
選擇 10



我們所謂的 "自然災害 "所造成的破壞,是創造物呻吟和痛苦的結果。有些人把 "環境危機 "歸咎於 "氣候變化",聖經則把它歸咎於人類的罪和邪惡。當然,對環境和地球資源的濫用也可以歸咎於人的罪,但為了恢復地球,人需要與神、與彼此、與被造物和解。

耶穌來到地球是為了救贖我們,也是為了教導我們關於祂即將到來的國度和對地球的權柄,祂的新婦將與祂分享。祂不是來教我們神如何生活,而是教我們必須如何生活,包括我們如何對地球行使公義和公正的權力。這就是為什麼耶穌稱自己為 "人子 "並被稱為 "末後的亞當"(見哥林多前書15:45)。祂來向我們展示我們應該如何生活,因為我們要學習住在 "最後的亞當 "裡。祂教導門徒在祂的權柄下行走,這包括在必要時控制天氣和平息風暴。






Choices, Part 10
Rick Joyner

A few weeks ago, we discussed how the fall of man brought about disharmony between God and man and between man and creation. Both mankind and creation are groaning and travailing for the reconciliation and restoration of harmony as told in Romans 8:19-23:

For the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God.
For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it, in hope
that the creation itself also will be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God.
For we know that the whole creation groans and suffers the pains of childbirth together until now.
And not only this, but also we ourselves, having the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our body.

The destruction caused by what we call “natural disasters” are the result of creation’s groaning and travail. The “environmental crisis” which some have attributed to “climate change,” the Scriptures attribute to the sin and wickedness of mankind. Of course, abuses of environmental and earthly resources could also be attributed to man’s sin, but to restore the earth man needs to be reconciled to God, to one another, and to creation.

Jesus came to earth to redeem us and also to teach us about His coming kingdom and authority over the earth, which His bride will share with Him. He did not come to teach us how God lives but how we must live, including how we can exercise righteous and just authority over the earth. That is why Jesus referred to Himself as “the Son of man” and is called “the last Adam” (see I Corinthians 15:45). He came to show us how we should live as we learn to abide in “the last Adam.” He taught His disciples to walk in His authority, which included controlling the weather and calming storms when necessary.

Walking in the authority of the kingdom comes not only by learning principles of kingdom leadership but also by learning to abide in the King. Only to the degree we abide in Him will we have true spiritual authority. To abide in Him is to come in complete harmony with Him. As we come into increasing harmony with Him, creation will come in increasing harmony with us.

As we previously covered, God is love, and His authority is founded on love. When He felt compassion for man as sheep without a shepherd, He became our Shepherd. When He felt compassion for those who lived in darkness, He became their Teacher. Likewise, when we start loving creation, God will restore the authority He gave man over His creation.

Of course, when our love for creation, other people, or anything else begins to eclipse our love for God, that harmony will begin to break down. “The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing,” and the main thing we are called to do is to love God. However, if we love Him above all things, we will love all things He created and treat them with the respect and care we should, to honor Him.

Jesus said the way we treat even the least of His people is how we have treated Him. How would our relationship with others change if we began treating everyone the way we treat Him? The world would then marvel at the way Christians treat not only each other but also others. They would then be drawn to the society that is unlike any other.

The first-century church came close to this for a time, but when the church grew, and more attention was given to organization than to being the family we were called to be, it began to break down. Our first calling is to be a family, not an organization. Even the greatest, most powerful organization will not make it through the shaking that has now begun, the family of God will. Before the end of this age, Christians will be known for their love. More than any other preparation we can make for these times, growing in our love for God and one another are by far most important. Those who do will know the ultimate peace and harmony of the kingdom and help prepare the way for it. What could we possibly do that is more important than this?