

DAY 90

昨天我們學習了福音在我們這個時代是如何被大肆歪曲的。福音已經從 "耶穌來拯救我們的罪 "變成了 "耶穌來拯救我們的麻煩"。這兩者之間存在著永恆的區別。




這是否揭示了為什麼彼得被派往猶太人那裡,而保羅被派往外邦人那裡?彼得,一個不學無術的漁夫,對他被派去的猶太人來說是一種冒犯。另一方面,保羅,一個 "法利賽人中的法利賽人",對他被派往的外邦人是一種冒犯。他們中的任何一個人能夠成功地接觸到他們所被呼召的人的唯一方法就是依靠聖靈。如果聖靈不來,也不會有人因為使者而來到主面前。所有真正的信使都將不過是 "地上的器皿"。容器的樣子並不重要,重要的是裡面的東西。當我們不得不花太多時間來裝扮器皿的時候,那是因為器皿裡的東西太弱了。



我感謝主,感謝所有在外地為主傳福音而奉獻自己生命的人。我也見過許多人正在做我認為是真正的使徒工作。即便如此,基督教的結構正在被許多人削弱,不管是在這裡還是在國外,他們都在宣揚一種容易解決問題的福音,或者一種假的認同感哲學(這不應與對國家和文化罪的認同悔改相混淆)。如果人們不是因為一件事的絕望而來到耶穌身邊--他們的罪孽和對僅能從耶穌的十字架上得到的寬恕的迫切需求--那麼他們是通過 "不同的福音"(見加拉太書1:6)來的,他們來到了另一個不是真正耶穌的神面前。




DAY 90
Truth in Preaching
Rick Joyner

Yesterday we studied about how there has been a great perversion of the Gospel in our times. The gospel has been changed from "Jesus came to save us from our sins" to "Jesus came to save us from our troubles." There is an eternal difference between the two.

The preaching of a gospel that implies that the Lord came to deliver us from our troubles often compels us to wait until a person is in desperation before we share the good news with them. Jesus did not send circumstances to lead men to Himself; He sent the Holy Spirit to convict the world of sin. If a person must be in desperate personal circumstances before coming to the Lord, then their purpose for coming to the Lord will be their circumstances rather than the conviction of their sin by the Holy Spirit. Just as those who were called by the Lord when He walked the earth were not in desperation because of personal circumstances, neither should a person's circumstances determine whether they are ready for the gospel or not.

The power of the gospel is not external. Its effectiveness is not dependent on the circumstances we are in, but on the Holy Spirit. If the Spirit convicts someone of their sins, they will bow the knee to the cross regardless of how well or poorly they are doing. If He does not convict them of their sin, and their desperate need for the cross, then they are coming to Christ on a wrong pretense, and a wrong foundation.

Whatever is built upon a weak foundation will likewise be weak. Is this not a primary reason for the weakness of Christians today? Is this not why there is such a meltdown of morality and integrity among Christians today—studies reveal that there is no discernable moral difference between Christians and non-Christians? When there is no moral difference between Christians and non-Christians then somehow Christ Himself is not in the Christian's life.

Could this reveal why Peter was sent to the Jews and Paul was sent to the Gentiles? Peter, an unlearned fisherman, was an offense to the Jews he was sent to. On the other hand, Paul, a "Pharisee of Pharisees" was an offense to the Gentiles that he was sent to. The only way that either of them could be successful in reaching those to whom they were called was to depend on the Holy Spirit. If the Holy Spirit did not come, neither would anyone come to the Lord because of the messengers. All true messengers will be but "earthen vessels." It does not matter what the vessel looks like—what does matter is what is inside. When we have to spend too much time dressing up the vessel it is because of the weakness of what is in the vessel.

In many schools of evangelism there is a philosophy imparted that we must try to identify with those to which we are called to preach the gospel. This has caused many evangelists and missionaries to become neutralized in their work, and I have witnessed this to be the case with many who are in the field. However, if we are to be truly effective we should understand that the Lord will probably send us to those whom we cannot identify with, and who will not identify with us, just as He did with Peter and Paul. Therefore, they will not come to Jesus because of us, but because of Him! They will come because the Holy Spirit touched their lives, not us.

There is a place for studying customs and cultures for the sake of not being unnecessarily offensive to people, but if many of the missionaries I have met spent as much time studying the Lord, the truth of His Word, and seeking the anointing of the Holy Spirit, as they did studying cultures, they would certainly be reaching far more people with the true gospel.

I thank the Lord for all who are in the field devoting their lives to reaching people for the Lord. I have also met many who are doing what I consider to be true apostolic works. Even so, the very fabric of Christianity is being weakened by many, here and abroad, who are preaching a gospel of easy problem solving, or a pseudo philosophy of identificational sensitivity (This should not be confused with identificational repentance for national and cultural sins). If people do not come to Jesus because of the desperation of one thing—their sinfulness and desperate need for the forgiveness that can come from the cross of Jesus alone—then they have come by way of "different gospel" (see Galatians 1:6) and they have come to another god who is not the real Jesus.

But I am afraid, lest as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, your minds should be led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ (II Corinthians 11:3).

When Jesus is lifted up, on the cross, He will draw all men to Himself. If we lift up any other message for the sake of leading people to salvation, we are preaching another gospel.