

選擇 22



當所有基督徒中只有不到5%的人知道自己的部分,更不用說在其中發揮作用時,我們怎麼能成長到 "各體的功用彼此相助"的地步?我們必須問的問題是,我們如何運用這些其他基本層次的身體預備來實現這一目標?

首先,我們首先要明白,新約的事奉是為了裝備聖徒做事奉的工作,而不是為了自己做所有的事奉工作。大使命是 "使人作門徒"。任何不這樣做的事工都不是真正的新約事工。一個人可以是一個偉大的傳道人,能言善道,得人恩寵,但卻不能按照這些資格成為一個裝備的事工。

例如,一個人可以是一個熟練的專業醫生,卻沒有醫治的恩賜。神甚至可以也會在某種程度上恩賜非信徒,即聖經中所說的 "普通恩典",這種恩典是賜給所有人的。這些都是自然的才能,除非神賜給他們,否則沒有人擁有,即使是那些不相信他的人。然而,當我們遇到一個也被呼召為醫治者的醫生時,就有了區別。他們的執業不僅僅是一份工作或職業,而是一種呼召。他們的病人不僅僅是一個數字;他們是他們所憐憫的人。

普通的恩典是有價值的,來自神,即使接受者不承認他。想一想吧。你願意讓一個不認識神的高超的腦外科醫生為你的大腦做手術,還是願意讓一個真誠的、被聖靈充滿的實習醫生為你做手術?即使在那些不承認神的人身上,尊重來自神的普通恩典也是正確的。然而,那些被稱為醫治者的人超越了自然技能,擁有來自神的更高層次的恩典,在聖經中被稱為 "特殊恩典"。當然,這將是首選的醫生。

在基督的身體裡也是如此,儘管不應該是這樣。一個教會領袖可能有知識,有技能,在講道時能言善辯,致力於追求卓越,但沒有被召。他們的工作可能仍然有祝福,因為即使是他不願意居住的地方,神也能而且會祝福。我們可能在各方面都是最好的專業人員,但這與被神呼召和委託是不一樣的。對於被呼召的人來說,有一種 "特別的恩典",它超越了自然能力和專業奉獻。

神賜福於以實瑪利,使他成為一個偉大的國家。今天許多工作是 "屬靈的以實瑪利"。他們不是由神呼召,而是由人產生。神會盡可能地祝福他們,但他們不會成為神應許的種子。像以實瑪利一樣,當以實瑪利們顯現時,他們也將最終迫害以撒們,即被呼召的人。出於這個原因,我們不應該對神所祝福的東西印象過深,而應該尋求神的同在,由住在神同在的人帶領。

Choices, Part 22
Rick Joyner

As we have covered, there are four steps to preparation for ministry: 1) teaching, 2) training, 3) equipping, and 4) deployment. Most of the body of Christ seems to be stuck in teaching mode, with little training, less equipping, and even less releasing of the body into their callings. Ephesians 4:15-16 states:

“We are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ, from whom the whole body, being fitted and held together by what every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love” (italics added for emphasis).

How can we grow to a place where there is a “proper working of each individual part” when less than 5 percent of all Christians even know their part, much less function in it? One major question we must ask is, how can we employ these other essential levels of preparation for the body to achieve this?

First, we begin by understanding that New Testament ministry was given to equip the saints for the work of the ministry, not to do all the work of the ministry themselves. The Great Commission is to “make disciples.” Any ministry that is not doing this is not a true New Testament ministry. One can be a great preacher, articulate, and anointed, but not be an equipping ministry according to these qualifications.

For example, one can be a skilled, professional physician without the gift of healing. God can and will anoint even unbelievers to some degree with what is called in Scripture “common grace,” which is given to all men. These are natural talents that no one has unless God gives them, even for those who do not believe in Him. However, when we meet a physician who is also called to be a healer, there is a difference. Their practice is more than a job or profession—it’s a calling. Their patients are more than a number; they are people for whom they have compassion.

Common grace has merit and comes from God even when the recipient does not acknowledge Him. Think about it: Would you rather have a highly skilled brain surgeon who does not know God operate on your brain, or a sincere, Spirit-filled intern? It is right to honor common grace from God even in those who do not acknowledge Him. Yet those who are called as healers transcend natural skills and have a higher level of grace from God called in Scripture “special grace.” Of course, this would be the preferred doctor.

The same is true in the body of Christ, though it ought not be. A church leader may be knowledgeable, skilled, and articulate in preaching, devoted to excellence, but not called. There may still be a blessing on their work because God can and will bless even what He will not inhabit. We may be the best professional in every way, but it is not the same as being called and commissioned by God. For the called, there is a “special grace” that transcends natural abilities and professional devotions.

God blessed Ishmael and made him a great nation. Many works today are “spiritual Ishmaels.” They are not called by God but produced by man. God will bless them as much as He can, but they will not be His promised seed. Like Ishmael, they will also end up persecuting the Issacs, the called, when they are revealed. For this reason, we should not be overly impressed with what God has blessed, but seek rather where His presence abides, led by those who abide in His presence.