
Arise and Become! Crossing Over in Transition

作者:珊蒂福立德 Sandie Freed
原文來源:以利亞名單 https://www.elijahlist.com/words/display_word.html?ID=27982 
轉載/轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網






很多時候,在我們的腦海中,我們可以設想自己最終到達並體驗到我們的突破。無論是我們的醫治、財務轉變、我們的孩子回家、我們的孩子擺脫毒癮、我們的成就感等等,我們的突破關鍵是在所有事情上信靠主--特別是在祂的指引上,這樣我們就能從"這裡 "到"那裡"。我們正處於轉變之中,但要到達那裡,我們必須改變和過渡。我們都想到達"那裡",對嗎?




這裡的"兒子"一詞,指的是我們所有人,包括男性和女性。在聖經時代,獲得家庭產業的是兒子而不是女兒。但在基督裡,我們每個人都得到了皇家產業--都是慈愛的父親的 "兒子"。作為我們原生家庭父母的孩子,可能很難信任他們,但我們的天父是值得信賴和信實的。我們的親生父母可能會讓我們失望,但神從不這樣做!因為祂的信實,我們可以從祂身上學到很多東西。






- 現在誰來領導我們呢?
- 沒有人像摩西那樣有能力!
- 誰能比得上摩西這個人,神這麼多年來用來對我們說話的人?
- 現在誰會為我們代禱?誰來餵養我們或給我們水?
- 摩西是唯一能為我們聽到神聲音的人。現在我們還能相信誰呢?








- 摩西有一根令人敬畏的棍子。我所擁有的只是這把劍。
- 摩西把尼羅河變成了血。
- 你用他在埃及宣告瘟疫。
- 他在出埃及時帶領你的子民前進。
- 他把紅海分開,使他們在乾地行走渡海。
- 他從岩石中引出水來--從岩石中引出!還有更多...
- 神啊!我不認為我可以做到這一切!







在第9節,神說了這些話,為約書亞定下了規矩:"...... 因為你無論往哪裡去,耶和華─你的神必與你同在。"約書亞將領導神的子民,因為他變得剛強壯膽。他變得順服了。他成為一個信靠和跟隨神的領袖。約書亞成為了神所說的領袖:剛強壯膽、順從和遵循祂的指示的人。但是,更重要的是,他在轉變過程中信靠神,因為神對摩西是信實的,現在神應許對約書亞祂也是信實的。




在《約書亞記》第3章中,我們讀到,是時候讓他們過約旦河了。按照神的指示,攜帶神的方舟的祭司要先過約旦河。方舟象徵著神的同在;所以主向祂的子民表明,祂的同在在他們前面,正如祂所應許的與他們同在。約書亞告訴人們:"......吩咐百姓說:你們看見耶和華─你們神的約櫃,又見祭司利未人擡著,就要離開所住的地方,跟著約櫃去。只是你們和約櫃相離要量二千肘,不可與約櫃相近,使你們知道所當走的路,因為這條路你們向來沒有走過......" (約書亞3:3-4)。



這是神的方式,再一次說:"我過去......我將來也是。" 那位"現在的、過去的、將來的"(啟示錄1:4)的神今天仍然給我們的應許依然相同。如果祂的同在與我們同在,我們怎麼會失敗?祂到哪裡,祂的榮耀就到哪裡。幾十年來,我們一直專注於祂的 "恩賜"(給教會的恩賜)然而,祂要求我們信靠的是祂的同在。多年來,我們一直專注於我們的"土地"。但是,如果我們將眼睛盯著祂的同在,並為之呼喊,祂就會給我們土地!"我們可能以前從未這樣過,但我們可以進入知道這一點的安息。"我過去......我將來也是......"




Arise and Become! Crossing Over in Transition
Dr. Sandie Freed, Bedford, TX


Doesn't it appear like we are all having to embrace a continual change? According to statistics, most people don't like change at all. We might think we do, but when it gets right to the point of embracing anything new, it becomes uncomfortable. The point is this: We like to know where we are going. We may need to experience something different, but we want to know what that "different" looks like, right?

Unfortunately, our soulish issues (fear, insecurity, worry, anxiety, fear of failure, etc.) arise when we are led to untraveled and unfamiliar paths. When we are uncertain or unclear during times of transition, we feel unstable. Many falter during transition due to the temptations of the soul (the flesh).

