

作者:瑪德琳-詹姆斯 Madeline James 
來源:以利亞名單 https://www.elijahlist.com/words/display_word.html?ID=27893 
轉載/轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網 





有功效的(avail或availeth)的意思是 "強大或有能力","有利","有力量或權威","伸展或延伸,因此有力量,有價值"(見kingjamesbibledictionart.com)。當我們禱告時,我們在行使神賦予我們的權柄,從一個有力量和價值的地方伸展、延伸和獲利,以處理我們面前的東西。不要放棄祈禱的地方。使徒行傳的教會經常會聚集在一起,通過祈禱來轉變環境(徒12:5)。

5783 - 報應之年

8月,我們進入了另一個預言視窗,將持續到9月和10月。9月25-27日是猶太人慶祝猶太新年(Rosh Hashanah)("歲首")的日子,也就是5783年的猶太新年。你可以期待異夢的活躍;這將是一個天堂下載的時間。並注意秋季在我們的政府中發生的事情。

5783年代表報應之年。報應是 "獎勵或懲罰的發放或接受......"(韋氏詞典)。[5783]中數位3的希伯來文字母是Gimel。這個希伯來字母的圖片象徵著一個富人追著一個窮人跑,給他施捨。我相信這代表了神的豐盛和富足在我們後面跑。

當我們步入5783年--報應之年--我們將看到祝福和詛咒的 "給出"。這將是一個神糾正錯誤的時刻。那些不顧環境繼續尋求祂的人,將得到公開的獎賞。祂獎勵那些勤奮地尋求祂的人。在此的另一面,神將繼續釋放祂的公義。推翻羅伊訴韋德案的意義重大,在美國釋放了一個公義的時代。Gimel也代表穩定。當神處理虛假的時候,祂在平衡天平,向土地釋放穩定。



當你跨過八月的門檻時,新事物開始在你身上誕生。帶來重生或 "新 "的創造的是神的話語。在你的生命中一直處於休眠狀態的神的道的種子正準備湧現。這就是為什麼我們不能在做好事中感到厭倦,因為在適當的季節--指定的時間--我們將收割......如果我們不灰心的話(加拉太書6:9)。不要放棄!你已經走夠遠了。




這過去和現在都是恢復的畫面。復原(或恢復)是什麼意思?它的意思是 "歸還 "和 "返回";"使之恢復存在或使用";"使之恢復到以前或原來的狀態";"更新 "和 "重新建立"。主渴望將恢復帶到你生命和心靈中已經破碎、乾涸和死亡的領域。以下是在這個季節恢復和收割的關鍵。


1. 唱歌/歡呼





2. 騰出空間


看看以賽亞書54:2中的指示:"要擴張你帳幕之地,張大你居所的幔子,不要限止;要放長你的繩子,堅固你的橛子......" 這個指示需要信心。神會根據你的信心的大小來填充你的帳篷。


3. 鞏固橛子

第二節的另一個指示是 "堅固你的橛子"。橛子就是你打入地下的帳篷釘子。橛子代表神的話語和神的應許。你把你的橛子插在地上了嗎?當風和雨開始吹動你的帳篷時,它必須能夠抵禦風暴。



4. 為收割做準備


收割神為你準備的豐收的關鍵是讓你的心保持期待的狀態,就像農夫等候莊稼開花。什麼是 "到了時候"?在神的時間表上,"到了時候"的季節是一個指定的季節。"到了時候"是指播種和收割之間的時間。它是理所當然地屬於你的東西,或者是欠你的或預期會發生的東西。傳道書3:1說:"凡事都有定期,天下萬務都有定時。"






1. 知道你所處的季節。播種有時,收割也有時。
2. 根據你想收割的東西來種植。
3. 播下多種種子以獲得不同類型的收割。
4. 保護你的種子;用禱告來守護它。在收割之前會有分別。
5. 不要在收割的時候睡覺。沒有人可以為你收割。
6. 釋放收割的天使來幫助你(馬太福音13:39)。




It's Your Time of Restoration and Harvest
Madeline James, Lexington, KY
Aug 29, 2022

The Tipping Point and a Changing of the Guard in Nations

Over the past couple months, much has been taking place in the nations and in the realm of the spirit. The Lord told me in August that the nations would reach a boiling point. We have been at a crucial tipping point. A tipping point is a point at which a very significant change occurs – a decisive moment. Rapid change and realignments are being accelerated in the nations and across the board. We are in a time where we'll continue to see a changing of the guard in the nations, the political realm and in the Body of Christ.

