upon My people as they step into REVELATORY REST."