
11月 -「轉」的時候到了
轉載/轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網


幾個月來,我一直期待著11月的到來。我真的覺得這將是一個對許多人來說都很重要的月份。當我今天早上從這夢中醒來時,我感到信心進入我的心,在11月將有一個主權恩典臨到主的子民,為那些許多人一直相信上帝的事情禱告並呼召 "的時候",特別是關於關係的恢復和父親轉向子女、子女轉向父親的和好。這不僅是指自然關係,也是指"將心轉向我們天上的阿爸父",與浪子和你們中許多人一直懷有的失去的親人有關。

我還相信,主所命令的這種"",是與大爭戰和爭戰的環境和情況有關的。主將 "扭轉"潮流,將你們的哀傷變成舞蹈,將你們的憂傷變成歡樂!(詩篇30:11-12)。


1. 移動某物,使其處於與周圍環境或之前位置不同的位置。



2. 改變自己身體的位置,使自己朝向不同的方向。



3. 改變或導致改變方向。


4. 改變方向的流--潮流--"潮流已經轉向"

就在最近,主提醒了我幾年前的一個夢,夢中提到了王潮的到來。在這股王潮中,父親對子女、子女對父親的心得到了和好和恢復。最近我在默想這個夢時,主說我們現在正處於王潮的季節。國王在潮流中,帶來恢復、償還與和好。王的潮流也是指最大的潮汐。當主的潮流為所愛的人在這個時候轉向時,許多人將會經歷到神在他們生命中的行動,這將超過他們以前所經歷的神在他們生命中的任何其他潮流標誌。國王的潮水超越了 "正常 "的邊界線。準備好了,當主為你行動的時候,你所求所想的都會得到極大的、豐富的滿足。

5. 將一頁紙翻移,使其與前一頁紙平齊--"翻頁"


6. 繞過軍隊的側翼或防線,以便從側面或後方攻擊它。


7. 樹葉轉變顏色--季節的變化



當主用 "轉"的命令充滿你的嘴時,有一種宣告 "翻轉"的恩典。



在我做這個和好與恢復的夢之前的昨天晚上,當我在哄孩子們睡覺時,我睜開眼睛看到了我生命中的一個時期,我正在透過禁食和禱告為某個家庭成員進行爭戰。這時,他們的生活中發生了一場激烈的戰鬥,這簡直是一場黑暗戰勝光明的戰爭。在我完成了主引導我為他們做的禁食禱告後,我在靈裡大聲聽到 "他們已經過了轉角了"。這個季節是11年前,所以這段記憶在我腦海中並不突出。因此,當我有這個敞開的異象時,我知道主是在對我說預言,關於我們在這個季節所爭戰的事物。然而,直到今天早上,我才推論出。在這次遇見神之後,我在晚上做的夢,以及今天早上主對我的心說的關於 "轉"的話,是雙重見證。主正在下令,在他所愛的人身上有一個"轉角"。



宣告那些被愛的人、被疏遠的人、浪子和迷失的人的 "轉回"。

在這個季節,也有一種從神的心中流出來的呼召,呼召他的教會回到古道。他們將在那裡找到平安的美好古道(耶利米書6:16)。那些被主安排為身體代禱的人,現在是呼召教會 "轉回"主的道路上的時候了。

轉回對耶和華的敬畏,才能使人離棄邪惡。聖經說,對主來說,最 "邪惡 "的東西之一是不信的心(希伯來書3:12 NKJV)。

讓我們禱告,讓敬畏主的心感動那些導致人 "離開 "和不走他的路的堅硬的心,使人 "轉回",醒悟到神的愛。






These are the words I heard as I came out of a dream early hours of November 3rd 2022. This dream symbolised restoration and reconciliation.

For months I have had anticipation regarding the month of November. I really felt it was going to be a significant month for many. As I woke from this dream this morning, I felt faith enter my heart that there will be a sovereign grace come upon the Lord’s people in this month, to pray and CALL FORTH the “time for turning” on those things many have been believing God for, especially regarding restorations in relationships and reconciliations in hearts of the father turning to the children and children to the father. This not only isolated to natural relationships but also refers to the “turning of hearts to our heavenly Abba Father” in relation to the prodigals and the lost loved ones many of you have been carrying in your heart.

I also believe this “turning” that the Lord is decreeing it’s time for, is in relation to circumstances and situations of great battle and contending. The Lord is going to “TURN” the tide and “TURN” your mourning into dancing and your sorrow into JOY! (Psalm 30:11-12)

Some dictionary meanings for the word to turn, is:

1. to move something so that it is in a different position in relation to its surroundings or its previous position.

The Lord is “turning” things in your favour. Instead of your former shame you shall have “twofold” recompense. There will be promotions and increase, and a positioning for victory.

Isaiah 61:7
“Instead of your former shame you will have twofold recompense; Instead of dishonour and reproach [your people] shall rejoice in their portion.

2. To change the position of one’s body so that one is facing in a different direction.

This is the meaning of repentance. The Lord is turning the heart that is fixed in the direction of the world and compromise to a devotion and commitment to Him.

