

2022 每日先知性水流 ( by Doug Addison, Bill / Marsha Burns, Robinson Family-Fullness in Christ Ministries… )

每日先知性話語:8月25 / 26日
中譯:David 職場恩膏
轉載、轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網

艾道格(Doug Addison) 每日先知性話語 (作者7月預先領受、於8月按日發佈):


瑪莎•伯恩斯(Marsha Burns) 每日先知性話語:

拒絕去擔憂明天、下週、明年、或下一個十年可能會發生什麼。你擁有今天來盡你所能/最大努力以成為你被命定要成為的人。處理/照料好你的責任和挑戰就足夠了、當它們來到時。你不知道你前頭會發生什麼,然而,你卻能夠在此時此地奮進成為最好版本的自己。 太6:34「所以,不要為明天憂慮,因為明天自有明天的憂慮;一天的難處一天當就夠了。」
Refuse to worry about what might be tomorrow, next week, next year, or next decade. You have today to do your best to be the person you are destined to be. It is enough to take care of your responsibilities and challenges as they come. You do not know what lies ahead for you, but you can strive to be the best version of yourself here and now. Matthew 6:34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.

蘿賓•羅賓森•鮑林(Robin Robinson Bohlin) 每日先知性話語:

在天父的屋子內一切都很好。在聖靈裡有平安、愛、幸福和喜樂,因為所有美好的事物都與我同住。我是一位良善的父親和一位美善的供應者。如果你發現自己正在經歷了這些參數之外的事情,請環顧四周,看看你是否走出了這屋子之外。如果你是在外頭,你將會受到這些自然因素的影響;回來經驗我的安穩和良善吧! 詩23: 5-6 在我敵人面前,你為我擺設筵席;你用油膏了我的頭,使我的福杯滿溢。我一生一世必有恩惠慈愛隨著我;我且要住在耶和華的殿中,直到永遠。
Everything’s alright in the Father’s House. Again there is peace, love, happiness and joy in the Holy Ghost, for all things good reside with Me. I am a good Father and a good provider. If you find yourself experiencing things outside of these parameters, look around and see if you’ve gone outside the house. You will be subject to the elements if you’re outside – come back in and experience My safety and goodness! Psalm 23: 5-6 (TLB) “You provide delicious food for me in the presence of my enemies. You have welcomed me as your guest; blessings overflow! Your goodness and unfailing kindness shall be with me all of my life, and afterwards I will live with you forever in your home."

巴德•羅傑斯(Budd Rodgers) 每日先知性話語:

唯一確實/可靠的話是來自主的話。人的話可能有好意。人的話可能使我們振奮起來,使我們歡笑,或教育我們。然而主的話卻是大有權能、充滿了生命。聖靈今天向我們說出主的話。要說出主的話,直到所有其他的話都被淹沒,我們聽到的只有主的話!阿們! 太24:35 「天地要廢去,我的話卻不能廢去。」
The only sure word is a word from the Lord. The words of man may have good intentions. The words of man may cheer us up or make us laugh or give us education. The words of the Lord are powerful and full of life. Holy Spirit speak to us the words of the Lord today. Speak until all the other words have been drowned out and all we hear are the words of the Lord! Amen! Matthew 24:35 (TPT) “The earth and sky will wear out and fade away before one word I speak loses its power or fails to accomplish its purpose.”