However, dear ones, as God's Kingdom advances, more transitioning and changing is required. Trusting the Lord is mandatory for an advancing army if victory and breakthrough are to be experienced. He alone knows the strategy needed for each of us at this time. Keep reading – I'm going somewhere with this, and I know that what God has shown me will empower you as you shift into greater fulfillment.

What the Great I Am Says About You

Many times in our mind, we can envision ourselves finally arriving and experiencing our breakthrough. Whether it is our healing, a financial shift, our kids coming home, our children delivered from addictions, our fulfillment, etc., our breakthrough keys involve trusting the Lord in all things – especially in His directives, so that we get from "here" to "there." We are in a shift, but to get there we must change and transition. We all want to get to "there," right?

Where is this place you may ask? I'm referring to your land – your land of promise. The Israelites had their Promised Land. Today, we study it as Canaan, the land of the giants that would have to be overthrown, and a land of rest that God had promised His children. Today it doesn't necessarily represent a literal land (although for some of us it could); mostly it is a promise.

Our "land of promise" is the soil of our lives in which God was planted His Word (His seed), and that soil produces the promise that has been sown into it by Him. It could have come in the form of a Scripture that God spoke to your heart, a prophetic word given to you, or in the form of a dream or a minister through which God spoke. Regardless of how you heard it or received it, it was a promise from God in seed form, which was released into the land of your heart to produce your "there"!

In this season, much is being revealed concerning our spiritual identity. We must remember who we really are. We are who He says we are. Let that sink in. Yes, the great I AM says, "You ARE"! You are who God says you are, and only the I AM can get you there. What I mean by this is that He always persuades us that we are His sons. Romans 8:14 reminds us of this truth: "For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God."

The word "sons," here, refers to all of us, both male and female. In biblical times, it was a son who would receive the family inheritance and not a daughter. But in Christ, we each have been given a royal inheritance – all being "sons" of a loving Father. As children of our natural parents, it may have been difficult to trust them, but our heavenly Father is trustworthy and faithful. Our natural parents may have let us down, but God never does!

Because of His faithfulness, we can stand firmly on His promises. His promises include divine protection, direction, provision and His continual presence in our lives. He truly is the Promise Keeper – the One we can fully trust, especially during times of change and transition.

Transition and Crossing Over – AGAIN!

The other week I spoke to our church concerning Joshua chapter 1, when the Lord was instructing Joshua to arise and cross over the Jordan River. It was another transition time for him, as well as for the entire nation of Israel. But, for Joshua to follow God, he had to first rise before he could take any steps in the right direction of destiny. (Photo via Flickr)

When we experience difficult seasons, we get down and depressed, and often a spirit of hopelessness overtakes us. But again, if we want to move forward, we have to arise, trust and follow God! Every transition time requires an arising time.

Joshua chapter 1 tells us that it was a difficult time for Joshua and for all of Israel. Why? Because Moses was dead. He went up a hill one day and never returned. Joshua and the people of Israel were so devastated. They mourned and lamented this loss for thirty days (Deuteronomy 34:8). Can you imagine their thoughts? Questions like these must have gone through their minds:

• Who is going to lead us now?
• No one is as powerful as Moses!
• Who can compare to the man, Moses, the one that God has used to speak to us all these years?
• Who will intercede for us now? Who will feed us or give us water?
• Moses was the only one who could hear from God for us. Who can we possibly trust now?

Moses, their previously anointed leader, was dead, and now they had a new leader and a new direction. Change. Transition. They were afraid!

Yet, it was Joshua who was anointed by God to lead His people forward. He was chosen by God to fill the shoes of Moses. He had previously been Moses' servant and assistant but was now the point man. His transition required that he rise and embrace an identity transition to step into a territorial transition. It is the same for us today.

Arise and Become!

I have been prophetically speaking into the revelation of our spiritual DNA and identity for a long time now. Without repeating what has been proclaimed about our spiritual identity, let me be blunt for the sake of this article: We must arise and become! This is our only way to cross over in this season!

The Lord understood Joshua's challenge! Because Joshua was probably intimidated, unready and uncertain, the Lord told Joshua three different times to be strong and courageous. He needed to regain the strength and courage that he had once had! If you recall, around forty years prior, when sent as spies into the Promised Land, it was Caleb and Joshua who returned with a good report, saying that they were well able to take the land. Even though Joshua saw giants in the Promised Land, he fully trusted in God to give them the victory!

