

作者:喬喬-道森 Joe Joe Dawson
轉載/轉寄 請註明出處:國度禱告網






Joe Joe Dawson

Recently, I was in a time of prayer and the Lord spoke this one word to me, “Settle.” I continued to pray and then the Lord gave me a prophetic vision of a man walking out in a huge open field. I could tell that this man was a pioneer. I then saw several families all working on this piece of land to build houses, plant gardens, and fences and pens for their livestock. Then the Lord spoke to me and said, “Build, build, build.”

I continued to pray but I could sense what the Lord was saying to me through this vision. God is calling many in this season to settle and create settlements in whatever geographical location He has placed them in and to build in whatever sphere of influence He has given to them. This is a season for those with a pioneering spirit to go forth in order to settle and build for the Kingdom of God. Just as the pioneers did in the frontier days, God is looking for those who will launch out into the unknown and create settlements where whatever He places in their hands can be cultivated, built up and flourish.

Many desire to be forerunners and successful in life, relationships, business or ministry but are unwilling to work. The frontier would still be the frontier if the pioneers had been unwilling to work! The sphere of influence God has given to you will not be impacted unless you are willing to put forth your effort, energy and really put your hands to whatever God is calling you to do without looking back. When pioneers would come into a region, they would look at all of the natural resources, assess the land they were going to settle on and strategically build. We must do the same in the spirit. God is looking for those that will strategically build with Him and be pioneers for the Kingdom of God in this hour.

Many people never experience the growth or increase God desires for them to have because they never settle. Now, I’m not referring to settling for less than the absolute best that God has for you. I’m referring to settling in the sense of really letting your roots grow deep in God and in whatever community or body of believers He calls you to. If you never stay committed to a church, a business, a relationship or whatever God is calling you to then you will never see it cultivated to the point of producing fruit. Tilling up the ground of our hearts, of our regions and of our destiny is not easy work. It requires humility, it requires sacrifice and it requires commitment. The Lord is looking for those in this season who are willing to really commit to the hard work it will take to see His will accomplished in our regions, relationships and businesses and ministries. We must be willing to settle into whatever God has for us, allow our roots to grow deep and become established if we want to see growth or experience increase.

I believe what the Lord is saying to us in this season is for each of us to become fully committed to settle and create settlements where God can build in and through our lives. This is a building season and time for us to do everything that God has called us to do. Don’t grow weary. Always remember that in the Kingdom there is seed, time and harvest. The seeds you plant now, will produce fruit and yield an increase if you just keep cultivating. It is time to settle and build!