

利百加 - 繩上的結
作者:Denise Sylvia Bekker
原文來源:Quill Scribes - Prophetic Writings
轉載/轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網







這句話是耶穌給我的......現在繩上的結......這就是我將先知性地闡述的內容。利百加的名字也描繪了這個意思--打結的繩子。她來自一個知道使用繩子作為 "結繩"的習俗的支派。這是一種原始的測量工具,用於測量距離。以固定的間隔打結。測量土地,如田地或建築地基中的距離!測量的結果總是統一的。有什麼比2022年更統一呢?神聖的地基已經完成,田地已經發白,可以收割了!繩子上的這個先知性結點已經被標記為基督身體的一個關鍵時間點。我們已經進入了聖潔的國度應許之地。

利百加佩戴護身符,用彩色紗線編織的手鐲。神秘的創作和它們被 "打結 "的方式蘊含著口語和書面語的意義。世界 "偷走的東西......耶穌為祂的榮耀而奪回。耶穌打了一個 "結",在繩子的末端打了一個結,阻止祂的三股繩解開。防止出現漏洞。鮮紅的線承載著祂的DNA。祂正在編織五彩繽紛的先知性紗線,並已測量出祂的領域。時間的結點已經測量了所有可以測量的東西。為超自然的居住地做預備。祂的國度的神秘性正在被揭示。


有一種文字遊戲。"創造 "是 "打結 "的一種形式。就像祂在子宮裡形成我們一樣,是一種交織的塑造和成型。有一個錯綜複雜的形成正在發生,就像"懷孕 "中對時間的測量。祂的屬靈子宮的神聖保護已經到位了。






REBEKHA - Knot in The Rope

Genesis 24

The Lord Jesus has been speaking to me about Rebekha and the true meaning of her name. What is in a name?

Rebekha is the prophetic picture of the End Time Bride of Yeshua. The Bride who draws water from spiritual wells of salvation. Dowry gifts given unto her, as is The Gifts given to The Bride of Christ. His assured Promise, the guarantee unto His Spiritual Bride.

The Lord had me look deeper into the prophetic meaning of Rebekha’s name. And in the Spirit I heard..For Now there is a Knot in The Rope! Rebekha means - Captivating, knotted cord. (To bind, to tie)

She was Captivating in The Beauty of Humility, just as His Bride should be. Radiating His Glory, Altogether Lovely! It is also amazing how her name depicts to bind or tie. This is so prophetic! As Rebekha was bound in betrothal to marry Isaac. Isaac was bound and tied to wood as a sacrificial sacrifice by his father Abraham! Her submission to meet with Isaac was a sacrificial offering. Leaving all behind to follow...

In the era I felt The Lord emphasis..Prophetic Rebekha as the greatest preparation of His Bride is now at hand! She bore no children for 20 years! This is the Era of The Double Portion. Just as Rebekha bore twins after being barren for 20 years, depicts the acceleration of supernatural birthings in this time.

It is this phrase Jesus gave me..Now there is a Knot in The Rope..this is what I will prophetically will expound on. Rebekha’s name also portrays the meaning - knotted cord. She was from a tribe who knew the custom of using rope as ‘knotted cord.’ This was a primitive surveyors tool for measuring distances. Knotted at regular intervals. Measuring land, distances as in a field or building foundation! The measures were always uniform. What is more uniform than 2022! The Holy Foundation is Complete and The Field is white unto harvest! This prophetic Knot in The Rope has been ear marked as a crucial point of time in The Body of Christ. We have entered into Holy Kingdom Habitation.

Rebekha would have worn amulets, bracelets woven in colourful yarn. Mystic creations and the way in which they were ‘knotted’ held the meaning of spoken and written words. What ‘the world’ has stolen..Jesus has reclaimed for His Glory. Jesus has tied the ‘Stopper Knot’, the knot at the end of the rope that stops His Cord of Three Strands from unravelling. Preventing loop holes. The Scarlet Thread holds His DNA. He is weaving colourful prophetic yarns, and has measured out His Field. The Knots in Time have measured all there is too measure. Prepare for supernatural habitations. The Mystic of His Kingdom is being made known.

To tie the knot, in a worldly sense is very specific of getting married. In every Era there has been a spiritual knot, the marker of time, each knot held a Prophetic Word. New Era Word is coming forth, the secret things of God. His Mystic Revelation birthed by Wisdom.

There is a word play..’creating’ is a form of ‘knotting.’ A shaping and moulding as in interweaving, just as He formed us in the womb. There is an intricate forming taking place, a measuring of time as in ‘Being Pregnant.’ And a Holy Protection of His Spiritual Womb is in place.

Hallelujah! For The Bride encompasses Her Groom 7 times! Weaving cords of Righteousness, Justice and Love. Three strands of Power. The Bride (7 Churches) encompassing the manifestation of Perfection and Completeness.

Genesis 24:60 And they blessed Rebekah, and said unto her, Thou art our sister, be thou the mother of thousands of millions, and let thy seed possess the gate of those which hate them.

Ecc 4:12b A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.

Psalm 139:For you created my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully wonderfully made, your works are wonderful, I know that full well.