However, during the next forty years in the wilderness, he endured the death of an entire generation. He now faced the challenge of raising up an entirely new generation of warriors who didn't even know how to fight! He needed courage because to look at their situation in the natural, it would appear somewhat hopeless. Joshua had performed zero miracles, and there was no outward demonstration of God's glory and power upon Joshua's life. How would Joshua convince the people to listen and follow his lead?

Think now about all that Joshua may have been thinking and telling God: Lord, these people are going to compare me with Moses! I am not a Moses! Moses was an awesome leader, God. Don't You recall all he did?

• Moses had an awesome rod! ALL I HAVE IS THIS SWORD.
• Moses turned the Nile into blood.
• You used him to proclaim plagues in Egypt.
• He led Your people forth in the Exodus.
• He parted the Red Sea, and they crossed over on dry land.
• He brought forth water from a rock – from a ROCK! And more...
• God! I don't think I can do all that!

Joshua knew He couldn't fill Moses' shoes. Everything was changing and they were in huge transition. It was the beginning of a new season. The old was gone the new was there.

He Promises His Presence

How did Joshua get the strength to arise? How did He rise with the courage that was needed to lead an entire nation into new territory? It was because of this: God promised to be with him! (Photo via Pixabay)

If you carefully study Joshua 1, you'll notice in verse 5 that God assured him, "...Just as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you or forsake you."

In verses 6-9 God charged Joshua with these directives:

1) Be strong and be courageous
2) Be obedient
3) Follow His directives
4) Do not be afraid or dismayed

In verse 9, God said these words that sealed the deal for Joshua: "...for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua would lead God's people because He became strong and courageous. He became obedient. He became a leader who trusted and followed. Joshua became who God said he would be as His leader: strong, courageous, obedient and one who followed His directives. But, even more importantly, He trusted God in the transition, because as God was faithful with Moses, He was now promising to be faithful with him.

It is the same with us today. We are in transition in so many ways, but the main transition we are experiencing is the process of becoming who God says we are! If we are believing to be healthy, we are trusting God for our healing. But it's more than that! It about becoming the healed one!

Transitioning from a place of sickness to a land of health may require a miracle, yes. And aren't we thankful for that? Absolutely. But, ultimately, it is a transition, a change and a transformation process of fully becoming ALL that God intends for us to become!

You've Not Been This Way Before!

In Joshua 3, we read that it was time for them to cross the Jordan. As God directed, the priests carrying the ark of God were to go first over the Jordan. The ark was symbolic of God's presence; so the Lord was demonstrating to His people that His presence was going before them, as He had promised to be with them. Joshua told the people, "...When you see the ark of the covenant of the LORD your God, and the Levitical priests carrying it, you are to move out from your positions and follow it. Then you will know which way to go, since you have never been this way before..." (Joshua 3:3-4).

The people were to fix their gaze on the ark of the covenant, for God redirected the focus of their journey from their uncertainties to His constancy. He was saying this: "I know you haven't done this before, but if you keep your eyes on Me, I'll show you the way."

His Presence Is More Important Than His Presents

It was God's way of saying, once again, "As I was...so I will be." The God "who is and who was and who is to come" (Revelation 1:4) still promises the same for us today. If His presence goes with us, how can we fail? Where He goes, His glory goes. For so many decades we have focused on His gifts – His "presents" (gifts to the Church) – and yet it is His presence in which He is asking us to trust. For years, we have focused on our "land." But, if we will keep our eyes fixed on His presence and cry out for it, He will give us the land! We may have never been this way before, but we can enter the rest of knowing this: "As I was...so I will be..."

My Prayer for Us

Father God, empower us to seek after You and Your divine presence. You promised Joshua that You would lead him and that You would be with him. You promised to be with him just as You were with Moses. That promise empowered Joshua to be able to rise, take courage and become Your leader. Lord, we each believe that in our time of transition, as we cross into our new territory and full destiny, You are with us! You will empower us to become who You say that we are.

We take courage and arise, knowing that Your presence goes before us. We honor You, trust You and love You. As we remain fixed on You, we trust that You will never leave or forsake us, and all that You have promised to do, You will surely do. As we all transition, we are determined to be strong and courageous and advance Your Kingdom. In the mighty name of Jesus I pray, amen!