
作者:萬達-阿爾傑 Wanda Alger
原文來源:以利亞名單 https://www.elijahlist.com/words/display_word.html?ID=28164 
轉載/轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網







在一個美麗的夏日,我躺在草地上,作為一個六歲的孩子,抬頭看著一望無際的藍天和飄動的雲朵,立刻知道我來自 "那裡"。我覺得離那個看不見的領域如此之近,我幾乎可以觸摸到它。我莫名其妙地知道那是我的來處,也是我的歸宿。創造這片廣闊天地的人也創造了我--我們是錯綜複雜地聯繫在一起的。我覺得離那個現實如此之近,我幾乎可以把自己包裹在雲層裡,作為一條毯子。它是如此超凡脫俗,但奇怪的是,它感覺像家一樣。在那一刻,我幾乎沒有意識到這一天會給我帶來怎樣的影響。

"自從造天地以來,神的永能和神性是明明可知的,雖是眼不能見,但藉著所造之物就可以曉得,叫人無可推諉......" (羅馬書1:20)




然後......在這次親密對話的時刻,我突然意識到祂是在對誰說話。祂不是在對書桌前的成年人說話--我這個 "成熟 "和長大的自己,通過多年的試驗和考驗獲得了一定的理解。不,祂一直在對內心深處的那個孩子說話。不知何故,祂直接進入我的靈,引出那個六歲的女孩,並提醒她那些最初的啟示和對祂的純粹信心。在那些時刻,一切成為可能,沒有什麼比祂壓倒性的同在和能力更重要。祂讓我想起了內心的孩子,祂掌握著領悟祂王國寶藏的鑰匙。










Childlike Faith and Treasures of the Deep
Wanda Alger, Winchester, VA

On a recent day, I was struggling to maintain my focus and attention on the things at hand. Though I take my responsibilities seriously, and deeply care about the people I reach, there is something else that always tugs on my spirit. It is that unseen realm where I know all truth, goodness, purity, and freedom reside. It is that realm of the Spirit where there is absolute peace and total victory over the darkness.

I think about the many others who feel the same battle in finding some equilibrium in these challenging times. Being assaulted on a daily basis with conflicting reports and so many unknowns, something inside of us just longs to be free from it all. I begin to wonder if the struggle is as real as it feels, or merely an exaggeration of my own unsettled thoughts.

You Don't Come from Here

As I sit at my desk and contemplate these things, out of nowhere I hear a voice: "YOU DON'T COME FROM HERE."

He speaks right in my ear, as if He had just walked in the room, and stands directly behind me, crouching down to be sure I hear Him. It is not a rebuke or correction but an affirmation of what my spirit has already been telling me: We don't come from "here." We've been created for something much higher and much grander.

As I ponder His words, something stirs inside of me. A deep longing begins to rise up and I am suddenly taken back to my very first memory of meeting the One who has just spoken:

I was lying on the grass on a beautiful summer day as a six-year-old child, looking up at the sweeping blue sky and the billowing clouds, and immediately KNEW I had come from "there." I felt so close to that unseen realm, I could almost touch it. I somehow knew that was where I came from and that's where I belonged. The One who created this broad expanse had also created me – and we were intricately knit together. I felt so close to that reality, I could almost wrap myself in the clouds as a blanket. It was so otherworldly and yet, strangely, it felt like home. Little did I comprehend at that moment how that day would mark me.

"For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see His invisible qualities – His eternal power and divine nature..." (Romans 1:20 NLT)

As I continue to sit at my desk, reflecting on what I have just heard, the Lord and I begin an inward conversation. I see the battles before us and the dark forces that are determined to keep us Earth-bound. Though my spirit longs to be free and soar above it all, the enemy has been relentless in pulling us down to his level, keeping us fixated on that which we cannot control. Distracting us with the lesser things, he hopes to blind us to the higher things.

The Lord continues to speak to my spirit about His plan concerning these warring realities and His purpose for us who believe. The more He speaks, the more my spirit grows in the comprehension of His words and tears of relief begin to flow. I am once again reconnected to the Source of my hope and longings, and a clarity of purpose begins to emerge. The longer He lingers, the greater my desire is to live from THIS reality of absolute freedom and liberation of soul and spirit. All of the earthly arguments and debates that have been raised against His unseen Kingdom seem to melt in this simple yet profound knowledge of His creative design.

The Child Within Holds the Key

And then...at some point in this intimate conversation, I suddenly realize who He has been speaking to. He has not been speaking to the adult at the desk – my "mature" and grown-up self that has gained a semblance of understanding through years of trials and testing. No. He has been speaking to that child within. Somehow, He reached right into my spirit and drew out that six-year-old girl and reminded her of those first moments of revelation and pure faith in Him. Those moments when all became possible, and nothing was greater than His overriding presence and power. He reminds me of the child within that holds the key to apprehending the treasures of His Kingdom.

"At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, 'Who is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?' And calling to Him a child, He put him in the midst of them and said, 'Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.'" (Matthew 18:1-4 ESV)

I now realize the message He is sending – not just to me but to all who have been yearning for deliverance from this counterfeit matrix. To all who have been praying for freedom from Leviathan's pride and control on the earth, God is showing us His secret weapon. It is a simple childlike faith that can overcome the world. Eternity was planted in our hearts from the moment we were conceived (Ecclesiastes 3:11), and this absolute assurance of His preeminence over all of creation lies hidden in each one of us; and it has great power over the serpent from the deep.

"The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the young goat, and the calf and the lion and the fattened calf together; and a little child shall lead them... The nursing child shall play over the hole of the cobra, and the weaned child shall put his hand on the adder's den. They shall not hurt or destroy in all My holy mountain; for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea." (Isaiah 11:6, 8-9 ESV) (Photo via Unsplash)

This passage is not just a picture of a world at peace, but the power of one who knows their God. It is not those considered smart or strong by human standards that have the winning edge in this battle for truth. It is those with a childlike faith who have never stop pursuing the wonder and awe of all that is unseen; who dare to believe that the impossible can still happen.

A child doesn't have to try and believe. They simply believe. Those who possess this quality cannot be poisoned by the unbelief of the disappointed or the cynicism of the deceived. They bypass the arguments and disregard the doubts because they've been captured by an eternal reality that outlasts them all. They've met their Creator, and they absolutely trust Him.

Childlike Faith and Treasures of the Deep

It is this childlike faith that the Father is calling up; a calling to remember those first moments when we KNEW that He alone was God; a calling to embrace that revelation of His greatness and dare to believe in His absolute goodness even in the face of the most hideous evil. Where the adult in the room questions and debates, the child simply runs into place. It is this unshakable trust in our Master Creator that can nullify the spirits of control and destroy the deceptive lies. The king of pride has no choice but to bow in the presence of such pure and simple faith.

There are treasures of the deep that the Lord wants to give us – hidden truths, incredible revelations, and untold provision for the days ahead. It is the joy of His heart to share the abundance of His Kingdom and reveal the fullness of His glory to all who simply believe.

The only secret in this journey is to understand what is already inside of you. The secret to unlocking the treasures of His Kingdom is to enter in as a child.