

作者:羅利-庫利 Lorilei Cooley
原文來源:以利亞名單 https://www.elijahlist.com/words/display_word.html?ID=28148 
轉載/轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網


許多人已經走到了道路的盡頭,一個"長途"季節的結束。你生活中一些停滯、無法前進的領域,最終結果已經到來。你將不再陷入重複的循環和保持模式中,被改道和拖延。你正從 "停滯不前 "的地方被轉移到重要的運動中。混亂、迷茫和缺乏方向的感覺都在改變。你正在獲得全新的視角,對你面前的事物有一個清晰的認識。










你們中的許多人已經感到你們的未來看起來很暗淡,因為沒有任何改變或移動,而且已經這樣很久了。但是要知道,你們中的許多人正在進入他們預定的未來;你們正被賦予 "希望和未來",就像這節經文所說的。我們現在正處於那個季節--看到這些變化發生。前所未有的變化正降臨到你生命中所有長期停滯不前的領域--從結盟和連結到家庭和事工;這些領域現在正走向生命。它們將不再是乾燥和貧瘠的,而是充滿了祂話語的實現。


你們中的許多人正在進入那些 "它終於實現了"和"我知道我聽對了"的最終時刻,確認你第一次聽到它時並沒有瘋。那些已經站起來並一次又一次接受考驗的人將看到祂的話語的成就,因為他們沒有動搖,繼續堅定他們的信仰立場。

你的信心是滿足有形的物質。讓我提醒你希伯來書11:1:"信就是所望之事的實底,是未見之事的確據。" 保持盼望和信心;主現在有很多事情正在做。願你的期待永遠存在,知道祂所應許的許多事現在正走到前臺,顯現出來。


Your Greatest Days Are Now in Front of You!
Lorilei Cooley, Scottsdale, AZ

From a Standstill to Momentous Movement

Many have come to the end of the road, the end of a "long haul" season. A finality has come to some on-going areas of your life that have kept you at a standstill and unable to move forward. You will no longer be caught in the repetitive cycles and holding patterns, being rerouted and delayed. You are being moved from the place of 'standstill' to momentous movement. The feelings of being in disarray, in confusion and lacking direction are all changing. You are getting a fresh perspective and clarity for what is upon you and ahead of you.

You have been preparing and waiting for some time, but you are now coming into great changes, unexpected avenues and things that you have hoped would come to fruition for so long.

Last Lap Before the Finish Line: You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet!

You are on your last lap and approaching the finish line; you are crossing over into your promised land. Don't be afraid to move forward, and know that it is okay to let go of people, places and situations, because not everything can go where you are going. The Lord has so much more prepared for you; your greatest days are now right in front of you.

I am reminded of this verse: "'The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house,' says the LORD Almighty. 'And in this place I will grant peace,' declares the LORD Almighty" (Haggai 2:9). (Photo via Pixabay)

You are not only closing in on mega breakthrough, but the landscape around you is rapidly changing and conforming to what the Lord has spoken over you and this season. His appointed time has already been set.

I was reminded of this idiom that the Lord has used before to speak distinctively to me: "You ain't seen nothing yet." Now as I heard this, I felt the Lord smiling down upon His people, and there was a sudden overflow of joy. The joy brought the reassurance of what He is doing and what is about to happen. It was the confidence in knowing that He is faithful and true, and that His word never fails.

Things Are Coming Together and Falling Into Place

In a video I released a few months ago, I spoke about the next few months through December, and felt this was a time of things coming together and falling into place. There are new connections and alignments that have come (and are coming) from the least-expected places, and they will lead you further into the plans that the Lord has for you in this season.

"'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'" (Jeremiah 29:11)

Many of you have felt that your future looks bleak, because nothing has changed or moved, and it had been like this for so very long. But know that many of you are coming into their predestined future; you are being given "hope and a future," like this verse says. We are in that season now – to see those changes happen. Unprecedented changes are coming to all long-standing, stagnant areas in your life – from alignments and connections to family and ministry; those areas are now coming to life. They will no longer be dry and barren but filled with the fulfillment of His word. (Photo via Unsplash)

Your Faith Is Meeting Substance

Many of you are coming into those finally moments of "It finally came to pass," and "I know I heard right," affirming that you weren't crazy when you heard it the first time. Those who have stood and have been tested time and time again are going to see the fulfillment of His word, because they didn't waver and continued strong in their stance of faith.

Your faith is meeting tangible substance. Let me reminded you of Hebrews 11:1: "Now faith is the substance of things hope for, the evidence of things now seen." Stay hopeful and in faith; there is so much that the Lord is doing right now. May your expectancy be ever present, knowing that many things which He has promised are now coming to the forefront and into manifestation.

Your days of desolation and isolation; wondering and wandering are over, for it is time to see your latter days which will be greater than your former days.