
你能聽到 "讓祂"(LET HIM)的聲音嗎? 


"讓祂"(LET HIM)
作者:拉娜-瓦舍Lana Vawser
轉載/轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網

在過去的幾個月,我比以往任何時候都更強烈地感受到 "讓祂"這幾個字在我的靈裡燃燒。這聲音正從祂的心中釋放出來,號角一樣響起。這是自潔的聲音,比以往任何時候都更響亮。



主在這個時候正有力地、美妙地移動。我們正朝著我們所見過的、祂的靈在地上最偉大的行動前進。我們被邀請 "預備好"。我們被邀請 "把我們的房子整理好"。我們被邀請以比以往任何時候都更深入、更虔誠的方式來到祂的腳前。因為祂的愛火,祂靈的精煉之火比以往任何時候都要強烈。祂的心在呼喚,祂的靈在燃燒,帶來了從祂的仁慈中孕育出來的深深的悔改,以及對祂的聖潔產生的信念。


此時此刻,在這個季節,我聽到了響亮的"讓祂"。有一個 "讓祂"的新呼召。




在這個時候,有一個神聖的重新評估,祂正在邀請祂的百姓進入。這是在祂面前重新審視的地方,我們把 "手"放在祂的建造、祂的藍圖和祂的道路。因為有些東西要放下,為祂正在建造的新事物騰出空間。有些東西已經建成,不是出自祂的手,現在是時候放手了。因為祂正在釋放祂的空間、地方和藍圖,祂的旨意和祂的心,在這些東西上祂的榮耀將駐留。

你能聽到 "讓祂"的聲音嗎?


Lana Vawser
September 12, 2022

In the last few months, stronger than ever, I have been feeling the words “LET HIM” burning in my spirit intensely. The sound is being released from His heart, it is coming forth like a clarion call. It is the sound of CONSECRATION that is getting louder than ever.

It is the sound of Joshua 3:5,

'Joshua told the people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you”' (ESV)

'Then Joshua told the people, “Purify yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do great wonders among you”' (NLT)

The Lord is moving powerfully and beautifully in this hour. We are moving towards what will be the greatest move of His Spirit in the earth that we have ever seen. We are being invited to “make ourselves ready”. We are being invited to “get our houses in order”. We are being invited to His feet in a deeper and more consecrated way than ever before. For the fire of His love, the refining fire of His Spirit is blazing stronger than ever. There is a wooing from His heart, a blazing move of His Spirit bringing forth a deep repentance birthed out of His kindness, and a conviction of His holiness that is arising.

There is a divine hush, a stillness coming upon the Church that we have not known before. This divine hush, this stillness, is the stillness that comes when His Majesty is revealed. It’s a stillness and a hush, a holy reverence and awe for the King of Glory that comes when He reveals His beauty, His Majesty and His Glory. There is a deep consecration being birthed in many believers in this hour that is flowing from the deep place of encounter with His holiness and His beauty. It is the fear of the Lord that is being restored. It’s the holy awe, the wonder of who He is that shakes off and breaks off complacency. It causes a blazing surrender within hearts that follow Him wherever He goes, follow Him on the narrow road, embracing Him in utter surrender.

At this moment, in this season, I hear the words resounding “LET HIM”. There is a fresh call to “LET HIM”.

There is a fresh call to abandon our ways, to abandon all and be 'all in' for Christ. There is a fresh call to lay our lives down as living sacrifices (Romans 12:1) as His fire falls and consumes us completely.

We are on the precipice of partnering with the Lord, partnering with His Spirit in a move of His Spirit and wonders in the earth like we have never seen before. He is calling us deeper. He is calling us into the deeper place of surrender to His way. He is aligning things quickly. Things are suddenly coming together. Doors are suddenly opening. Positioning is suddenly happening. He is putting all things in place for a mighty move of His Spirit. We must be ready.

It’s time to cast off ALL that hinders. It’s time to cast off ALL that weighs you down and abandon yourself afresh.

There’s a divine re-evaluating He is inviting His people into in this hour. It’s the place of re-examination before Him that all we are putting our ‘hands to’ is His building, His blueprint and His way. For some things are to be let go of, to make room for the new things He is building. There are some things that have been built, not of His hands and it’s time to let go. For He is releasing the spaces, the places and the blueprints of His hands, His desire and His heart and upon these things His Glory will reside.

Can you hear the sound of “LET HIM”?

Let Him into every area of your heart. Let Him into every area of your life. Let Him have full control. Let Him take the reins. The facedown, never seen before, weight of His Glory is mightily and speedily upon us and we must be ready.