Our Greatest Weapon in This Time

Praying and decreeing the Word of the Lord is our greatest weapon in this time. Our greatest place of power and influence starts on our knees. James 5:16 NKJV says, "...The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much." Prayer is effective when we engage in it, because it carries and releases the power of God.

Avail (or availeth) means "to be strong or able," "to profit," "to be of force or authority" and "to stretch or extend, whence strength, value" (see kingjamesbibledictionart.com). When we pray, we are exercising our God-given authority, stretching, extending and profiting from a place of strength and value to deal with what stands before us. Don't forsake the place of prayer. The Church of Acts would often gather together and prayer to shift circumstances (Acts 12:5).

5783 – The Year of Retribution

In August, we came into another prophetic window that will continue into September and October. September 25-27 is the Jewish celebration of Rosh Hashanah (the "Head of the Year"), which is the Jewish New Year, 5783. You can expect dreams to be active; it will be a time of heavenly downloads. And watch what takes place in our government in the fall.

The year 5783 represents the year of retribution. Retribution is "the dispensing or receiving of reward or punishment..." (Merriam-Webster Dictionary). The Hebrew letter for number three [in 5783] is Gimel. The picture of this Hebrew letter symbolizes a rich man running after a poor man to give him charity. I believe this represents the abundance and riches of God running after us.

As we step into 5783 – the year of retribution – we're going to see a 'giving out' of blessings and curses. This will be a time where God is making right what's wrong. Those who have continued to seek Him, despite their circumstances, will be openly rewarded. He rewards those who diligently seek after him. On the flip side of this, God will continue to release His justice. The overturning of Roe v Wade was significant and has released a time of justice in America. Gimel also represents stability. As God deals with the false, He's balancing the scales and releasing stability to the land.

The Month of New Beginnings

As we stepped into August (the eighth month), we entered into a time of new beginnings. Behold, God is doing a new thing; can you not discern it? (see Isaiah 43:19). The Hebrew letter for the number eight is Chet. The picture for this letter is two pillars with a covering over them. This picture symbolizes the doorway of life. The doorway of life indicates that one is stepping from death to life. Anytime something new happens, there must be a death of something.

As you crossed over the threshold of August, something new began to birth in you. What brings a regeneration or a creation of the 'new' is the word of God. The seeds of the Word of God that have been lying dormant in your life are getting ready to spring up. That's why we can't grow weary in well doing, because in due season – an appointed time – we're going to reap a harvest...if we don't lose heart (Galatians 6:9). Don't give up! You've come too far.

Restoring What Has Been Broken, Dry and Dead

When I began to look up the prophetic meaning for this month (the doorway of life), the Lord had been speaking to me about tents. As I mentioned before, the letter Chet is a picture of two pillars with a covering over them. Given the context of this next passage of Scripture, I think tents can also be a prophetic symbol for enlarging or growing. I believe Isaiah 54:1-3 is one the words and declarations for the times we're in:

"'Sing, O barren one, who did not bear; break forth into singing and cry aloud, you who have not been in labor! For the children of the desolate one will be more than the children of her who is married,' says the LORD. (Photo via Pixabay)

"'Enlarge the place of your tent, and let the curtains of your habitations be stretched out; do not hold back; lengthen your cords and strengthen your stakes. For you will spread abroad to the right and to the left, and your offspring will possess the nations and will people the desolate cities.'" (Isaiah 54:1-3, emphasis mine)

This was and is a picture of restoration. What does restoration (or restore) mean? It means to "give back" and "return"; "to put or bring back into existence or use"; "to bring back to or put back into a former or original state"; to "renew" and "reestablish." The Lord desires to bring restoration to the areas of your life and heart that have been broken, dry and dead. Here are keys to restoration and harvest in this season.

Four Keys to Restoration and Harvest

1. Sing/Rejoice

"'Sing, O barren one, who did not bear; break forth into singing and cry aloud, you who have not been in labor! For the children of the desolate one will be more than the children of her who is married,' says the LORD." (Isaiah 54:1)

The Lord gives the instruction to sing. Why is it that God will often ask us to do the opposite of what our circumstances are looking like? He keeps emphasizing in this passage "Sing, O barren one." Singing or prophesying will begin to shift our hearts and our minds to the right place – out of our flesh and into the Spirit. God doesn't want us to compare ourselves to those who seem to be bearing more. He wants us to position and open our hearts to receive what He has for us.

