
作者:金-波特 Kim Potter
原文來源:以利亞名單 https://www.elijahlist.com/words/display_word.html?ID=28299 
轉載/轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網











我在2020年學到了一些東西。我瞭解到,雖然我在靈界有所預備,但在自然方面卻沒有預備。如果我緊緊抓住這個話語,我就會在兩個方面都做好預備—靈界和自然界。雖然我不是一個 "幸災樂禍 "的人,但我確實選擇了智慧。我從2020年的課程中學到:保持預備。聖經告訴我們要在季節和非季節中做好預備。





是的,我們在神的帶領下進行預備和計畫,就像經文中告訴我們的那樣,"馬是為打仗之日預備的......" 但馬不會帶來勝利或拯救--神會。是的,預備!這很重要。同樣重要的是,甚至更重要的是,保持你的耳朵聽神和祂在這個時候說的話,因為只有祂能帶來拯救。

我們可以在舊約中讀到神說要 "預備 "的其他事例。每當神要出現並來到祂的子民面前時,祂總是告訴他們要預備。這讓我興奮不已!神即將現身,並展現出來!我們預備好了嗎?我們預備好了嗎?我們預備好了嗎?



Prepare for Deliverance!
Kim Potter, Dayton, Tennessee
Nov 5, 2022

Prepare for What?

If you were with us in 2020, you may recall, at the beginning of that year, God gave me several writings on something He spoke to me one morning. The word He spoke was, "Prepare." That year, I wrote several messages on this. However, looking back, I wasn't fully prepared. First of all, I had no idea what was coming. I have regretted not praying more into those words at that time.

I remember when God spoke those words to me; I thought He was telling me to spiritually prepare for something that was about to happen or come my way, and I did do that. When Covid hit, I was spiritually prepared and it didn't rattle me. As the months dragged on, my faith did not move.

Desires Fulfilled Amidst the Battle

It was also during this season that the Lord showed me a Scripture from the Passion Translation: "May Yahweh give you every desire of your heart and carry out your every plan as you go into battle" (Psalm 20:4).

From this Scripture, I knew there was a battle ahead; BUT in the midst of the battle, God would give His people the desires of their heart. That is good news.

Remember, we are not fighting for victory but from a place of victory. Victory was already attained at the Cross. Our fight is a fight of faith. Our battle is a battle of standing firm on the promises of God. Still, there are times when God will tell us to prepare for what is ahead. He did it all throughout the Bible and He still does it today.

When He begins to speak to me this way, the first thing I prepare is my heart. I make sure everything is right in my heart. I make sure I am hearing His voice correctly. I set aside quiet time with God to ensure that my heart and faith are in position. Beyond that, if there is anything more that He leads me to do, I simply do it.

Be Ready in Season and Out of Season

I learned some things in 2020. I learned that while I was spiritually prepared, I was not prepared in the natural. Had I pressed into that word, I would have been prepared in both ways – spiritually and naturally. While I am not a "gloom and doom" person, I do choose wisdom. I learned from the lessons in 2020: stay prepared. The Bible tells us to be ready in season and out of season.

In the past two years, I have made sure to have things I may need stocked up for at least a month (food, necessities and anything else that pertains to me and my family) – not because I am afraid I won't be able to get them, but because it will keep me out of the craziness that happens when things go wrong in our world. I can stay in peace in my home while the chaos is going on out there with people who are not prepared.

Who would have thought there would be a shortage of toilet paper for goodness' sake? Who would have imagined people fighting over food and necessities? Yet we saw both of these things worldwide in 2020.

Deliverance and Victory Are of the Lord

This reminds me of another Scripture found in Proverbs 21:31: "The horse is prepared for the day of battle, but deliverance and victory are of the Lord."

Yes, we prepare and we plan when God leads us to, just like the Scripture tells us, "The horse is prepared in the day of battle..." But the horse doesn't bring victory or deliverance – God does. Yes prepare! That's important. It's just as important, or even more so, to keep your ear open to God and what He is saying in this hour, for He alone will bring deliverance. 

We can read about other instances where God said to "prepare" in the Old Testament. Whenever God was about to show up and come into the presence of His people, He always told them to prepare. That excites me! God is about to show up and show out! Are we ready? Are we prepared?

Why am I writing this today? Because recently one morning, when I awoke, one of the first words I heard was, "Prepare." This time, I am praying into those words to make sure I am prepared spiritually, mentally and physically. I don't know what is ahead, but this I do know: deliverance is of the Lord, and we, my friends, are about to see deliverance. Praise the Lord!