


作者:安德魯-惠倫 Andrew Whalen 
翻譯: Veronika
轉載/轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網



我進入了一個夢境。在夢中,我秘密地潛入了一個 "女巫團",它看起來更像是一個有會議中心的高級酒店。那些所謂的女巫沒有一個像我想的那樣。事實上,她們中的大多數人都很有修養、敏銳和專業。在夢中,作為 "飯店主人"的大女巫讓整個女巫團觀看一段影片,解釋她們打算如何腐蝕、玷污,然後將各國的年輕一代置於她們的"女王"和國王的魔咒之下。(我知道他們是天上的撒旦統治者)。


在夢中的這一時刻,我非常不安,因為我想到了他們試圖玷污的所有兒童!我走到大女巫面前,對她說:"你是誰?她還不知道我不是他們中的一員。她看著我,期待我對剛才看到的一切表示贊同,但我回頭說:"你不知道的是,我是耶穌基督派來的,現在你將因為觸碰祂的孩子而遭受祂的怒火。 夢醒。

今天早上我從手機上的幾個警報中醒來,這些警報是 "安珀警報"......兒童被綁架的警報。我知道主在呼喊,說是時候代表孩子們'醒來'了!!!我相信神已經受夠了邪惡的人。我相信神已經受夠了針對我們兒童和年輕人的邪惡行為。我們的子孫後代正處於危險之中。


I am very burdened to share what happened to me last night. Please take this to prayer!!!
By Andrew Whalen
November 21, 2022

Last night laying in bed, I clearly heard the Lord say, "The nations have not understood the structures of witchcraft governing from secret". After a little while pondering what I had heard, I suddenly heard the Holy Spirit say, "I am coming to destroy the scepter of the wicked for the sake of the children." Then I fell asleep.

I went into a dream. In my dream I had covertly infiltrated a 'witches coven' that looked more like a fancy hotel with a conference center. None of the so called witches looked like I would think. In fact most of them were very polished, sharp and professional. In the dream, the main witch who was the 'host of the hotel', had the whole coven watch a video explaining how they intended to corrupt, defile, and then bring the younger generations of the nations under the spell of their 'queen' and king. (who I knew to be Satanic rulers in the heavens).

In the video the main thing that was shown and taught to the witches, was that the key to put a spell of control over the young generations was to 'slowly scrub' the internet and libraries, and movie vaults of all pure, wholesome, and clean entertainment, and only make accessible entertainment that showed some form of witchcraft in an acceptable light, along with subtle imagery and acceptance of sexual perversions. In the video they showed a future where people who wanted to find wholesome and pure entertainment to watch with their children could no longer find it, and so had to compromise with subtle allowances of sexually charged and demonic infused entertainment.

At this point in the dream, I am very upset as I am thinking of all the children they are seeking to defile! I walk up to the head witch, who doesn't yet know I'm not one of them. 'She looks at me expecting my approval of all that I had just seen, but I look back and say "What you don't know is that I have been sent here by Jesus Christ, and now you will suffer his fury for touching his children". The dream ended.

I woke up this morning from several alarms on my phone which were 'AMBER ALERTS'... of children being kidnapped.. I knew the Lord was shouting and saying It is time to 'WAKE UP' on behalf of the children!!! I believe God is fed up with wickedness targeting our children and the youth. Our future generations hang in the balance!

We can no longer wink at this wickedness... its time for the righteous to be as bold as lions... and wage war for the children! Our weapons are not carnal... but mighty through God to pull down every stronghold!!!