Luke 1:17
And He will go before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn back the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient and incredulous and unpersuadable to the wisdom of the upright [which is the knowledge and holy love of the will of God]

3. To change or course to change direction.

For some the Lord is going to position you for victory by changing your direction. This will not be the strategy for all in this season but for some of you the change of direction will be a victory strategy. I feel the Lord say as the wind changes direction so will His leading. Be sensitive for the strategy to change as the wind of His spirit moves upon you and guides you into position.

4. To change the flow of a direction - the tide – “the tide has turned”

Just recently the Lord reminded me of a dream I had several years ago that spoke of the coming of the KING TIDE. In this KING tide there was a reconciliation and restoration of hearts of fathers to children and children to fathers. As I was recently meditating on this dream the Lord said we are now in the season of the KING TIDE. Where the KING is in the tide bringing restitution, recompense and reconciliation. A KING tide also references a largest of tides. As the tide turns for the Lord’s beloved in this hour, many are going to experience the move of God upon their life that will surpass any other tide mark they have previously experienced of God’s move in their life. A King tide surpasses the “normal” boundary lines. Get ready for exceedingly, abundantly above all that you can ask or think as the Lord moves on your behalf.

5. To move a page over so that it is flat against the previous page – “to turn the page”

This turning refers to a new beginning, the ending of the old and the beginning of the new. For some experiencing the “turning” will be dying to the old and stepping into the new. It will be the closing of chapters and the starting of new.

6. To pass around the flank or defensive lines of an army so as to attack it from the side or rear.

As I read this meaning I was reminded of the change of strategy the Lord gave David when He enquired of the Lord regarding the battle against the philistines in 2 Samuel 5 :23-24. Get ready for God to bring a turning by changing your battle plan. Get ready to take a different position in the battle in order to see the situation “turn”.

7. To turn a leaf – change of season
One sign of a season change is when the leaves turn colour. The presence of the Lord’s “turning” in your life could be marked by a metamorphosis. The Lord is changing us from the inside out. There is a deep work of the Holy Spirit upon hearts in this season to bring about such a metamorphosis likened to the caterpillar to the butterfly. Ways of thinking and believing are being moved upon by the Holy Spirit in this hour to bring the turnaround we have all been so desperately contending for. The turnaround for many will hinge upon this internal metamorphosis in thinking and believing to think as He thinks and believes about the situations we are contending for breakthrough in. The Lord is going to deep roots of unbelief and crooked thinking, and taking out the heart of stone and replacing it with a heart of flesh (Ezekiel 11:14-21)


As the Lord fills your mouth with decrees of “TURNING” there is a grace to declare the “TURNAROUND”.

Turnaround meaning: an abrupt or unexpected change, especially one that results in a more favourable situation.

Decree the turnaround and see an abrupt and sudden change of direction over situations and see God turn them in your favour.

Declare the end of the enemies work over your situations, your loved ones and families, your health, your wealth, your boundary lines, your state, your nation, whatever it is you are contending for, declare the turnaround.


To turn a corner means: to pass the critical or most difficult point and the beginning of improvement.
Last night before I had this dream of reconciliation and restoration, as I was putting my kids to bed, I had an open-eyed vision of a time in my life where I was contending for a certain family member through fasting and prayer. There was a fierce battle raging over their lives at this time, and it was literally a war of darkness over light. After I had completed an intercession fast the Lord led me to do on their behalf, I heard in my spirit so loud “THEY HAVE TURNED A CORNER”. This season was 11 years ago, so this memory was not in the forefront of my mind. So, when I had this open-eyed vision, I knew the Lord was speaking to me prophetically regarding what we are contending for in this season. However, it wasn’t until this morning that I put two and two together. The dream I then had during the night after this encounter and what the Lord spoke to my heart this morning regarding the “turning” was the double witness. The Lord is decreeing there is a “turning of corners” over His beloved.

The battle of things His people have been contending for, He is saying has turned a corner.

The Lord wants to encourage His people they are passed the worst of it, agree with heavens decree and begin to see the “turning of corners” in your areas of contending.


Declare the “return” of those loved ones, those estranged, the prodigals and lost.

There is also a call flowing from the heart of God in this season that is calling His church back to the ancient paths. The good old way where they will find peace (Jeremiah 6:16). Those of you who the Lord has positioned to intercede for the body, this is the time to call the church to “return” to the ways of the Lord.

There is a return to the FEAR OF THE LORD that will enable men to depart from evil. Scripture says one of the most “evil” things to the Lord is a heart of unbelief (Hebrews 3:12 NKJV).

Let us pray for the Fear of the Lord to move upon hard hearts of unbelief that cause one to “depart” and not walk in His ways, to bring a “return” and awakening to the Love of God.
Return meaning: To come back to a place or a person.

Jeremiah 24:7
And I will give them a heart to know Me, that I am the Lord: And they shall be My people and I will be their God: for they shall return unto Me with their whole heart.

As I was praying into this word the Lord gave me I really believe that right now there is a grace upon calling forth and declaring and decreeing the turning. So whatever part of this word felt like a rhema word for you, engage with it and call it forth over who or what you are contending for. For this is the TIME FOR TURNING.

Anita Alexander