

Day 69
雷克-喬納 Rick Joyner
轉載/轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網

昨天我們討論了阿摩司書3:7,其中主說,如果不先向祂的僕人先知們透露祂的 "奧祕",祂就不會做任何事。我們還在詩篇25:14中看到:"耶和華與敬畏他的人親密;他必將自己的約指示他們。" 正是那些敬畏祂的人,祂信任交託神聖的知識。

我們可能會想,如果我們敬畏祂,怎麼能真正與祂成為朋友,但正是理解這些神聖的悖論,才找到生命道路。詩篇25:14中翻譯為 "敬畏"的希伯來語是yare'(yaw-ray'),直譯為恐懼。有些譯本將這個詞譯為 "尊重",當然它是,但它是尊重的十次方。即使我們是祂最好的朋友,祂仍然是神,我們仍然是人。


在保羅的第一封書信中,他聲稱自己甚至不遜於最傑出的使徒。後來他寫道,他是 "使徒中最小的"(見哥林多前書15:9)。幾年後,他又寫道,他是 "所有聖徒中最小的"(見以弗所書3:8)。在他最後的一封信中,他寫道,他是罪魁(提摩太前書1:15)。你看到這裡面的進展了嗎?屬靈的成熟度越高,就越謙卑。

哪個國王或總統會允許不謹慎的人接近他們的寶座,或接近正在進行敏感討論的地方?如果我們想成為那些與主分享祂的 "秘密建議 "的朋友,我們必須明白這是一種榮譽和責任。如果我們要被信任,得到先知的啟示,我們需要有同樣多的智慧,知道什麼時候不分享什麼,什麼時候分享。這種智慧是植根於對主的敬畏。我們可以成為祂最好的朋友,但我們決不能忘記祂是誰。對主的敬畏是智慧的開端,也是所有真正的先知事工的基礎。


DAY 69
Intimacy versus Familiarity
Rick Joyner

Yesterday we discussed Amos 3:7 where the Lord said that He would not do anything without first revealing His "secret counsel" to His servants the prophets. We also see in Psalm 25:14 that "The secret of the LORD is for those who fear Him, and He will make them know His covenant." It is those who fear Him that He can trust with divine knowledge.

We may wonder how we can really be friends with Him if we fear Him, but it is the understanding of these divine paradoxes that the path of life is found on. The Hebrew word that is translated "fear" in Psalm 25:14 is yare' (yaw-ray'), which is literally translated fear. Some translations have rendered this word "respect," which of course it is, but it is respect to the tenth power. Even if we are His best friends, He is still God and we are still men.

John was the intimate friend of Jesus. Judas was familiar. There is an unholy familiarity with God that can be the foundation of the most tragic falls from grace. John, on the other hand, when he was old and the only one of the original apostles left, was caught up into the vision that is recorded as the Book of Revelation. He would still repeatedly fall prostrate in the presence of the Lord. The one who was arguably the man with the greatest revelation of Christ, and the most intimate friend of God, never lost his fear of the Lord. This is probably the main reason why he was trusted with such revelations.

In one of Paul's first epistles, he claims that he is not inferior to even the most eminent apostles. Later he writes that he is "the least of the apostles" (see I Corinthians 15:9). Then a few years later he writes that he is "the very least of all saints" (see Ephesians 3:8). In one of his last letters he writes that he is the greatest of sinners (I Timothy 1:15). Do you see a progression in this? The greater the spiritual maturity, the greater the humility.

What king or president would allow someone who was not discreet to get near their throne, or anywhere close to where sensitive discussions were taking place? If we want to be those friends the Lord shares His "secret counsel" with, we must understand both the honor and responsibility that it is. If we are going to be trusted with prophetic revelation, we need to have as much wisdom to know when not to share something as when to share. This wisdom is rooted in the fear of the Lord. We can be His best friends, but we must never forget who He is. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and it is the foundation of all true prophetic ministry.