

作者:菲奧雷拉-喬達諾 Fiorella Giordano
轉載/轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網











Fiorella Giordano


I had the voice of the Lord visit me very powerfully yesterday on my drive to see family.

As I was driving the Holy Spirit brought to mind a dream I had had where I was being given an America passport, but the passport had belonged to someone else in 1922 whose name was Raphaela, which means God has healed. I remember feeling a bit puzzled as to why I was being given this passport but I understood that it was about an identity of healing. The number 1922 remained a mystery, although in the dream it was evident it was a 100 year old passport.

Yesterday on my drive as I was thinking about this dream I heard the Lord speak to me so clearly, He said, “what I am giving you is access to the 100 year generation, I am opening and creating a new generation on the earth whose life and longevity will be like you have not seen before, and they will live beyond the 100 year mark, and that is only the beginning of what I am about to do to reveal the power of the indestructible life of My Son. I am releasing a realm of live expansion that will shift timelines of delay that have held back my promise. I have called you to build the next 100 years but it is beyond building an age in the earth, it is building a centennial age in the being of people. The conflict of delay and decay of time will be solved with New Creation realms of healing. People will experience healing but the healing will reverse the aging in their life, this is the mark of My glory in the beginning of this age. Many have looked for a generation that is labeled by the experts in the earth, the Mi
llennials, or Gen Z, but I am forming a new generation that holds no label made by man in the earth. They hold an identity that belongs to Me and proceeds from Me, and its not bound by the context of the present age that remains in darkness. I am forming a Centennial generation that will carry a hundred year realm of life, and a hundred year metron of restoration, a hundredfold blessing, and this is only the beginning, set your gaze beyond this paradigm for I will take you beyond the bounds of this word into the next.”

As I heard this word being released in my being I was struck with such awe. Only God could create a generation amidst all the labels that exist today.

There is access to a new 100fold realm being opened in this moment. Its time to shift in a magnitude of vision we have not had before, a realm of vision that is not of our faith but of the very faith of God.

This brings me to the last point, the number 1922 in the Strongs Greek concordance is the word Epignosis which means a knowledge that is mature, that is in the fullness of discernment and awareness, the realm of healing and wholeness that God is releasing is a system of the Knowledge of God and its expression will be profound healing as we have not seen before.

1922 in the Strong’s Hebrew Concordance is the word Hadar, meaning to glorify, magnify, and to honor,

“For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.” Had 2:14