Something begins to happen when you declare the word of the Lord. Remember the story of Hannah in 1 Samuel. Hannah couldn't bear children yet, but her maidservant, Peninnah, kept having babies. It was a hard truth to swallow. For a time, it made her bitter. She took her frustration and bitterness to the altar and cried out. There was something about her cry that got Heaven's attention, and her womb opened up.

There is a miracle waiting to be activated in your cry and in your song, because it's deep calling to deep (see Psalm 42:7). There's something about a desperate cry that moves the heart of God. It's time to sing again. As you find your song again, restoration will be released.

2. Make Room

For restoration to take place, we have to make room. It's not that God doesn't want to bring restoration, but sometimes we don't give Him the time, space or place in our hearts for the new. I want you to picture a tent. This tent is your heart. What does the tent look like on the outside? Are the doors opened or closed? What does the inside of the tent look like? Is it cluttered? Is there room for Him to come in and dwell in your tent?

Look at the instruction in Isaiah 54:2: "Enlarge the place of your tent, and let the curtains of your habitations be stretched out; do not hold back; lengthen your cords..." This instruction requires faith. God will fill your tent according to the measure of your faith.

In the picture of Chet (Hebrew letter for the number eight), I believe that the covering over the two pillars is like a depiction of the covering of God. The Lord wants to overshadow you. God desires to rest upon you and overshadow you so that He can impart and impregnate you with the things of God. I declare: Your barren places are becoming places of LIFE. He's bringing restoration. Will you make room for Him?

3. Strengthen the Stakes

The other instruction in verse two is to "strengthen your stakes." The stakes are like the tent pegs you drive into the ground. The pegs represent the word of God and the promises of God. Have you put your stakes in the ground? When the wind and rain begin to blow your tent, it will have to be able to withstand the storm. (Photo via Flickr)

I see the Lord wanting you to drive the tent pegs even deeper. God wants His Word to be so deep in your life and heart that there's no opportunity for the enemy to steal the Word. Strengthening and putting our stakes in the ground enables us to be rooted and grounded in Christ. Maturity isn't measured necessarily by how tall you are but how deep you go. Ephesians 3:17-19 says to be rooted and grounded in love. Be secure in Christ, who is love.

Also, it's important to ask yourself what you have been putting your stakes into, and where. Whose life have you been putting your stakes into? What you put your stakes into, or plant yourself in, will reflect in your life. We must be mindful of who we allow to put stakes into our ground, and also whose ground we're putting our stakes into. Discernment is key. We're not always meant to put our stakes into everyone's ground. Strengthen and secure your stakes.

4. Prepare for the Harvest

"And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart." (Galatians 6:9)

The key to reaping the harvest that God has for you is keeping your heart in a place of expectant hope, just as the farmer waits for his crops to bloom. What is "due season"? On God's timetable, due season is an appointed season. Due season is the elapsed time between planting and reaping. It's something that rightfully belongs to you, or something that is owed or expected to happen. Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, "To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under Heaven."

I want to encourage you that there is purpose in your waiting. Due season and harvest are a miraculous time. I can testify to this personally. Someone recently sowed a car into my family. It was a need we were waiting on God to fill. He moved in a miraculous way. May that be your testimony this season – that you will see God move in miraculous ways.

Due season is the right time – God's time where He releases the manifestations of the promises of God. The important thing to remember in this is a simple key: In order to have a harvest, you have to sow something to be reaped. God gives seed to the sower (2 Corinthians 9:10). What have you been doing with the seed God has given you to sow? Be faithful to sow in the season that the Lord has placed you in. Don't grow weary in well doing. There is purpose in what you're doing.

In 1 Corinthians 15:58, Paul encourages us, "Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord."

Six Keys to Reap Your Harvest

Here are six keys to help you reap your harvest:

1. Know the season you're in. There is a season for sowing and a season for reaping.

2. Plant according to the harvest you want to reap.

3. Sow multiple seeds to get different types of harvest.

4. Protect your seed; guard it by prayer. There will be separation before harvest.

5. Don't sleep through the harvest. Nobody can harvest for you.

6. Release the angels of harvest to help you (Matthew 13:39).

A Fresh Wind, a Reason to Celebrate and a Great Transition in Leadership

It's your time of restoration and harvest. As we finish out August, I saw the Lord releasing a sudden gust of wind to push you into September. Many have felt stuck and have been experiencing a lack of clarity. I saw the Lord releasing fresh oil for the gears to begin to move again, and a fresh wind to bring clarity and momentum. As we get into September, I heard the Lord say, "There will be reason to celebrate."

We must also keep our nation in prayer. I saw a great transition taking place in the leadership of our nation.