
作者:戴安娜-阿尼爾 Diane Anil
轉載/轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網

在這個季節,有一個到"產房"的呼召,我聽到天父說:"歡迎,是時候生產了。" 天父告訴我,這間產房是為"重創者"預備的!那些被重重打擊的人,他們的生活受到影響。那些一次又一次受到重創,感覺好像無法喘息的人。然而,祂說,那些受到重創的人,也是背負著我沉重的恩膏的人。現在不是放棄的時候,而是生產的時候!你們中的許多人處於生產過程中的不同階段。有些人只是需要轉移位置,獲得新的異象,以便生產。另一些人的嬰兒被卡住了,需要重新對齊,以便釋放。有幾個人已經生產了很長時間,讓他們感到疲憊和疲憊。你們中的許多人已經感到你們的屬靈的嬰兒被推遲了,甚至被墮掉了,這造成了極大的失望、懷疑、沮喪和灰心。仇敵是個騙子,牠試圖讓你流掉你將生出來的事物!今天,奉耶穌的名揭露和解除牠的武器!


天父說:"我要加倍。你的回報是麻煩的兩倍"。在這個季節,祂不會留讓事物原封不動的。你可以得到所有的東西!這個季節將以和平、輕鬆和喜樂為記號! "婦人生產的時候就憂愁,因為他的時候到了;既生了孩子,就不再記念那苦楚,因為歡喜世上生了一個人。" (約翰福音16:21)


你的眼淚和痛苦不是浪費。你對火的看法會轉變,你很快就會發現火是升級和提升的誕生地。大火沒有吞噬你,它塑造了你,事實上,它給你打上了烙印!你將不會聞到煙味。你將不會聞到煙味,你已經沐浴在天堂的香火之中!你將會成為一個真正的人。擴張來了!是時候慶祝了! "給我敞開義門;我要進去稱謝耶和華!這是耶和華的門;義人要進去!我要稱謝你,因為你已經應允我,又成了我的拯救!匠人所棄的石頭已成了房角的頭塊石頭。這是耶和華所做的,在我們眼中看為希奇。這是耶和華所定的日子,我們在其中要高興歡喜!" (詩篇118:19-24)





第四階段--是時候推了!在信心和期待中,是時候與神給我們的應許合作了。你們中的一些人需要給自己許可,讓自己承擔風險,走出去。你們中的一些人正在等待這些嬰兒自己出生,而神在說 "推"!你們中的一些人需要知道神信任他們,他們會給你們提供幫助。你們中的一些人需要知道神信任你們,祂已經給了你們自由,讓你們前行、建立、實施和釋放。有一種恩典讓你放下對錯誤的恐懼,有一種超自然的力量讓你無畏地向前飛。


我預言你的羊水即將破了,你將在這個季節生下並送出神所要的每一個寶寶! 歡迎來到產房!到處都是嬰兒,他們來的很快,而且是多胞胎。請記住,祂沒有留下任何東西不被觸動!"是的,確實不會。

"耶和華說:日子將到,耕種的必接續收割的;踹葡萄的必接續撒種的;大山要滴下甜酒;小山都必流奶" (阿摩司書 9:13)




There is a call to the Birthing Room in this season and I hear the father say “Welcome, it’s time to deliver.” The Father told me this Birthing Room is for the ‘Heavy Hitters’! Those who have been hit hard over and over again, feeling as if they could not catch a breath. However, He said those same ones that have been hit hard, are the ones carrying my heavy and weighty anointing. It’s not time to give up now, it’s time to give birth! Many of you are at different stages in your birthing process. Some just need to shift position to get new vision, in order to deliver. Others have babies that are stuck and there is a need for realignment, in order to release. Several have been in labor for a very long time, leaving them weary and exhausted. Many of you have felt there has been a delay or even an aborting of your spiritual babies, which has created great disappointment, doubt, depression, and discouragement. The enemy is a liar and what He attempted to abort in you, will be delivered! He is being exposed and disarmed today in the name of Jesus!

There has been an agenda in the spirit realm to release a thick cloud of disillusionment, deception, oppression, and confusion. The enemy has been working over-time, making many feel completely displaced, and as if they did not know what end was up. However, The Father is balancing the scales, steadying His children, and standing you firm on your feet once again! I see people walking out of the fog and quickly gaining ground again. It is not over yet; it is just the beginning! Are you ready to meet your babies!? Are you ready to see what they look like? Jesus is all over them!

