

贖回時間 / 領受鑰匙和開門
作者:喬喬-道森 Joe Joe Dawson
轉載/轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網



2. 領受來自天上的鑰匙和打開門

我鼓勵你,我的朋友們,如果神呼召你在這個季節裡站出來做一些事情,那就去做吧 我們正處於一個大能的季節,我們需要隨著聖靈的能力而流動。你過去的一切正以加速的速度聚集在一起,接受鑰匙和打開門。對許多人來說,這是一個約翰福音10:10的時刻,在過去的季節裡,敵人試圖從你身上偷走、殺死和摧毀你,但上帝已經給你豐富的生命。準備好收穫堅持到底的好處,即使是在困難的時候。準備好領受來自天上的鑰匙,打開許多扇門。這是一個季節,現在是上帝從你的過去和以前的季節中取回許多事物,並利用它們為你創造兩個動力回路,即許多鑰匙和許多門!

Joe Joe Dawson

How will God redeem the times in this season? Through you, my friends! The Lord is looking for those in this hour who will be bold enough to do exactly what He has called them to do even if it looks impossible or unpopular. God is calling His people to be more determined and dedicated than ever before. And if we will partner with Him, we will see the Lord redeem the time in and through our lives.

Joe Joe Dawson

I encourage you my friends, if God is calling you to step out and do something in this season, go for it! We are in a powerful season and we need to be flowing with the power of the Holy Spirit. Everything from your past is coming together at an accelerated pace to receive keys and open doors. This is a John 10:10 moment for many people, the enemy came to try to steal from you, kill & destroy you in past seasons but God has come to give you abundant life. Get ready to reap the benefits of staying the course even when it got rough. Get ready to receive keys from Heaven to unlock multiple doors. This is a season and now is the time that God is taking multiple things from your past and from previous seasons and using them to create two power circuits for you, keys and doors!