The Father said, “I’m going to double it. Double for your trouble.” He will not leave anything untouched in this season. You get to have all of it! This season will be marked with peace, ease, and joy! “Just like a woman giving birth experiences intense labor pains in delivering her baby, yet after the child is born, she quickly forgets what she went through because of the overwhelming joy of knowing that a new baby has been born into the world.” (JOHN 16:21)

The babies I saw birthed came out ‘swinging’! These babies have been forged in the fire and they were dripping with the anointing of Heaven! These babies being birthed have strength, determination, and authority written all over them. What you thought would kill you, is now a weapon of mass destruction against the enemy’s camp. You are stronger and more rooted in Christ than you realized. These babies have been baptized in the fire, love, and honey of Heaven. The anointing they carry will release healing, transformation, and the love of Christ, which will wreck anyone who is touched by it.

Your tears and pain will not be wasted. Your perspective of the fire will shift, and you will soon discover the fire is the birthplace to upgrades and promotion. The fire did not consume you, it shaped you, in fact, it marked you! You will not smell like smoke, you have been bathed in the incense of Heaven! Expansion is here! It’s time to celebrate! “Swing wide the city gates—the righteous gates! I’ll walk right through and thank God! This Temple Gate belongs to God, so the victors can enter and praise. Thank you for responding to me; you’ve truly become my salvation! The stone the masons discarded as flawed is now the capstone! This is God’s work. We rub our eyes—we can hardly believe it! This is the very day God acted—let’s celebrate and be festive!” (Psalm 118:19-24)

The Father gave me a personal assignment to create birthing rooms this season. These birthing rooms are for those to come and deliver their babies. He instructed me to create a safe and intimate space and to act as a midwife in the spirit. He called me to lead those who enter through 4 stages of labor and delivery. I recently hosted my first Birthing Room, and it was marked with breakthrough! Anyone that has ever been in a birthing room knows it’s messy. It’s typically marked with blood, sweat, and tears. It takes work to push through and birth new life, however Jesus always does the heavy lifting.

STAGE 1 – ACTIVATION BREAK OFF AND BREAK OUT. In order to deliver, you must come out of agreement and take authority over the negative mindsets you have partnered with due to the heaviness of this past season. Doubt, discouragement, depression, disappointment, and anything else that have not served you well, must GO now in the name of Jesus! You must draw a line in the sand in order to cross over!

STAGE 2 – FORGIVENESS. It’s time to choose to forgive ourselves, God, and those who have wronged you! I saw a noose on necks, and they were attached to those you have not forgiven. The further people tried to move forward, the tighter the rope became, until it was taking the breath and life out of people. It’s time to cut the rope through forgiveness to set yourself free and those that have wounded you. You can’t move forward carrying that kind of weight!

STAGE 3 – REMOVING THE BLOCKS TO THE BIRTHING. Shame, Fear, Distraction, Critical Spirits, and Orphan Identities must be uprooted! It’s not time to sweep things under the rug or go around the same mountains. It’s time to confront the giants and slay them. It’s time to feel to heal, which means getting real!

STAGE 4 – IT’S TIME TO PUSH! In faith and expectation, it’s time to partner with the promises God has given us. Some of you need to give yourself permission to take risk and step out. Some of you are waiting for these babies to birth themselves and God is saying “PUSH”! Some of you need to know God trusts you and He has given you freedom to go forth, build, implement, and release. There is a grace to let go of the fear of being wrong and a supernatural strength to fearlessly fly forward.

Friends, do the healing work with Jesus! You can't force labor and delivery! Preparation and timing are key.

I prophesy your water is about to break and you will birth and deliver every baby God has intended in this season! Welcome to the Birthing Room! There are babies everywhere and they are coming fast, and they are coming in multiples. Remember, He leaves nothing untouched!

“Yes indeed, it won’t be long now. Things are going to happen so fast your head will swim, one thing fast on the heels of the other. You won’t be able to keep up. Everything will be happening at once—and everywhere you look, blessings! Blessings like wine pouring off the mountains and hills.” (AMOS 9:13)

Love & Courage,
Diane Anil